![Associate Professor Italo Onederra](/sites/default/files/profiles/416.jpeg)
Associate Professor Italo Onederra serves as the Director of the Centre for Future Autonomous Systems and Technologies (FAST) at the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering. He leads a research group focused on improving mineral extraction methods with reduced environmental impact through advanced preconditioning and fragmentation techniques.
Recognised internationally as a specialist in explosives and blasting engineering technology, Italo holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with honours from the University of Melbourne, and a Master of Engineering Science and PhD from the University of Queensland. With over 25 years of R&D experience and consulting work in Australia, South America, Africa, and Europe, Italo has demonstrated exceptional leadership and impact in both research and industry. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, contributed to technical reports and books, and co-invented novel nitrogen oxide-free explosives based on hydrogen peroxide. Italo is also known for developing fragmentation modelling techniques, which have been incorporated into commercial software used globally by industry and academia, as well as pioneering the use of physics engines in blast movement modelling to improve ore control and maximise recovery.
- Associate Professor Italo Onederra is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Engineering, University of Melbourne
- Masters (Coursework) of Engineering, The University of Queensland
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Research interests
Advanced preconditioning and fragmentation
Associate Prof. Italo Onederra leads a multidisciplinary research team working towards the development of novel mineral extraction techniques that will have minimal environmental impact. Central to this vision is understanding and developing innovative thinking around the fundamental mechanisms of explosive induced rock preconditioning and fragmentation. Assoc. Prof Italo Onederra is well recognised in this area and currently leads an industry funded project in collaboration with Standford Research Institute (USA) and Imperial College (London).
Advanced fragmentation modelling
Assoc. Prof. Italo Onederra has for many years been involved in the development of advanced fragmentation modelling techniques applied by industry in process optimisation methods such as Mine to Mill. He has developed one of the only underground specific fragmentation models embedded in commercial software that is used by industry and academia in over 60 countries.
Blasting to minimise geotechnical risks
Assoc. Prof. Italo Onederra leads research funded by the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP). The main objective is to develop industry guidelines and practical tools to minimise geotechnical risks and improve blasting outcomes.
Alternative explosive formulations
Assoc. Prof. Italo Onederra has pioneered with his ex PhD research student (Dr Miguel Araos) the development of novel explosive formulations to eliminate nitrogen oxide emissions (fumes) after rock blasting. The Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) contributed significantly to this research as it is an issue affecting surface mining operations. The idea involved replacing ammonium nitrate with hydrogen peroxide as the main oxidizer in explosives. One of the main challenges of the technology is stability over long periods. To that end we have looked at different alternatives such as manufacturing higher density prills using different types of cross-linkers, sustainable fuels and surfactants. The pioneering research has had significant impact with research centres around the world investing in further developments.
Application of controlled energetics in novel comminution systems
Innovation in mineral extraction will require new ways to reduce energy consumption in downstream comminution processes. Controlled energetics provides a unique opportunity for future mineral extraction techniques. Assoc. Prof. Onederra is leading applied research and innovative thinking in this area
Experimental work to study rock dynamic reponse under confinement
In collaboration with Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Assoc. Prof. Italo Onederra is commissioning a unique experimental capability at the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering to study the dynamic response of rock samples under confinement. The aim is to improve our understanding of the extent of explosive induced fracturing at depth which is dierctly applicable to the work in advanced preconditioning and fragmentation.
Research impacts
- Leading international multidisciplinary collaborations that have allowed the establishment of unique experimental facilities to study blast preconditioning and fracturing under confinement, leading new research fields in the application of energetic materials to address big challenges facing the mining sector as it transitions to net zero emissions
- Developed and published a number of explosive rock breakage and fragmentation models which have been implemented by industry. Improvements in modelling capability that have been adopted in site specific Mine to Mill projects that have added significant value to industry including better management of energy consumption in the extraction process.
- Part of the team that developed tools and models in commercial blasting software (JKSimBlast) that is now used in over 60 countries. In 2017, there were 264 clients with 771 users around the world. This tool has made a significant impact in both academic and industry based training with the ability to conduct design, desktop simulations and analysis quickly and effectively
- Co-inventor and chief investigator of leading research on novel explosives that will eliminate and/or minimise hazardous nitrogen oxide fumes during blasting. The development of this technology based on hydrogen peroxide has been recognised as one of the few potentially disruptive technologies in the mining and civil construction industries with significant OHS&E benefits.
Search Professor Italo Onederra’s works on UQ eSpace
Other Outputs
Single and multiple hole blasting tests at De Beers Venetia Mine
Onederra, Italo and Grobler, Hendrik (2004). Single and multiple hole blasting tests at De Beers Venetia Mine. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: JKMRC.
Journal Article
A fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring blasting applications
Onederra, I. (2004). A fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring blasting applications. Fragblast, 8 (3), 177-200. doi: 10.1080/13855140412331333262
Other Outputs
Shot to Shovel Research Project Report
Onederra, Italo, Brunton, Ian and Thornton, Darren (2004). Shot to Shovel Research Project Report. Indooroopilly, QLD Australia: JKMRC.
Journal Article
An alternative approach to determine the Holmberg-Persson constants for modelling near field peak particle velocity attenuation
Onederra, I. A. and Esen, S. (2004). An alternative approach to determine the Holmberg-Persson constants for modelling near field peak particle velocity attenuation. Fragblast - The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation, 8 (2), 61-84. doi: 10.1080/13855140412331336151
Journal Article
A fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring blasting applications
Onederra, I. A. (2004). A fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring blasting applications. Fragblast - the International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation, 8 (3), 177-200. doi: 10.1080/13855140412331333262$22.00
Conference Publication
'Shot to shovel' - understanding the impact of muck pile conditions and operator proficiency on instataneous shovel productivity
Onederra, I. A., Brunton, I. D., Battista, J. and Grace, J. (2004). 'Shot to shovel' - understanding the impact of muck pile conditions and operator proficiency on instataneous shovel productivity. EXPLO 2004, Perth, 2004, 26-28 July, 2004. Melbourne, VIC: AusIMM.
Journal Article
Estimation of fines generated by blasting - applications for the mining and quarrying industries
Onederra, I. A., Esen, S. and Jankovic, A. (2004). Estimation of fines generated by blasting - applications for the mining and quarrying industries. Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Section A, 113 (4), A237-A247. doi: 10.1179/037178404225006191
Conference Publication
Breakage and fragmentation modeling for underground production blasting techniques
Onederra, I. A. (2004). Breakage and fragmentation modeling for underground production blasting techniques. IRR Drilling and Blasting 2004 Conference, Perth, IRR.
Journal Article
Blast induced damage and dynamic behaviour of hangingwalls in bench stoping
Villaescusa, E., Onederra, I. A. and Scott, C. (2004). Blast induced damage and dynamic behaviour of hangingwalls in bench stoping. Fragblast - The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation, 8 (1), 23-40. doi: 10.1080/13855140512331389614
Conference Publication
Modelling fragmentation in underground production blasting
Onederra, I. A. (2004). Modelling fragmentation in underground production blasting. MassMin 2004, Santiago, Chile, 22-25 August 2004. Chile, South America: Mineria Chilena.
Journal Article
Modelling the size of the crushed zone around a blasthole
Esen, S., Onederra, I. and Bilgin, H.A. (2003). Modelling the size of the crushed zone around a blasthole. International Journal of Rock Mechanics And Mining Sciences, 40 (4), 485-495. doi: 10.1016/S1365-1609(03)00018-2
Conference Publication
Selection of inter hole and inter row timing for surface blasting- an approach based on burden relief analysis
Onederra, I. A. and Esen, S. (2003). Selection of inter hole and inter row timing for surface blasting- an approach based on burden relief analysis. Explosives and Blasting Technique, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-12 Sept, 2003. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger.
Other Outputs
Engineering tools for the continuous improvement of drilling and blasting practices
Onederra, Italo and La Rosa, David (2002). Engineering tools for the continuous improvement of drilling and blasting practices. Indooroopilly, QLD Australia: JKMRC.
Journal Article
Engineering tools for design, analysis and information management applied to underground drilling and blasting
Onederra, I., Rosa, D., Riihioja, K. and Power, G. (2002). Engineering tools for design, analysis and information management applied to underground drilling and blasting. Fragblast, 6 (3-4), 273-285. doi: 10.1076/frag.
Journal Article
Engineering tools for design, analysis and information management applied to drilling and blasting
Onederra, I. A., La Rosa, D. M., Riihioja, K. J. and Power, G. R. (2002). Engineering tools for design, analysis and information management applied to drilling and blasting. Fragblast, 6 (3-4), 273-285.
Conference Publication
Computer aided design and information management for tunnel development using drilling and blasting techniques
Onederra, I. A., Riihioja, K. J. and Chitombo, G. P. (2001). Computer aided design and information management for tunnel development using drilling and blasting techniques. ISRM Regional Symposium Eurock 2001, Espoo, Finland, 4-7 June 2001. Lisse, The Netherlands: A A Balkema.
Conference Publication
Engineering tools for design, analysis and information management applied to underground drilling and blasting
Onederra, I. A., La Rosa, D. M., Riihioja, K. J. and Power, G. R. (2001). Engineering tools for design, analysis and information management applied to underground drilling and blasting. EXPLO 2001, Hunter Valley, NSW, 28-31 October 2001. Melbourne: AusIMM.
Conference Publication
Computer aided blast design and information management applied to open pit narrow vein mining at Cerro Vanguardia
Onederra, I. A., Riihioja, K. J., Paganini, G. and Roldan, M. (2001). Computer aided blast design and information management applied to open pit narrow vein mining at Cerro Vanguardia. APCOM 2001, Beijing China, 25-27 April 2001. The Netherlands: A A Balkema.
Other Outputs
A review of blast induced damage and drilling and blasting practices in narrow vein mining
Onederra, I. and Chitombo, G. (2000). A review of blast induced damage and drilling and blasting practices in narrow vein mining. Brisbane, Australia: JKMRC.
Other Outputs
Technical visit to Ridgeway
Onederra, Italo and Power, Gavin (2000). Technical visit to Ridgeway. Indooroopilly, QLD Australia: JKMRC.
Current funding
- Associate Professor Italo Onederra is:
- Available for supervision
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Available projects
Stress wave attenuation and interaction in fragmented media
Description to be provided to prospective candidates
Explosive induced fracturing under confinement
Description to be provided to prospective candidates
Explosive induced fracturing under confinement
Description to be provided to prospective candidates
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Quantifying the impact of both stress and gas loading on preconditioning by confined blasting
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Zhongwei Chen
Master Philosophy
Influence of the nitrate type on the critical diameter of emulsion explosives
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Zhongwei Chen
Doctor Philosophy
Design Step Changes to Achieve Safer, Faster and Lower-Cost Establishment in Block Cave Mining Under Extreme Conditions
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of methodology to quantify intensive preconditioning in block and panel caving operations
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Zhongwei Chen, Dr Christopher Leonardi
Doctor Philosophy
Evolution of Geothermal Reservoir Conductivity: the Role of Rock-Fluid Interaction and Erosion
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Zhongwei Chen
Doctor Philosophy
Integration of Pre-concentration Systems into Mining Operations
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Mehmet Kizil, Dr Micah Nehring
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Impact of preconditioning fracturing on fluid accessibility of chalcopyrite ores
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Christopher Leonardi
Master Philosophy
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Christopher Leonardi
Doctor Philosophy
Influence of void sensitisation on the detonation characteristics of low concentration hydrogen peroxide / fuel-based mixtures
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Detonation performance of novel hydrogen peroxide and nitrate-based hybrid explosives
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Christopher Leonardi
Master Philosophy
Characterisation of hydrogen peroxide based explosives and ventilation modelling to quantify re-entry times in underground development blasting
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Investigating the application of linear shaped charges in wall control practices
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Christopher Leonardi
Doctor Philosophy
Blast induced fragment conditioning and its effect on impact breakage and leaching performance
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
A study of blast induced rock mass displacement through physical measurements and rigid body dynamics simulation.
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
A Methodology for Determining the Reliability of Energetic Components fitted to Safety Critical Systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Knights
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Full-scale experiments and numerical modelling to improve ore recovery in sublevel cave mines
Joint Principal Advisor
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