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Dr Nigel Armfield

Nigel Armfield




Nigel is public health and health services researcher with interests and expertise in quantitative research methods, epidemiology, evidence-based health care, clinical trials, and digital health. He is a member of the Improving health outcomes after musculoskeletal injury group at the RECOVER Injury Research Centre, and is a chief investigator of the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Better Outcomes for Compensable Injury. His work focusses on the epidemiology and burden of minor to moderate injuries, longitudinal data analyses of intervention trial data, population studies of health-related quality of life and chronic pain, and the potential of digital heath for assessment and intervention following injury.

Nigel has particular interests in new innovations in healthcare, and has previously worked in minimally-invasive surgical trials in gynaecology, and clinical trials assessing the feasibility, efficacy and effectiveness of clinical telemedicine in paediatric healthcare. His doctorate work (Awarded 2011, UQ School of Medicine) involved the design, development, and clinical/cost/acceptability evaluation of real-time telemedicine for acute consultation between a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit and four peripheral referring hospitals in Queensland. He maintains an active research interest in telemedicine, and more broadly in digital health. Between 2004 and 2015, Nigel was involved in the telepaediatric service at the Royal Children's, and the Lady Cilento Children's hospitals in Brisbane where he also co-ordinated an Indigenous Ear Health Screening Program. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare and an academic editor for PLOS ONE.

Nigel regularly participates in national and international grant review panels, and is an active HDR and occupational-trainee supervisor. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and the Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH), a member of the Australian Epidemiological Association (AEA), International Epidemiological Association (IEA), the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-Research and Open Science (AIMOS), and is a qualified Justice of the Peace, JP (qual).


Dr Nigel Armfield is:
Available for supervision


  • Postgraduate Diploma, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Medicine, The University of Queensland
  • Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health, Royal Society for Public Health
  • Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine


Search Professor Nigel Armfield’s works on UQ eSpace

116 works between 2004 and 2024

81 - 100 of 116 works


Journal Article

A review of Medicare expenditure in Australia for psychiatric consultations delivered in person and via videoconference

Smith, A.C., Armfield, N.R., Croll, J. and Gray, L.C. (2012). A review of Medicare expenditure in Australia for psychiatric consultations delivered in person and via videoconference. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 18 (3), 169-171. doi: 10.1258/jtt.2012.SFT111

A review of Medicare expenditure in Australia for psychiatric consultations delivered in person and via videoconference


Conference Publication

Remote management of ill infants by telemedicine: improving access and outcome in a vulnerable patient group

Donovan, T., Armfield, N., Coghill, K., Smith, A., Van der Westhuysen, J., Hurley, T. and Rogers, D. (2012). Remote management of ill infants by telemedicine: improving access and outcome in a vulnerable patient group. 17th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceania Perinatal Societies (FAOPS) and the 16th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 18-21 March 2012. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2012.02411.x

Remote management of ill infants by telemedicine: improving access and outcome in a vulnerable patient group


Journal Article

A pilot study of the effectiveness of home teleconsultations in paediatric palliative care

Bradford, Natalie, Young, Jeanine, Armfield, Ningel R., Bensink, Mark E., Pedersen, Lee-anne, Herbert, Anthony and Smith, Anthony C. (2012). A pilot study of the effectiveness of home teleconsultations in paediatric palliative care. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 18 (8), 438-442. doi: 10.1258/jtt.2012.GTH103

A pilot study of the effectiveness of home teleconsultations in paediatric palliative care


Journal Article

The costs and potential savings of telemedicine for acute care neonatal consultation: preliminary findings

Armfield, Nigel R., Donovan, Tim, Bensink, Mark E. and Smith, Anthony C. (2012). The costs and potential savings of telemedicine for acute care neonatal consultation: preliminary findings. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 18 (8), 429-433. doi: 10.1258/jtt.2012.GTH101

The costs and potential savings of telemedicine for acute care neonatal consultation: preliminary findings



Global Telehealth 2012: delivering quality healthcare anywhere through telehealth

Anthony C. Smith, Armfield, Nigel R. and Robert H. Eikelboom eds. (2012). Global Telehealth 2012: delivering quality healthcare anywhere through telehealth. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press.

Global Telehealth 2012: delivering quality healthcare anywhere through telehealth


Other Outputs

Assessment of Telehealth Implementations and Associated Requirements – Final Report

Gray, L., Smith, A., Armfield, N, Travers, C., Croll, P. and Caffery, L. (2011). Assessment of Telehealth Implementations and Associated Requirements – Final Report. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Department of Health and Ageing.

Assessment of Telehealth Implementations and Associated Requirements – Final Report


Journal Article

A systematic review and meta-analysis of ICU telemedicine reinforces the need for further controlled investigations to assess the impact of telemedicine on patient outcomes

Smith, Anthony C. and Armfield, Nigel R. (2011). A systematic review and meta-analysis of ICU telemedicine reinforces the need for further controlled investigations to assess the impact of telemedicine on patient outcomes. Evidence-Based Nursing, 14 (4), 102-103. doi: 10.1136/ebn-2011-100082

A systematic review and meta-analysis of ICU telemedicine reinforces the need for further controlled investigations to assess the impact of telemedicine on patient outcomes


Other Outputs

Telehealth business case, advice and options - Final report

Gray, Len C., Smith, Anthony C., Armfield, Nigel R., Travers, Catherine, Croll, Peter and Caffery, Liam J. (2011). Telehealth business case, advice and options - Final report. Uniquest Project No: 16807 St. Lucia, Qld., Australia: UniQuest.

Telehealth business case, advice and options - Final report



Telehealth assessment: Final report

Gray, Len C., Smith, Anthony C., Armfield, Nigel R., Travers, Catherine, Croll, Peter and Caffery, Liam J. (2011). Telehealth assessment: Final report. Uniquest Project No: 16807 St.Lucia, QLD, Australia: UniQuest.

Telehealth assessment: Final report


Journal Article

Humour sans frontieres : The feasibility of providing clown care at a distance

Armfield, Nigel R., Bradford, Natalie, White, Megan M., Spitzer, Peter and Smith, Anthony C. (2011). Humour sans frontieres : The feasibility of providing clown care at a distance. Telemedicine and e-Health, 17 (4), 316-318. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2010.0166

Humour sans frontieres : The feasibility of providing clown care at a distance


Conference Publication

Accuracy of medication checks via internet video: Resources and research update

Bradford, Natalie, Armfield, N., Young, J. and Smith, A. (2011). Accuracy of medication checks via internet video: Resources and research update. Successes and Failures in Telehealth, 2nd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society., Royal on the Park, Brisbane, 1-2nd December 2011.

Accuracy of medication checks via internet video: Resources and research update


Conference Publication

A method comparison approach to determine the efficacy of telemedicine for assessment of the critically-ill child: Preliminary results

McCall, T., Armfield, N., Coulthard, M., Slater, A. and Smith, A. (2011). A method comparison approach to determine the efficacy of telemedicine for assessment of the critically-ill child: Preliminary results. Sixth World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care One World Sharing Knowledge, Sydney, Australia, 13 - 17 March 2011. Baltimore, MD, United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e3182112e80

A method comparison approach to determine the efficacy of telemedicine for assessment of the critically-ill child: Preliminary results


Journal Article

Telemedicine for wound care: Current practice and future potential

Gray, L. C., Armfield, N. R. and Smith, A. C. (2010). Telemedicine for wound care: Current practice and future potential. Wound Practice and Research, 18 (4), 158-163.

Telemedicine for wound care: Current practice and future potential


Other Outputs

Remote assessment and management of the critically ill infant by telemedicine: A novel approach to supporting the care of a vulnerable patient group

Nigel Richard Armfield (2010). Remote assessment and management of the critically ill infant by telemedicine: A novel approach to supporting the care of a vulnerable patient group. PhD Thesis, School of Medicine, The University of Queensland.

Remote assessment and management of the critically ill infant by telemedicine: A novel approach to supporting the care of a vulnerable patient group


Conference Publication

Neonatal consultation at a distance

Armfield, N. R., Bensink, M. E., Donovan, T. and Smith A. C. (2010). Neonatal consultation at a distance. 14th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 28-31 March, 2010. Oxford, NSW, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2010.01708.x

Neonatal consultation at a distance


Conference Publication

Clinicians' perceptions of telemedicine for remote neonatal consultation

Armfield, Nigel R., Donovan, Tim and Smith, Anthony C. (2010). Clinicians' perceptions of telemedicine for remote neonatal consultation. Global Telehealth 2010 (GT2010), Fremantle, Perth, WA, 10-12 November, 2010. The Netherlands: I O S Press. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-659-1-1

Clinicians' perceptions of telemedicine for remote neonatal consultation


Conference Publication

Clinical services and professional support: a review of mobile telepaediatric services in Queensland

Smith, Anthony C., Armfield, Nigel R., White, Megan M., Williams, Michael L., Koh, T.H.H. Guan, Hurley, Tom, Maclean, Sue, McCrossin, Robert, Van der Westhuyzen, Jasper and Coulthard, Mark G. (2010). Clinical services and professional support: a review of mobile telepaediatric services in Queensland. Global Telehealth 2010 (GT2010), Fremantle, WA, Australia, 10-12 November 2010. The Netherlands: I O S Press. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-659-1-149

Clinical services and professional support: a review of mobile telepaediatric services in Queensland


Conference Publication

Home telemedicine for paediatric palliative care

Bradford, Natalie, Herbert, Anthony, Walker, Rick, Pedersen, Lee-Anne, Hallahan, Andrew, Irving, Helen, Bensink, Mark E., Armfield, Nigel R. and Smith, Anthony C. (2010). Home telemedicine for paediatric palliative care. Global Telehealth 2010 (GT2010): "Telehealth for every nation, community and home", Fremantle, Perth, WA, Australia, 10-12 November 2010. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-659-1-10

Home telemedicine for paediatric palliative care


Journal Article

Telemedicine for Children in Need of Intensive Care

Dharmar, M, Smith, AC, Armfield, NR, Trujano, J, Sadorra, C and Marcin, JP (2009). Telemedicine for Children in Need of Intensive Care. PEDIATRIC ANNALS, 38 (10), 562-566. doi: 10.3928/00904481-20090918-08

Telemedicine for Children in Need of Intensive Care


Journal Article

Using videotelephony to support paediatric oncology-related palliative care in the home: from abandoned RCT to acceptability study

Bensink, M. E., Armfield, N. R., Pinkerton, R., Irving, H., Hallahan, A. R., Theodoros, D. G., Russell, T., Barnett, A. G., Scuffham, P. A. and Wootton, R. (2009). Using videotelephony to support paediatric oncology-related palliative care in the home: from abandoned RCT to acceptability study. Palliative Medicine, 23 (3), 228-237. doi: 10.1177/0269216308100251

Using videotelephony to support paediatric oncology-related palliative care in the home: from abandoned RCT to acceptability study


Current funding

  • 2022 - 2026
    Centre of Research Excellence - Better Health Outcomes for Compensable Injury
    NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2028
    Whiplash Navigator Implementation project
    Motor Accident Insurance Commission
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2019 - 2020
    Evaluation of the Digital Pregnancy Health Record
    HealthShare NSW
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2020
    MObile Device Utilisation Lifting Adherence and Treatment Engagement in Cystic Fibrosis (MODULATE-CF)
    Metro North Hospital and Health Service
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2018
    Transforming surgical practice through innovation IMAGINE
    Metro North Hospital and Health Service
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Exploring telehealth options for outreach services
    Metro South Hospital and Health Service
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2015
    Feasibility, efficacy and acceptability of using telehealth to provide multi-disciplinary assessment and advice for children with inherited bleeding disorders
    Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors Organisation Clinical Excellence Fund
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2014
    Telemedicine late evening consultant ward rounds the paediatric intensive care unit
    Royal Children's Hospital Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2018
    NBN Enabled Telehealth Pilots Program - Comprehensive Telehealth Assisted Care (ConTAC) program
    UniQuest Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2013
    3 x Telemedicine Units for Queensland Regional Hospitals
    Children's Health Foundation Queensland
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2015
    The development, delivery, promotion and evaluation of a clinical telehealth educational and training programs for clinicians
    UniQuest Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2015
    A randomized controlled trial to evaluate paediatric critical care telemedicine in queensland
    Royal Children's Hospital Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2018
    Mobile Telehealth Screening Service for Aboriginal Children in Cherbourg
    UniQuest Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2009
    RCH Foundation Wonder Station Project
    Royal Children's Hospital Foundation
    Open grant



Dr Nigel Armfield is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



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