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Conference Publication

Write like a reviewer: MERGA conferences and beyond

Višňovská, Jana, Ross, Emily, Getenet, Seyum, Geiger, Vince and Oates, Greg (2024). Write like a reviewer: MERGA conferences and beyond. 46th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 30 June - 4 July 2024. Adelaide, SA, Australia: The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.

Write like a reviewer: MERGA conferences and beyond


Conference Publication

Research and Development on Textbooks and Resources for Learning and Teaching Mathematics

Rezat, Sebastian, Visnovska, Jana, Yan, Guorui, Leshota, Moneoang and Sabra, Hussein (2024). Research and Development on Textbooks and Resources for Learning and Teaching Mathematics. 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Shanghai, China, 11−18 July 2021. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1142/9789811287152_0065

Research and Development on Textbooks and Resources for Learning and Teaching Mathematics


Conference Publication

On why ‘subjectification’ matters and how to regain agency in initial teacher education

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, Miller, Anne, Ocriciano, Michelle, Marshman, Margaret, Visnovska, Jana and Biggin, Katie (2024). On why ‘subjectification’ matters and how to regain agency in initial teacher education. TEAN (Teacher Education Advancement Network) Conference 2024, Manchester, United Kingdom, 22-23 May 2024.

On why ‘subjectification’ matters and how to regain agency in initial teacher education


Conference Publication

Raising students’ awareness and actions through a sustainability project

Salim, Soma, Makar, Katie and Višňovská, Jana (2024). Raising students’ awareness and actions through a sustainability project. 46th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 30 June - 4 July 2024. Adelaide, SA, Australia: The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.

Raising students’ awareness and actions through a sustainability project


Conference Publication

A case of designing for teaching early number

Cortina, José Luis and Višňovská, Jana (2023). A case of designing for teaching early number. Bi-annual International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-24 August 2023. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University.

A case of designing for teaching early number


Conference Publication

How mathematics matters in designing for mathematics teaching

Višňovská, Jana and Cortina, José Luis (2023). How mathematics matters in designing for mathematics teaching. International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-24 August 2023. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University.

How mathematics matters in designing for mathematics teaching


Conference Publication

Differentiating instruction in junior secondary mathematics: a resource perspective

Marks, Andrew and Visnovska, Jana (2023). Differentiating instruction in junior secondary mathematics: a resource perspective. Annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Newcastle, NSW Australia, July 2023.

Differentiating instruction in junior secondary mathematics: a resource perspective


Conference Publication

Making better teaching possible through partnering to design resources for teaching

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2023). Making better teaching possible through partnering to design resources for teaching. an annual conference of Australian Teacher Education Association, North Sydney, NSW, Australia, July 2023.

Making better teaching possible through partnering to design resources for teaching


Conference Publication

Designing instructional resources to support teaching

Cortina, José Luis and Višňovská, Jana (2023). Designing instructional resources to support teaching. The 44th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV, United States, October 2023.

Designing instructional resources to support teaching


Conference Publication

On subjectification and socialisation in mathematics education

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2022). On subjectification and socialisation in mathematics education. Annual conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association, Melbourne, VIC Australia, July 2022. ATEA.

On subjectification and socialisation in mathematics education


Conference Publication

Designing an early number sequence for teaching

Cortina, José Luis, Višňovská, Jana, Peña, Jesica and Zúñiga, Claudia (2022). Designing an early number sequence for teaching. The 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Launceston, 3-7 July 2022. Launceston, TAS, Australia: MERGA.

Designing an early number sequence for teaching


Conference Publication

Lost between structure and calculation ability: Towards elementary mathematics education as a cultivation of human need for understanding

Visnovska, Jana (2021). Lost between structure and calculation ability: Towards elementary mathematics education as a cultivation of human need for understanding. Mathematics Education Research Seminar of the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2021.

Lost between structure and calculation ability: Towards elementary mathematics education as a cultivation of human need for understanding


Conference Publication

Where is the teaching in "aesthetic education"? Invited paper presentation at the Aesthetic Education planning meeting and symposium held to advance a bid proposal to the ARC’s Centre of Excellence round in 2026, Adelaide, South Australia.

Visnovska, Jana (2021). Where is the teaching in "aesthetic education"? Invited paper presentation at the Aesthetic Education planning meeting and symposium held to advance a bid proposal to the ARC’s Centre of Excellence round in 2026, Adelaide, South Australia.. Aesthetic Education Centre of Excellence planning meeting and symposium, Adelaide, SA Australia, November 2021.

Where is the teaching in "aesthetic education"? Invited paper presentation at the Aesthetic Education planning meeting and symposium held to advance a bid proposal to the ARC’s Centre of Excellence round in 2026, Adelaide, South Australia.


Conference Publication

On the complexity of teaching and resource design; paper contribution to the Symposium on Challenges to the field of teacher education research: From the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (APJTE) Editors

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2021). On the complexity of teaching and resource design; paper contribution to the Symposium on Challenges to the field of teacher education research: From the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (APJTE) Editors. Annual conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association, Brisbane, QLD Australia, July 2021.

On the complexity of teaching and resource design; paper contribution to the Symposium on Challenges to the field of teacher education research: From the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (APJTE) Editors


Conference Publication

Understanding and challenging the established curricular foundations to make “practically meaningful” and “intellectually rigorous” teaching viable

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2021). Understanding and challenging the established curricular foundations to make “practically meaningful” and “intellectually rigorous” teaching viable. Annual conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association, Brisbane, QLD Australia, July 2021.

Understanding and challenging the established curricular foundations to make “practically meaningful” and “intellectually rigorous” teaching viable


Conference Publication

Analysis of mathematics textbook use: an argument for combining horizontal, vertical, and contextual analyses

Rahimah, D. and Visnovska, J. (2021). Analysis of mathematics textbook use: an argument for combining horizontal, vertical, and contextual analyses. Bristol, United Kingdom: Institute of Physics Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1731/1/012048

Analysis of mathematics textbook use: an argument for combining horizontal, vertical, and contextual analyses


Conference Publication

Učme zlomky cez meranie: prečo a ako

Višňovská, Jana and Slabý, Matej (2019). Učme zlomky cez meranie: prečo a ako. Dva Dni s Didaktikou Matematiky, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5-6 September 2019. Bratislava, Slovakia: FMFI Comenius University.

Učme zlomky cez meranie: prečo a ako


Conference Publication

Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities

Gaunt, Lorraine, Visnovska, Jana and Moni, Karen (2019). Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities. The 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Perth, WA Australia, 29 June-4 July 2019. Perth, WA Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.

Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities


Conference Publication

O vytváraní matematických konverzácií v triede

Visnovska, Jana (2019). O vytváraní matematických konverzácií v triede. Dva dni s didaktikou matematiky, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5-6 Sep 2019.

O vytváraní matematických konverzácií v triede


Conference Publication

Instructional design in pursuing equity: the case of the ‘fraction as measure’ sequence

Cortina, Jose Luis, Visnovska, Jana, Graven, Mellony and Vale, Pamela (2019). Instructional design in pursuing equity: the case of the ‘fraction as measure’ sequence. 27th Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), Durban, South Africa, 15-18 January 2019. South Africa: SAARMSTE.

Instructional design in pursuing equity: the case of the ‘fraction as measure’ sequence