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Dr Andrew Lai

Andrew Lai




Dr Andrew Lai is the current proteomic leader in Translational Extracellular Vesicles in Obstetrics and Gynae-Oncology Group.


Dr Andrew Lai is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Science, University of New South Wales
  • Masters (Coursework) of Biotechnology, Queensland University of Technology
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Life Science, Queensland University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology


Search Professor Andrew Lai’s works on UQ eSpace

59 works between 2017 and 2024

21 - 40 of 59 works


Journal Article

miRNa signature in small extracellular vesicles and their association with platinum resistance and cancer recurrence in ovarian cancer

Alharbi, Mona, Sharma, Shayna, Guanzon, Dominic, Lai, Andrew, Zuñiga, Felipe, Shiddiky, Muhammad J.A., Yamauchi, Yusuke, Salas-Burgos, Alexis, He, Yaowu, Pejovic, Tanja, Winters, Carmen, Morgan, Terry, Perrin, Lewis, Hooper, John D. and Salomon, Carlos (2020). miRNa signature in small extracellular vesicles and their association with platinum resistance and cancer recurrence in ovarian cancer. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 28 102207, 102207. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2020.102207

miRNa signature in small extracellular vesicles and their association with platinum resistance and cancer recurrence in ovarian cancer


Journal Article

Detection of Salivary Small Extracellular Vesicles Associated Inflammatory Cytokines Gene Methylation in Gingivitis

Han, Pingping, Lai, Andrew, Salomon, Carlos and Ivanovski, Sašo (2020). Detection of Salivary Small Extracellular Vesicles Associated Inflammatory Cytokines Gene Methylation in Gingivitis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (15) 5273, 5273-17. doi: 10.3390/ijms21155273

Detection of Salivary Small Extracellular Vesicles Associated Inflammatory Cytokines Gene Methylation in Gingivitis


Journal Article

Protein profile changes in circulating placental extracellular vesicles in term and preterm births: a longitudinal study

Menon, Ramkumar, Debnath, Chirantan, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic, Bhatnagar, Shinjini, Kshetrapal, Pallavi, Sheller-Miller, Samantha, Salomon, Carlos and The Garbh-Ini Study team (2020). Protein profile changes in circulating placental extracellular vesicles in term and preterm births: a longitudinal study. Endocrinology, 161 (4) bqaa009. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqaa009

Protein profile changes in circulating placental extracellular vesicles in term and preterm births: a longitudinal study


Journal Article

Hypoxia-induced small extracellular vesicle proteins regulate proinflammatory cytokines and systemic blood pressure in pregnant rats

Dutta, Suchismita, Lai, Andrew, Scholz-Romero, Katherin, Shiddiky, Muhammad J. A., Yamauchi, Yusuke, Mishra, Jay S., Rice, Gregory E., Hyett, Jon, Kumar, Sathish and Salomon, Carlos (2020). Hypoxia-induced small extracellular vesicle proteins regulate proinflammatory cytokines and systemic blood pressure in pregnant rats. Clinical Science, 134 (6), 593-607. doi: 10.1042/cs20191155

Hypoxia-induced small extracellular vesicle proteins regulate proinflammatory cytokines and systemic blood pressure in pregnant rats


Journal Article

Nobiletin exerts anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects in an in vitro human model and in vivo murine model of gestational diabetes

Nguyen-Ngo, Caitlyn, Salomon, Carlos, Quak, Stephanie, Lai, Andrew, Willcox, Jane C and Lappas, Martha (2020). Nobiletin exerts anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects in an in vitro human model and in vivo murine model of gestational diabetes. Clinical Science, 134 (6), 571-592. doi: 10.1042/cs20191099

Nobiletin exerts anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects in an in vitro human model and in vivo murine model of gestational diabetes


Journal Article

Regulation of glucose homeostasis by small extracellular vesicles in normal pregnancy and in gestational diabetes

James-Allan, Laura B., Rosario, Frederick J., Barner, Kelsey, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic, McIntyre, H. David, Lappas, Martha, Powell, Theresa L., Salomon, Carlos and Jansson, Thomas (2020). Regulation of glucose homeostasis by small extracellular vesicles in normal pregnancy and in gestational diabetes. FASEB Journal, 34 (4) fj.201902522RR, 5724-5739. doi: 10.1096/fj.201902522RR

Regulation of glucose homeostasis by small extracellular vesicles in normal pregnancy and in gestational diabetes


Journal Article

Downregulation of exosomal miR-192-5p and miR-204-5p in subjects with nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess

Tapia-Castillo, Alejandra, Guanzon, Dominic, Palma, Carlos, Lai, Andrew, Barros, Eric, Allende, Fidel, Vecchiola, Andrea, Fardella, Carlos E., Salomón, Carlos and Carvajal, Cristian A. (2019). Downregulation of exosomal miR-192-5p and miR-204-5p in subjects with nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess. Journal of Translational Medicine, 17 (1) 392, 392. doi: 10.1186/s12967-019-02143-8

Downregulation of exosomal miR-192-5p and miR-204-5p in subjects with nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess


Journal Article

Ovarian cancer-derived exosomes promote tumor metastasis in vivo an effect modulated by the invasiveness capacity of their originating cells

Alharbi, Mona, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic, Palma, Carlos, Zuñiga, Felipe, Perrin, Lewis, He, Yaowu, Hooper, John D and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Ovarian cancer-derived exosomes promote tumor metastasis in vivo an effect modulated by the invasiveness capacity of their originating cells. Clinical Science, 133 (13), CS20190082-1419. doi: 10.1042/cs20190082

Ovarian cancer-derived exosomes promote tumor metastasis in vivo an effect modulated by the invasiveness capacity of their originating cells


Journal Article

Quantitative proteomics by SWATH-MS of maternal plasma exosomes determine pathways associated with term and preterm birth

Menon, Ramkumar, Dixon, Christopher Luke, Sheller-Miller, Samantha, Fortunato, Stephen J., Saade, George R., Palma, Carlos, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Quantitative proteomics by SWATH-MS of maternal plasma exosomes determine pathways associated with term and preterm birth. Endocrinology, 160 (3), 639-650. doi: 10.1210/en.2018-00820

Quantitative proteomics by SWATH-MS of maternal plasma exosomes determine pathways associated with term and preterm birth


Journal Article

Quantitative proteomics by SWATH-MS suggest an association between circulating exosomes and maternal metabolic changes in gestational diabetes mellitus

Jayabalan, Nanthini, Lai, Andrew, Nair, Soumyalekshmi, Guanzon, Dominic, Scholz-Romero, Katherin, Palma, Carlos, McIntyre, Harold David, Lappas, Martha and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Quantitative proteomics by SWATH-MS suggest an association between circulating exosomes and maternal metabolic changes in gestational diabetes mellitus. Proteomics, 19 (1-2) 1800164, e1800164. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201800164

Quantitative proteomics by SWATH-MS suggest an association between circulating exosomes and maternal metabolic changes in gestational diabetes mellitus


Conference Publication

Exosomal protein and miRNA analysis in cervico-vaginal fluid at early gestation from term and preterm pregnancies

Tribe, Rachel M., Jenkins, Holly, Palma, Carlos, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic, Hezelgrave, Natasha L., Shennan, Andrew H. and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Exosomal protein and miRNA analysis in cervico-vaginal fluid at early gestation from term and preterm pregnancies. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), Paris, France, 12 - 16 March 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1933719119834079

Exosomal protein and miRNA analysis in cervico-vaginal fluid at early gestation from term and preterm pregnancies


Conference Publication

Circulating exosomal miRNAs from women with ovarian cancer for early detection and real-time monitoring of disease progression

Sharma, Shayna, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic, Morgan, Terry, Perrin, Lewis C., Hooper, John D. and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Circulating exosomal miRNAs from women with ovarian cancer for early detection and real-time monitoring of disease progression. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), Paris, France, 12-16 March 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1933719119834079

Circulating exosomal miRNAs from women with ovarian cancer for early detection and real-time monitoring of disease progression


Conference Publication

Cytokines profile in different populations of extracellular vesicles during the first trimester of pregnancy

Scholz-Romero, Katherin, Lai, Andrew, Duncombe, Gregory, Rice, Gregory and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Cytokines profile in different populations of extracellular vesicles during the first trimester of pregnancy. Meeting of the International-Federation-of-Placenta-Associations (IFPA), Tokyo, Japan, 21-24 September 2018. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2019.06.079

Cytokines profile in different populations of extracellular vesicles during the first trimester of pregnancy


Conference Publication

Quantitative proteomics using SWATH in skeletal muscle and placenta from gestational diabetes mellitus reveals novel alterations associated with glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity during pregnancy

Nair, Soumyalekshmi S., Lai, Andrew, McIntyre, David, Lappas, Martha and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Quantitative proteomics using SWATH in skeletal muscle and placenta from gestational diabetes mellitus reveals novel alterations associated with glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity during pregnancy. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), Paris, France, March 12-16, 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1933719119834079

Quantitative proteomics using SWATH in skeletal muscle and placenta from gestational diabetes mellitus reveals novel alterations associated with glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity during pregnancy


Conference Publication

Ovarian cancer cell invasiveness regulates their exosomes which induces oncogenic potential and cancer progression in vivo

Alharbi, Mona G., Lai, Andrew, Zuniga, Felipe, Perrin, Lewis, He, Yaowu, Hooper, John D. and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Ovarian cancer cell invasiveness regulates their exosomes which induces oncogenic potential and cancer progression in vivo. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), Paris, France, March 12-16, 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1933719119834079

Ovarian cancer cell invasiveness regulates their exosomes which induces oncogenic potential and cancer progression in vivo


Conference Publication

Protein analysis in skeletal muscle from gestational diabetes mellitus and their association with insulin signalling during pregnancy

Nair, Soumyalekshmi, Ormazabal, Valeska, Ramirez, Macarena, Lai, Andrew, Scholz Romero, Katherin, McIntyre, David, Diaz, Emilio, Zuniga, Felipe, Lappas, Martha and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Protein analysis in skeletal muscle from gestational diabetes mellitus and their association with insulin signalling during pregnancy. Meeting of the International Federation of Placenta Associations (IFPA), Tokyo, Japan, 21-24 September, 2018. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2019.06.307

Protein analysis in skeletal muscle from gestational diabetes mellitus and their association with insulin signalling during pregnancy


Conference Publication

Low dose aspirin modulates the proteomic content of placental trophoblast derived exosomes at different oxygen tensions

Dutta, Suchismita, Palma, Carlos, Lai, Andrew, Kumar, Sathish, Hyett, Jonathan, Nakahara, Angela, Longo, Sherri and Salomon, Carlos (2019). Low dose aspirin modulates the proteomic content of placental trophoblast derived exosomes at different oxygen tensions. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), Paris France, March 12-16, 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1933719119834079

Low dose aspirin modulates the proteomic content of placental trophoblast derived exosomes at different oxygen tensions


Journal Article

Adipose tissue exosomal proteomic profile reveals a role on placenta glucose metabolism in gestational diabetes mellitus

Jayabalan, Nanthini, Lai, Andrew, Ormazabal, Valeska, Adam, Stefanie, Guanzon, Dominic, Palma, Carlos, Scholz-Romero, Katherin, Lim, Ratana, Jansson, Thomas, McIntyre, Harold David, Lappas, Martha and Salomon, Carlos (2018). Adipose tissue exosomal proteomic profile reveals a role on placenta glucose metabolism in gestational diabetes mellitus. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 104 (5) jcem-201801599, 1735-1752. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-01599

Adipose tissue exosomal proteomic profile reveals a role on placenta glucose metabolism in gestational diabetes mellitus


Journal Article

The potential role of miRNAs and exosomes in chemotherapy in ovarian cancer

Alharbi, Mona, Zuñiga, Felipe, Elfeky, Omar, Guanzon, Dominic, Lai, Andrew, Rice, Gregory E., Perrin, Lewis, Hooper, John and Salomon, Carlos (2018). The potential role of miRNAs and exosomes in chemotherapy in ovarian cancer. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 25 (12), R663-R685. doi: 10.1530/erc-18-0019

The potential role of miRNAs and exosomes in chemotherapy in ovarian cancer


Journal Article

Circulating exosomal miRNA profile during term and preterm birth pregnancies - a longitudinal study

Menon, Ramkumar, Debnath, Chirantan, Lai, Andrew, Guanzon, Dominic, Bhatnagar, Shinjini, Pallavi, S. K., Sheller-Miller, Samantha, The Garbhini Study team and Salomon, Carlos (2018). Circulating exosomal miRNA profile during term and preterm birth pregnancies - a longitudinal study. Endocrinology, 160 (2), 249-275. doi: 10.1210/en.2018-00836

Circulating exosomal miRNA profile during term and preterm birth pregnancies - a longitudinal study



Dr Andrew Lai is:
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Contact Dr Andrew Lai directly for media enquiries about:

  • Extracellular Vesicles
  • Proteomics

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