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Professor Daniel Franks

Daniel Franks




Professor Daniel Franks is known internationally for his work on the interconnections between minerals, materials and sustainable development, with a particular focus on the role of minerals in poverty reduction and the social and environmental change associated with mining and energy extraction.

Daniel’s work spans the governance of artisanal, small-scale and large-scale mining. While metals and gemstones are a feature of his research, he especially focused on industrial minerals, construction materials and other ‘Development Minerals’ that are mined and used for local and domestic development. These later minerals matter in our efforts to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals, because they are literally the matter that underpins much of global development, whether it be the clay bricks and roof tiles that provide shelter, the mineral fertilisers fundamental for agriculture, the garnet that filters water, or the gravel and stone that builds bridges and paves rural roads.

Originally trained as a geologist, he began his career as a field geoscientist in Brazil and Australia. After retraining in political and social sciences, he worked as a Senior Social Scientist at the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water. Between 2015 and 2018 he was Chief Technical Advisor at the United Nations Development Programme and Programme Manager of the ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme, where he remains an advisor. In this role he was responsible for the delivery of more than 200 training and capacity building workshops, training over ten thousand people from 41 countries, of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific in the governance of minerals for sustainable development. He authored curricula now taught in more than 30 universities and advised numerous Heads of State, Ministers of Mining and Ambassadors on mineral policy and governance.

Prior to his work at the United Nations, Professor Franks held research and teaching positions at Griffith University and The University of Queensland, where he was previously the Deputy Director of the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining. He has held visiting appointments with Columbia University, New York (2013-present), the University of Eastern Finland (2014-present), the University of Western Australia (2013-2015), Central European University, Budapest (2016) and Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile (2011-2015). He has been an invited expert peer reviewer for the World Bank (2018), International Resource Panel, UN Environment (2017), the Academy of Finland (2015) and the Commonwealth Secretariat (2012).


Professor Daniel Franks is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Science, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Griffith University

Research impacts

Daniel’s work is interdisciplinary and highly engaged. He has field experience at more than 75 mining and energy sites internationally and 37 countries. His research was publicly cited by the Chief Operating Officer of the International Council on Mining and Metals as “academic research that has changed the mineral industry.” He played an important role in The Australian Government’s flagship $31m International Mining for Development Centre hosted by UQ and The University of Western Australia, as well as The Queensland Government’s ‘Sustainable Resource Communities Policy.’

Daniel is an instructor of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘Natural Resources for Sustainable Development’, hosted by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, The World Bank and the Natural Resources Governance Institute, where he teaches alongside Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Sir Paul Collier. He is a Docent at the Institute for Natural Resources, Environment & Society, University of Eastern Finland and an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Minerals Policy & Economics (Resources Policy) and Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. He is the immediate past co-Chair of Social Impact Assessment at the International Association of Impact Assessment, a role he held between 2011 and 2017.

In 2018, Daniel Chaired the International Conference on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining and Quarrying, which was attended by five-hundred and forty-seven (547) delegates from 72 countries and opened by the President of Zambia. As Chair he oversaw the historic Mosi-oa-Tunya Declarationon Artisanal and Small-scale Mining, Quarrying and Development.

Professor Franks is the author of more than 100 publications in 8 languages, including the book ‘Mountain Movers: Mining, sustainability and the agents of change’ (Earthscan, 2015) and his highly cited study with Rachel Davis on the costs of company-community conflict in the extractives sector, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesand by The Harvard Kennedy School. The forward to the Harvard Kennedy School Reportwas written by Professor John Ruggie, UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Business and Human Rights.

Daniel’s research has attracted global media attention by more than forty outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Associated Press, Vox Africa and Reuters. He authored a single author chapter within the prestigious Mining Engineering Handbook, a compendium published just once each generation and a chapter with Volker Boege, in High-value natural resources and post-conflict peacebuilding, published by Earthscan. The later volume was led by UN Environment’s Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Natural Resource Management programme, and the foreword of the book was written by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, then President of Liberia and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. He was the lead editor of a special issue of Resources Policy on ‘Understanding and Managing Cumulative Impacts in Resource Regions,’ which contributed new theory on cumulative impacts in minerals and energy-rich resource regions.

Daniel has successfully managed large research and capacity building programs, with over $7.5M in research funding support as a named investigator and over $21M for training/capacity building.


Search Professor Daniel Franks’s works on UQ eSpace

140 works between 2000 and 2024

101 - 120 of 140 works


Journal Article

Robots, red dust, and the future of mining towns

McNab, Karen and Franks, Daniel M. (2012, 03 14). Robots, red dust, and the future of mining towns

Robots, red dust, and the future of mining towns


Other Outputs

Social impact assessment of resource projects

Franks, Daniel M. (2012). Social impact assessment of resource projects. Mining for Development: Guide to Australian Practice, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, International Mining for Development Centre.

Social impact assessment of resource projects


Conference Publication

Mineral and energy futures: implications for technology and policy in producing and consuming countries

Giurco, Damien, Franks, Daniel, McLellan, Benjamin and Prior, Timothy (2012). Mineral and energy futures: implications for technology and policy in producing and consuming countries. 10th International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2012), Yokohama, Japan, 20-23 November 2012. Yokohama, Japan: Institute of Life Cycle Assessment.

Mineral and energy futures: implications for technology and policy in producing and consuming countries


Book Chapter

Reopening and developing mines in post-conflict settings: the challenge of company-community relations

Boege, Volker and Franks, Daniel M. (2012). Reopening and developing mines in post-conflict settings: the challenge of company-community relations. High-value natural resources and post-conflict peacebuilding. (pp. 104-137) edited by Päivi Lujala and Siri Aas Rustad. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781849775786

Reopening and developing mines in post-conflict settings: the challenge of company-community relations


Other Outputs

Mine site rehabilitation in Sierra Leone – A rapid appraisal of selected sites

Franks, Daniel and Erskine, Peter (2012). Mine site rehabilitation in Sierra Leone – A rapid appraisal of selected sites. Brisbane Australia: Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation.

Mine site rehabilitation in Sierra Leone – A rapid appraisal of selected sites


Journal Article

Research funding does not have to equal industry bias

Franks, Daniel M. (2011, 10 19). Research funding does not have to equal industry bias

Research funding does not have to equal industry bias



Investigating constructive technology assessment within the Minerals Down Under Flagship: Interview results.

Franks, Daniel M. and Cohen, Tamar (2011). Investigating constructive technology assessment within the Minerals Down Under Flagship: Interview results.. Cluster Research Report 2.2. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland.

Investigating constructive technology assessment within the Minerals Down Under Flagship: Interview results.


Other Outputs

The foundations for responsible mining in Cambodia – Suggested approaches

Browne, Warwick, Franks, Daniel M. and Kendall, Glenn (2011). The foundations for responsible mining in Cambodia – Suggested approaches. United Nations Development Programme Cambodia : Policy Brief Cambodia: United Nations.

The foundations for responsible mining in Cambodia – Suggested approaches


Journal Article

The sticky question of Libya's oil

Franks, Daniel and Boege, Volker (2011). The sticky question of Libya's oil. The Drum

The sticky question of Libya's oil


Other Outputs

Quantitative approach to improving the business of biodiversity investment: final report

Barrett, Damian, Sonter, Laura, Almarza, Anthony, Franks, Daniel M., Moran, Chris, Cohen, Tamar and Hedemann, Chris (2011). Quantitative approach to improving the business of biodiversity investment: final report. ACARP Project Number: C17030 Brisbane, Australia: Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland.

Quantitative approach to improving the business of biodiversity investment: final report


Journal Article

Emptying Queensland's flooded mines

Franks, Daniel (2011). Emptying Queensland's flooded mines. The Drum.

Emptying Queensland's flooded mines


Conference Publication

Social performance indicators at the Collahuasi copper mine, Northern Chile

Franks, Daniel M., Malhue Gonzalez, Luciano, Acuña Maturana, Mauricio, Araya Canelo, Katherine and Freiburghaus, Christine (2011). Social performance indicators at the Collahuasi copper mine, Northern Chile. First International Seminar on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 19 - 21 October 2011. Santiago, Chile: SRMinning.

Social performance indicators at the Collahuasi copper mine, Northern Chile


Book Chapter

Cumulative social impacts

Franks, Daniel M., Brereton, David and Moran, Chris J. (2011). Cumulative social impacts. New directions in social impact assessment: Conceptual and methodological advances. (pp. 202-220) edited by Frank Vanclay and Ana Maria Esteves. Cheltenham, Gloucester, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cumulative social impacts


Conference Publication

Brave new mine: Examining the human factors implications of automation and remote operation in mining

Horberry, Tim, Lynas, Danellie, Franks, Daniel M., Barnes, Rodger and Brereton, David (2011). Brave new mine: Examining the human factors implications of automation and remote operation in mining. Second International Future Mining Conference, Sydney, Australia, 22 - 23 November 2011.

Brave new mine: Examining the human factors implications of automation and remote operation in mining


Conference Publication

Environmental offsets: understanding cost/benefit trade-offs at the landscape scale

Barrett, D. J., Wettle, M., Sonter, L. J., Franks, D. M. and Almarza, A. (2011). Environmental offsets: understanding cost/benefit trade-offs at the landscape scale. Sustainable Development Conference 2011 (SD2011), Mackay, Australia, 24-26 October 2011.

Environmental offsets: understanding cost/benefit trade-offs at the landscape scale


Conference Publication

Environmental and social geology approach for sustainable development of porphyry copper deposits

Mollehuara Canales, Raul, Edraki, Mansour and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Environmental and social geology approach for sustainable development of porphyry copper deposits. Enviromine 2011 - 2nd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Mining Industry, Santiago, Chile, 23-25 November 2011. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin.

Environmental and social geology approach for sustainable development of porphyry copper deposits


Conference Publication

Monitoring social progress in mining zones: the case of Antofagasta & Tarapacá, Chile

Parra, Cristian and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Monitoring social progress in mining zones: the case of Antofagasta & Tarapacá, Chile. First International Seminar on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 19 - 21 October 2011. Santiago, Chile: SRMinning.

Monitoring social progress in mining zones: the case of Antofagasta & Tarapacá, Chile


Book Chapter

Management of the social impacts of mining

Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Management of the social impacts of mining. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. (pp. 1817-1825) edited by Peter Darling. Littleton, Colorado, U.S.A.: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration.

Management of the social impacts of mining


Conference Publication

Social license in design: constructive technology assessment within a minerals research & development institution

Franks, D. M., Cohen, T., Barnes, R., Brereton, D., Littleboy, A. and Moffat, K. (2011). Social license in design: constructive technology assessment within a minerals research & development institution. Fifth International Conference Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI 2011), Aachen, Germany, 14-17 June 2011. Essen, Germany: VGE-Verl.

Social license in design: constructive technology assessment within a minerals research & development institution


Conference Publication

Utilising adaptive water resources management strategies in mining environments to better deal with cumulative impacts

Rocci, André, Barrett, Damian and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Utilising adaptive water resources management strategies in mining environments to better deal with cumulative impacts. XIV World Water Congress, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, September 25 - 29 2011.

Utilising adaptive water resources management strategies in mining environments to better deal with cumulative impacts


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Ore-sand: a circular economy solution to reduce mineral wastes and produce alternative construction materials
    Australia's Economic Accelerator Seed Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    The Potential Use of Ore-sand from Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits as Fine Aggregates in Concrete Applications
    NewCrest Mining Limited
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2024
    Improving circularity in Queensland's new economy minerals
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2022
    Finding Alternative Sources of Sand: Cadia East HydroFloat Coarse Tailings - Phase 1
    NewCrest Mining Limited
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Finding alternative sources of sand: mine tailings
    Vale International SA
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2024
    Embedded Program Evaluation: Natural Resource Governance Global Signature Program
    BHP Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2015
    Does Mining Measure-Up? The role and effectiveness of certification schemes in the promotion of responsible mineral development
    The University of Queensland in America, Inc
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Promoting social inclusion in mining policy-making: community engagement to inform Colombia's Mining Organisation Plan
    Ford Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2016
    CSIWAS - CSIRO 'Wealth From Waste' Flagship Cluster
    University of Technology Sydney
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Action Research on Dialogue Groups on Mining and Sustainable Development in Latin America
    University of Western Australia
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Improving the Understanding and Management of the Cumulative Impacts of Coal Mining and Other Land Uses in Regions with Diversified Economies (ACACI4)
    Australian Coal Association Research Program
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Fiscal and Non-fiscal Contribution of Mining to Madagascar Economy (WDBMAD)
    World Bank Group
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2013
    Shift: The dynamics of change-making for sustainable development in the global resources sector
    UQ Foundation Research Excellence Awards - DVC(R) Funding
    Open grant
  • 2012
    Review of social investment indicators for potential application in the mining industry
    International Council on Mining and Metals
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2012
    Extractive resource development in a changing climate: learning the lessons from recent weather events in Queensland, Australia
    Climate Change Adaptation Research Grants Program
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2012
    Governance strategies to manage and monitor cumulative impacts at the regional scale
    Australian Coal Association Research Program
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2011
    Extractive resources, conflict and governance: the implications for advancing the responsibility to protect in the Asia-Pacific (Australian R2P Fund)
    AusAID-Australian Agency for International Development
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2012
    Future Sustainability of Australia's Mineral Industry (CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Research Fund)
    CSIRO Flagships Collaboration Fund
    Open grant
  • 2009
    Protecting sovereign peoples from natural resource appropriation: a review of international policy approaches
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2009
    Developing good practice in managing the cumulative impacts of coal mining
    Australian Coal Association Research Program
    Open grant



Professor Daniel Franks is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Daniel Franks directly for media enquiries about:

  • Community engagement - mining
  • Community relations - mining
  • Mine waste policy
  • Mine-community conflict
  • Mines and tailings
  • Mining
  • Mining policy
  • Resource conflict - mining
  • Resource governance - mining
  • Social impact assessment - mining
  • Sovereignty and consent - mine resources
  • Sustainable development
  • Tailings - mines

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