2014 Conference Publication The Extractive Sector and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: cross sector cooperation to address environmental challengesFranks, Daniel M. (2014). The Extractive Sector and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: cross sector cooperation to address environmental challenges. Extractive Sector and Sustainable Development − Enhancing Public-Private-Community Cooperation in the context of the Post-2015 Agenda, Brasilia, Brazil, 3-5 December 2014. Brasilia, Brazil: UNDP. |
2012 Conference Publication Mineral and energy futures: implications for technology and policy in producing and consuming countriesGiurco, Damien, Franks, Daniel, McLellan, Benjamin and Prior, Timothy (2012). Mineral and energy futures: implications for technology and policy in producing and consuming countries. 10th International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2012), Yokohama, Japan, 20-23 November 2012. Yokohama, Japan: Institute of Life Cycle Assessment. |
2011 Conference Publication Monitoring social progress in mining zones: the case of Antofagasta & Tarapacá, ChileParra, Cristian and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Monitoring social progress in mining zones: the case of Antofagasta & Tarapacá, Chile. First International Seminar on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 19 - 21 October 2011. Santiago, Chile: SRMinning. |
2011 Conference Publication Utilising adaptive water resources management strategies in mining environments to better deal with cumulative impactsRocci, André, Barrett, Damian and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Utilising adaptive water resources management strategies in mining environments to better deal with cumulative impacts. XIV World Water Congress, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, September 25 - 29 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication The costs of conflict with local communities in the extractive industryDavis, Rachel and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). The costs of conflict with local communities in the extractive industry. First International Seminar on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 19 - 21 October 2011. Santiago, Chile: SRMinning. |
2011 Conference Publication Environmental offsets: understanding cost/benefit trade-offs at the landscape scaleBarrett, D. J., Wettle, M., Sonter, L. J., Franks, D. M. and Almarza, A. (2011). Environmental offsets: understanding cost/benefit trade-offs at the landscape scale. Sustainable Development Conference 2011 (SD2011), Mackay, Australia, 24-26 October 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Social performance indicators at the Collahuasi copper mine, Northern ChileFranks, Daniel M., Malhue Gonzalez, Luciano, Acuña Maturana, Mauricio, Araya Canelo, Katherine and Freiburghaus, Christine (2011). Social performance indicators at the Collahuasi copper mine, Northern Chile. First International Seminar on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 19 - 21 October 2011. Santiago, Chile: SRMinning. |
2011 Conference Publication Social license in design: constructive technology assessment within a minerals research & development institutionFranks, D. M., Cohen, T., Barnes, R., Brereton, D., Littleboy, A. and Moffat, K. (2011). Social license in design: constructive technology assessment within a minerals research & development institution. Fifth International Conference Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI 2011), Aachen, Germany, 14-17 June 2011. Essen, Germany: VGE-Verl. |
2011 Conference Publication Brave new mine: Examining the human factors implications of automation and remote operation in miningHorberry, Tim, Lynas, Danellie, Franks, Daniel M., Barnes, Rodger and Brereton, David (2011). Brave new mine: Examining the human factors implications of automation and remote operation in mining. Second International Future Mining Conference, Sydney, Australia, 22 - 23 November 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Environmental and social geology approach for sustainable development of porphyry copper depositsMollehuara Canales, Raul, Edraki, Mansour and Franks, Daniel M. (2011). Environmental and social geology approach for sustainable development of porphyry copper deposits. Enviromine 2011 - 2nd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Mining Industry, Santiago, Chile, 23-25 November 2011. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin. |
2009 Conference Publication Avoiding mine-community conflict: From dialogue to shared futuresFranks, Daniel (2009). Avoiding mine-community conflict: From dialogue to shared futures. First International Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Mining Industry, Santiago, Chile, 30 September - 2 October 2009. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin. |
2009 Conference Publication Stable, inert and contained: mine waste disposal and the sustainable development agendaFranks, D., Boger, D., Cote, C. and Mulligan, D. (2009). Stable, inert and contained: mine waste disposal and the sustainable development agenda. First International Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Mining Industry, Santiago, Chile, 30 September - 2 October 2009. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin. |
2009 Conference Publication Surrounded by change - Collective strategies for managing the cumulative impacts of multiple minesFranks, D., Brereton, D. and Moran, C. J. (2009). Surrounded by change - Collective strategies for managing the cumulative impacts of multiple mines. SDIMI 2009, Gold Coast, Australia, 6-8 July 2009. Carlton, Victoria Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. |
2008 Conference Publication Coal mining: managing the cumulative impacts of multiple mines on regional communities and environments in AustraliaFranks, Daniel, Brereton, David and Moran, Chris J. (2008). Coal mining: managing the cumulative impacts of multiple mines on regional communities and environments in Australia. International Association for Impact Assessment, Assessing and Managing Cumulative Environmental Effects Special Topic Meeting, Calgary, Canada, 6-9 November 2008. Fargo, ND, United States: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). |
2004 Conference Publication Landscape Transformation for Resource Appropriation in the Third and Fourth WorldFranks, Daniel Marc (2004). Landscape Transformation for Resource Appropriation in the Third and Fourth World. Ecopolitics XV Conference, Environmental Governance: Transforming Regions and Localities, Macquarie University Sydney, November 13 -14, 2004. |
2000 Conference Publication Weathering and landscape evolution of the greater Brisbane area, SE QueenslandFranks, D. (2000). Weathering and landscape evolution of the greater Brisbane area, SE Queensland. 9th International Conference on Fission Track Dating and Thermochronology, Lorne, Victoria, 6-11 February 2000. Sydney: Geological Society of Australia. |