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Dr Vivi Arief

Vivi Arief

+61 7 336 52046



Dr Vivi Arief is:
Available for supervision


  • Masters (Coursework) of Agricultural Studies, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


Search Professor Vivi Arief’s works on UQ eSpace

75 works between 2006 and 2024

61 - 75 of 75 works


Journal Article

Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas

Arief, V. N., Kroonenberg, P. M., DeLacy, I. H., Dieters, M. J., Crossa, J., Dreisigacker, S., Braun, H. -J. and Basford, K. E. (2010). Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 5 (1), 95-118.

Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas


Conference Publication

The use of pedigree, molecular marker and phenotypic data to investigate population structures in 25 years of the CIMMYT global wheat breeding program

Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Crossa, Jose, Dieters, Mark J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2010). The use of pedigree, molecular marker and phenotypic data to investigate population structures in 25 years of the CIMMYT global wheat breeding program. 8th International Wheat Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1-4 June 2010. St. Petersburg, Russia: N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry (VIR).

The use of pedigree, molecular marker and phenotypic data to investigate population structures in 25 years of the CIMMYT global wheat breeding program


Conference Publication

Pattern analysis of marker-trait association profiles derived from 25 years of international wheat performance trials

Arief, V. N., Delacy, I. H., Dieters, M. J., Crossa, J., Dreisigacker, S. and Basford, K. E. (2009). Pattern analysis of marker-trait association profiles derived from 25 years of international wheat performance trials. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference (APBC) and the 11th Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO). Contemporary Crop Improvement: A Tropical View, Cairns, Australia, 10-14 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania.

Pattern analysis of marker-trait association profiles derived from 25 years of international wheat performance trials


Conference Publication

Genetic gain in yield and protein over two cycles of recurrent selection program

Niu, N., Arief, V. N., Delacy, I. H., Lush, D., Dieters, M. J. and Zhang, G. S. (2009). Genetic gain in yield and protein over two cycles of recurrent selection program. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding and 11th SABRAO Conference, Cairns, Australia, 10–14 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania.

Genetic gain in yield and protein over two cycles of recurrent selection program


Conference Publication

Genetic disequilibrium mapping using high-throughput data from a plant breeding program

V.N. Arief, I.H. Delacy, P. Wenzl and M.J. Dieters (2009). Genetic disequilibrium mapping using high-throughput data from a plant breeding program. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference and 11th SABRAO, Cairns, Australia, 14-18 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania.

Genetic disequilibrium mapping using high-throughput data from a plant breeding program


Conference Publication

Characterization of commercial cultivars and naturalized genotypes of Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze in Australia

Loch, Donald S., Roche, Matthew B., Sun-Yue, Jenny, Arief, Vivi N., Delacy, Ian H. and Lambrides, Christopher J. (2009). Characterization of commercial cultivars and naturalized genotypes of Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze in Australia. 11th ITRC: 2009 International Turfgrass Research Conference, Santiago, Chile, 26-31 July 2009. Overland Park, KS, U.S.A.: Intertec Publishing.

Characterization of commercial cultivars and naturalized genotypes of Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze in Australia


Conference Publication

An application of wheat phenome atlas using three-way principal component analysis

Arief, Vivi N., Kroonenberg, Pieter M., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose and Basford, Kaye E. (2009). An application of wheat phenome atlas using three-way principal component analysis. OECD Genome Association Oz09, Perth, Australia, 9-12 November 2009.

An application of wheat phenome atlas using three-way principal component analysis


Conference Publication

Ordination of marker-trait association profiles from long-term international wheat trials

Arief, V. N., Delacy, I. H., Crossa, J., Kroonenberg, P. M., Dieters, M. J. and Basford, K. E. (2009). Ordination of marker-trait association profiles from long-term international wheat trials. Biometrics 2009: Biometrics on the Lake. The International Biometric Society Australasian Region Conference, Taupo, New Zealand, 29 November-3 December 2009. International Biometric Society Australasian Region (IBS AR).

Ordination of marker-trait association profiles from long-term international wheat trials


Conference Publication

Towards a wheat phenome atlas and a phenome atlas toolbox: What are they? What progress?

DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian D., Arief, Vivi N., Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Edwards, David, Huttner, Eric, Lambrides, Christopher J., Manes, Yann, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi P., Duvieller, Etienne, Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, Kilian, Andrzej, McLaren, Graham, Braun, Hans-J., Crouch, Jonathan, Ortiz, Rodomiro and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). Towards a wheat phenome atlas and a phenome atlas toolbox: What are they? What progress?. 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, 24-29 August 2008. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.

Towards a wheat phenome atlas and a phenome atlas toolbox: What are they? What progress?


Conference Publication

Developing the wheat phenome atlas: Integrating 25 years of international wheat phenotypic data with genome analysis

Godwin, Ian D., DeLacy, Ian H., Arief, Vivi N., Dieters, Mark J., Lambrides, Christopher J., Basford, Kaye E., Crossa, Jose, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Kilian, Andrzej, Huttner, Eric, Crouch, Jonathan and McLaren, Graham (2008). Developing the wheat phenome atlas: Integrating 25 years of international wheat phenotypic data with genome analysis. 5th International Crop Science Conferences, Jeju, South Korea, 13-18 April, 2008.

Developing the wheat phenome atlas: Integrating 25 years of international wheat phenotypic data with genome analysis


Conference Publication

Association between phenotype and DArT markers in spring wheat using 25 years Of CIMMYT international field trial data

Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian, Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisiqacker, Susane, Edwards, Dave, Huttner, Eric, Lambrides, Christopher, Manes, Yan, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi P., Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, Williams, Manila, Kilian, Andrezj, McLaren, Graham, Crouch, Jonathan and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). Association between phenotype and DArT markers in spring wheat using 25 years Of CIMMYT international field trial data. Plant & Animal Genomes XVI Conference, San Diego, USA, 12-16 January 2008.

Association between phenotype and DArT markers in spring wheat using 25 years Of CIMMYT international field trial data


Conference Publication

Marker/trait associations identified in spring wheat using 25 years of CIMMYT International Trials

Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian D., Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Duvieller, Etienne, Edwards, D., Huttner, E., Lambrides, C., Manes, Y., Payne, T., Singh, R. P., Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, Kilian, Andrzej, McLaren, Graham, Braun, Hans-J., Crouch, Jonathan, Ortiz, Rodomiro and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). Marker/trait associations identified in spring wheat using 25 years of CIMMYT International Trials. 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 24-29 August 2008. Sydney, NSW Australia: Sydney University Press.

Marker/trait associations identified in spring wheat using 25 years of CIMMYT International Trials


Conference Publication

A comparison of three genotype structures for 686 lines derived from pedigrees (COP), 1400 DArT markers and 420,000 data points from 25 Years of CIMMYT international bread wheat trials

DeLacy, Ian H., Arief, Vivi N., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian, Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisiqacker, Susane, Edwards, Dave, Huttner, Eric, Lambrides, Christopher, Manes, Yan, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi P., Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, William, Manilal, Kilian, Andrzej, McLaren, Graham, Crouch, Jonathan and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). A comparison of three genotype structures for 686 lines derived from pedigrees (COP), 1400 DArT markers and 420,000 data points from 25 Years of CIMMYT international bread wheat trials. Plant and Animal Genome XVI Conference, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., 12-16 January 2008.

A comparison of three genotype structures for 686 lines derived from pedigrees (COP), 1400 DArT markers and 420,000 data points from 25 Years of CIMMYT international bread wheat trials


Conference Publication

Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in multiple populations

Dreisigacker, S., Arief, V. N., DeLacy, I. H., Davenport, G., Manes, Y., Reynolds, M. P., Singh, R. P., Dieters, M. J. and Crossa, J. (2008). Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in multiple populations. 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, 24-29 August, 2008. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.

Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in multiple populations


Conference Publication

Comparision of cycle 0 in two recurrent selection programs in bread wheat for the northern region of Australia

Arief, V. N., Dieters, M. J, . and DeLacy, I. H. (2006). Comparision of cycle 0 in two recurrent selection programs in bread wheat for the northern region of Australia. Breeding for Success: Diversity in Action, Christchurch, New Zealand, 18-21 Apr 2006. Dunedin, New Zealand: NZ Grassland Association.

Comparision of cycle 0 in two recurrent selection programs in bread wheat for the northern region of Australia


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2027
    Analytics for the Australian Grains Industry (AAGI)
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2026
    Pre-breeding for cold tolerance and improved agronomy for high water productivity rice
    AgriFutures Rice Program Open Call
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023
    Data Partnerships Initiative
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2023
    Assessment of variation in the relationship and genetic diversity between and within Amaranthus from Papua New Guinea by DArT fingerprinting (ACIAR ARSF grant administered by UNE)
    University of New England
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2020
    Cooperative Development of QU-GENE Simulation Platform for cross-pollinating Forage Species in Open Source Format
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Cooperative Development of QU-GENE Simulation Platform for cross-pollinating Forage Species in Open Source Format
    Open grant



Dr Vivi Arief is:
Available for supervision

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Completed supervision



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