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Dr Azhar Potia

Azhar Potia




I am a recipient of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Early Career Industry Fellowship 2023 and currently a Research Fellow at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI-UQ) and Life Course Centre (LCC-UQ). I previously held a post-doctoral research fellow position (2019-2022) at the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). I am a behavioural economist with a strong background in conducting economic, natural experiments (program and policy) and randomised control trial (RCT) evaluations. My research focuses on improving educational and well-being outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) students, and I work closely and collaborate with social organisations to achieve these goals.

My research is grounded in prior experience living and working in regional and remote Indigenous communities in Far North Queensland (Aurukun, Cairns and Hope Vale), where I worked as a program designer and coach addressing community-based financial literacy. This gave me first-hand experience of the community strengths but also systemic barriers to health, education and social inclusion faced by First Nations peoples as specified in the Closing the Gap reform targets. This experience shaped my subsequent research agenda. I am applying my training in behavioural economics to improve student learning and redress social inequity. My focus is education as a mechanism to disrupt disadvantage. I apply experimental design methodologies to identify intervention points across the education pathway where support programs can best enable positive education outcomes. I have an 8-year track record of engagements with industry organisations in designing and evaluating education programs to support First Nations students.

These industry engagements have contributed to my receiving the ARC Industry Fellowship that supports successful educational pathways for First Nation students. The fellowship aims to develop strategies to prevent the steep drop in educational outcomes and disengagement of First Nations students as they transition from primary to secondary school. In collaboration with Indigenous communities, Former Origin Greats (FOGS) Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education (ARTIE) Academy and the Queensland Department of Education (DoE), the fellowship seeks to generate effective culturally embedded support strategies to avert this steep drop.


Dr Azhar Potia is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Economics, Mumbai University
  • Masters (Coursework) of Business Economics (Advanced), The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology


Search Professor Azhar Potia’s works on UQ eSpace

34 works between 2010 and 2023

21 - 34 of 34 works


Other Outputs

Queensland State School students: prep and educational outcomes

Thorpe, Karen, Potia, Azhar Hussain, Beatton, Tony, Rankin, Peter and Staton, Sally (2020). Queensland State School students: prep and educational outcomes. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

Queensland State School students: prep and educational outcomes


Other Outputs

The most disadvantaged students: prep and educational outcomes

Thorpe, Karen, Potia, Azhar Hussain, Beatton, Tony, Rankin, Peter and Staton, Sally (2020). The most disadvantaged students: prep and educational outcomes. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

The most disadvantaged students: prep and educational outcomes


Other Outputs

Queensland State School students: Prep and NAPLAN results

Thorpe, Karen, Potia, Azhar Hussain, Beatton, Tony, Rankin, Peter and Staton, Sally (2020). Queensland State School students: Prep and NAPLAN results. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

Queensland State School students: Prep and NAPLAN results


Other Outputs

Indigenous students: prep and educational outcomes

Thorpe, Karen, Potia, Azhar Hussain, Beatton, Tony, Rankin, Peter and Staton, Sally (2020). Indigenous students: prep and educational outcomes. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

Indigenous students: prep and educational outcomes


Other Outputs

Indigenous students: prep and NAPLAN results

Thorpe, Karen, Potia, Azhar Hussain, Beatton, Tony, Rankin, Peter and Staton, Sally (2020). Indigenous students: prep and NAPLAN results. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

Indigenous students: prep and NAPLAN results


Other Outputs

Evaluation of the National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program: value for money literature review

Potia, Azhar Hussain, Brown, Richard and Smith, Simon (2020). Evaluation of the National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program: value for money literature review. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

Evaluation of the National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program: value for money literature review


Journal Article

We didn't plan for this - but we led and learned: ARTIE Academy and COVID-19

Potia, Azhar Hussain, Page, Steven, Mooney, Rebeckah, Dennis, Phil, Menner, Ryan and Thorpe, Karen (2020). We didn't plan for this - but we led and learned: ARTIE Academy and COVID-19. Australian Educational Leader, 42 (3), 53-55.

We didn't plan for this - but we led and learned: ARTIE Academy and COVID-19


Other Outputs

Rewarding commitment to attend school: a field study with Indigenous Australian high school students

Potia, Azhar Hussain, Silva-Goncalves, Juliana, Torgler, Benno and Dulleck, Uwe (2019). Rewarding commitment to attend school: a field study with Indigenous Australian high school students. LCC Working Paper Series. 2019-27. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.

Rewarding commitment to attend school: a field study with Indigenous Australian high school students


Other Outputs

Nappies, books and wrinkles: how children, qualifications and age affect female underemployment in Australia

Kler, Parvinder, Potia, Azhar Hussain and Shankar, Sriram (2019). Nappies, books and wrinkles: how children, qualifications and age affect female underemployment in Australia. LCC Working Paper Series. 2019-24. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.

Nappies, books and wrinkles: how children, qualifications and age affect female underemployment in Australia


Other Outputs

Test cases for using Goodstart data

Thorpe, Karen, Potia, Azhar Hussain, Rankin, Peter, Beatton, Tony and Staton, Sally (2019). Test cases for using Goodstart data. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.

Test cases for using Goodstart data


Other Outputs

Measuring Goodstart children’s progress and outcomes

Thorpe, Karen, Azhar Hussain Potia, Rankin, Peter, Beatton, Tony and Staton, Sally (2019). Measuring Goodstart children’s progress and outcomes. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.

Measuring Goodstart children’s progress and outcomes


Other Outputs

Improving educational outcomes using commitments and unconditional incentives: three empirical essays

Potia, Azhar H. (2019). Improving educational outcomes using commitments and unconditional incentives: three empirical essays. PhD Thesis, School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology. doi: 10.5204/thesis.eprints.125476

Improving educational outcomes using commitments and unconditional incentives: three empirical essays


Journal Article

Underemployment in Australia: a panel investigation

Kler, Parvinder, Potia, Azhar Hussain and Shankar, Sriram (2018). Underemployment in Australia: a panel investigation. Applied Economics Letters, 25 (1), 24-28. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2017.1290770

Underemployment in Australia: a panel investigation


Other Outputs

Discussion on the clean development mechanism, environmental research joint ventures and international emission trading mechanism

Azhar Hussain Potia (2010). Discussion on the clean development mechanism, environmental research joint ventures and international emission trading mechanism. Master's Thesis, School of Economics, The University of Queensland.

Discussion on the clean development mechanism, environmental research joint ventures and international emission trading mechanism


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2029
    Co-designing Obstructive Sleep Apnoea screening and diagnostic approaches for First Nations Australians: Strengthening clinical pathways with lived-experience support from community champions
    NHMRC MRFF Optimising Screening, Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2027
    Supporting successful educational pathways of First Nations students
    ARC Early Career Industry Fellowships
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2028
    Thriving kids, active brains: A collaborative to support early child development
    Ian Potter Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    Brain Builders Initiative
    Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023
    Provision of exploratory research related to early childhood data
    Australian Education Research Organisation Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Successful transition: identifying predictors of resilient trajectories of transition into secondary school
    Education Horizon
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2022
    Building Capacity for Quality Teaching in Australian Schools - New Jurisdictions (Paul Ramsay Foundation Grant led by The University of Newcastle)
    University of Newcastle
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2022
    Evaluation of the Queensland KindyLinQ Pilot Program
    Social Ventures Australia
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Evaluation of the Beyond the Broncos Girls Academy Program
    Brisbane Broncos Rugby League Club Limited
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2021
    Evaluation of the national support for child and youth mental health program and longitudinal research plan
    Commonwealth Department of Health
    Open grant



Dr Azhar Potia is:
Available for supervision

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