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Book Chapter

Bringing It All Together: Some Concluding Remarks

Gillies, Robyn M., Millis, Barbara and Davidson, Neil (2023). Bringing It All Together: Some Concluding Remarks. Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning: Applications Across Educational Contexts. (pp. 268-279) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003268192-24

Bringing It All Together: Some Concluding Remarks


Book Chapter

Promoting dialogic talk during cooperative learning

Gillies, Robyn M. (2023). Promoting dialogic talk during cooperative learning. Contemporary global perspectives on cooperative learning: applications across educational contexts. (pp. 197-207) edited by Robyn M. Gillies, Barbara Millis and Neil Davidson. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003268192-19

Promoting dialogic talk during cooperative learning


Journal Article

Teacher learning through dialogue with colleagues, self and students

Khong, Thi Diem Hang, Saito, Eisuke, Hardy, Ian and Gillies, Robyn (2023). Teacher learning through dialogue with colleagues, self and students. Educational Research, 65 (2), 170-188. doi: 10.1080/00131881.2023.2192226

Teacher learning through dialogue with colleagues, self and students


Book Chapter

Cooperative learning and the state of the field

Gillies, Robyn M., Millis, Barbara and Davidson, Neil (2023). Cooperative learning and the state of the field. Contemporary global perspectives on cooperative learning: applications across educational contexts. (pp. 1-10) edited by Robyn M. Gillies, Barbara Millis and Neil Davidson. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003268192-1

Cooperative learning and the state of the field


Book Chapter

Bringing it all together: some concluding remarks

Gillies, Robyn M., Millis, Barbara and Davidson, Neil (2023). Bringing it all together: some concluding remarks. Contemporary global perspectives on cooperative learning: applications across educational contexts. (pp. 268-270) edited by Robyn M. Gillies, Barbara Millis and Neil Davidson. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003268192

Bringing it all together: some concluding remarks


Journal Article

Specialty preferences of studying-abroad medical students from low- and middle-income countries

Li, Wen, Gillies, Robyn M., Liu, Chang, Chen, Jiayi, Zhang, Xiaoning, Cheng, Bin, Dai, Jing, Fu, Ning, Li, Lin, Liu, Shenjun and Sun, Hong (2023). Specialty preferences of studying-abroad medical students from low- and middle-income countries. BMC Medical Education, 23 (1) 158, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12909-023-04123-5

Specialty preferences of studying-abroad medical students from low- and middle-income countries


Book Chapter

Teaching science that is inquiry-based: practices and principles

Gillies, Robyn M. (2023). Teaching science that is inquiry-based: practices and principles. Challenges in science education: global perspectives for the future. (pp. 39-58) edited by Gregory P. Thomas and Helen J. Boon. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18092-7_3

Teaching science that is inquiry-based: practices and principles


Journal Article

Perceptions of trainees and trainers towards diversity management in applying cooperative learning in technical and vocational colleges

Gebremaria, Getachew Robo, Kidan, Befekadu Zeleke and Gillies, Robyn (2023). Perceptions of trainees and trainers towards diversity management in applying cooperative learning in technical and vocational colleges. International Journal of Higher Education, 12 (1), 83-95. doi: 10.5430/ijhe.v12n1p83

Perceptions of trainees and trainers towards diversity management in applying cooperative learning in technical and vocational colleges



Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning : Applications Across Educational Contexts

Gillies, Robyn M., Millis, Barbara and Davidson, Neil (2023). Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning : Applications Across Educational Contexts. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003268192

Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning : Applications Across Educational Contexts


Book Chapter

Challenges in teaching using inquiry-based science

Gillies, Robyn M. (2023). Challenges in teaching using inquiry-based science. Debates in science education. (pp. 101-114) edited by Justin Dillon and Mike Watts. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003137894-10

Challenges in teaching using inquiry-based science


Journal Article

Psychophysiological methods to study the triggers of interest: a Singapore case study

Tan, Aik Lim, Gillies, Robyn and Jamaludin, Azilawati (2023). Psychophysiological methods to study the triggers of interest: a Singapore case study. Current Psychology, 42 (32), 28298-28308. doi: 10.1007/s12144-022-03936-9

Psychophysiological methods to study the triggers of interest: a Singapore case study


Book Chapter

Dialogic talk during collaborative learning

Gillies, Robyn M. (2022). Dialogic talk during collaborative learning. The Oxford handbook of educational psychology. (pp. 1-27) edited by Angela O'Donnell, Nicole C. Barnes and Johnmarshall Reeve. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199841332.013.25

Dialogic talk during collaborative learning


Journal Article

Teaching cooperative learning through cooperative learning environment: a qualitative follow-up of an experimental study

Keramati , Mohammad Reza and Gillies Robyn M. (2022). Teaching cooperative learning through cooperative learning environment: a qualitative follow-up of an experimental study. Interactive Learning Environments, 32 (3), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2022.2100429

Teaching cooperative learning through cooperative learning environment: a qualitative follow-up of an experimental study


Journal Article

Editorial: Pedagogical practices that promote student communication, problem-solving and learning in a digital age

Gillies, Robyn M. (2022). Editorial: Pedagogical practices that promote student communication, problem-solving and learning in a digital age. Frontiers in Education, 7 957845. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.957845

Editorial: Pedagogical practices that promote student communication, problem-solving and learning in a digital age


Journal Article

Exploring the unexpected transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic in an Ethiopian-public-university context

Bishaw, Alemayehu, Tadesse, Tefera, Campbell, Chris and Gillies, Robyn M. (2022). Exploring the unexpected transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic in an Ethiopian-public-university context. Education Sciences, 12 (6) 399, 1-18. doi: 10.3390/educsci12060399

Exploring the unexpected transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic in an Ethiopian-public-university context


Journal Article

Perceptions of nursing students on the effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement and learning environment

Keramati, Mohammad Reza and Gillies, Robyn M. (2022). Perceptions of nursing students on the effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement and learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 31 (10), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2022.2043388

Perceptions of nursing students on the effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement and learning environment


Journal Article

Perceptions of undergraduate students on the effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement

Keramati, Mohammad Reza and Gillies, Robyn Margaret (2022). Perceptions of undergraduate students on the effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14 (1), 440-452. doi: 10.1108/JARHE-07-2020-0239

Perceptions of undergraduate students on the effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement



Cooperative/collaborative learning

Robyn M. Gillies ed. (2022). Cooperative/collaborative learning. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI . doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-2970-7

Cooperative/collaborative learning


Journal Article

Ikaskuntzarako atzeraelikadura-matrize bat

Brooks, Cam, Carroll, Annemaree, Gillies, Robyn and Hattie, John (2022). Ikaskuntzarako atzeraelikadura-matrize bat. e-Hizpide. Helduen euskalduntzearen aldizkaria (100). doi: 10.54512/psok9612

Ikaskuntzarako atzeraelikadura-matrize bat


Journal Article

Advantages and challenges of cooperative learning in two different cultures

Keramati, Mohammad Reza and Gillies, Robyn M. (2021). Advantages and challenges of cooperative learning in two different cultures. Education Sciences, 12 (3) 3, 3. doi: 10.3390/educsci12010003

Advantages and challenges of cooperative learning in two different cultures