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Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse
Emeritus Professor

Gillian Whitehouse




Professor of Political Science


Gillian Whitehouse researches in areas of gender and employment equity, focusing in particular on the impact of regulatory frameworks and legislative change on gender equity in contemporary societies. Her research has attracted significant funding from Australian and international agencies (including the Australian Research Council, Government departments in Australia and Britain, the OECD and the European Commission). She is a member of several international networks of researchers in the areas of employment rights and equity, including the International Network on Leave Policies & Research which produces an annual report on parental leave policies in over 30 countries. Her work has been influential within and beyond academic, contributing in particular to pay equity and parental leave policy developments in Australia.

Research Interests:

  • Gender Pay Equity: This research spans a considerable period, commencing with cross-nationally comparative analyses of the relationship between institutional frameworks for wage setting and gender equity outcomes and extending to occupational case studies of female-dominated occupations and the resilience of wage gains won through pay equity cases, particularly in times of legislative change. Gillian Whitehouse’s work in these areas has informed pay equity inquiries and claims before tribunals at national and state levels in Australia.
  • Parental Rights in Employment: This research focuses on the work/family intersection and includes analyses of the use of parental leave in Australia and investigations into the impact of parental leave type and duration on outcomes such as career progression, gendered parenting roles and family well-being. Following on from the design and implementation of Australia’s first comprehensive survey on the use and impact of parental leave (which informed a major Productivity Commission inquiry and national policy development), Gillian Whitehouse is currently part of a consortium undertaking an evaluation of Australia’s paid parental leave policy.
  • Work and Occupations: This research has focused on gender equity and work/family balance for a number of different occupational groups, including academia, professional roles in universities, architecture and - more broadly - science and technology. Aspects of this research have addressed horizontal and vertical patterns of sex segregation within computing work and emerging ‘creative’ areas such as multimedia, as well as the use of technology in changing the spatial and temporal organisation of work (e.g. via telework). Recent project work includes contribution to the European Commission project Practising Gender Equality in Science which focused on organisational strategies to attract and retain women in leadership positions in science and technology occupations in 20 countries.


Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Arts, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


Search Professor Gillian Whitehouse’s works on UQ eSpace

128 works between 1992 and 2023

21 - 40 of 128 works


Other Outputs

PPL evaluation: Final report

Martin, Bill, Baird, Marian, Brady, Michelle, Broadway, Barbara, Hewitt, Belinda, Kalb, Guyonne, Strazdins, Lyndall, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Zadoroznyj, Maria, Baxter, Janeen, Chen, Rachael, Foley, Meraiah, McVicar, Duncan, Whitehouse, Gillian and Xiang, Ning (2014). PPL evaluation: Final report. ISSR10012 and ISSR 10333 Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.

PPL evaluation: Final report


Journal Article

Gender and career progression in academia: assessing equity and diversity policy directions in Australian universities

Whitehouse, Gillian and Nesic, Michelle (2014). Gender and career progression in academia: assessing equity and diversity policy directions in Australian universities. SSRN Electronic Journal doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2440136

Gender and career progression in academia: assessing equity and diversity policy directions in Australian universities


Journal Article

Australian architecture in comparative perspective: A snapshot of gendered participation

Roan, Amanda and Whitehouse, Gillian (2014). Australian architecture in comparative perspective: A snapshot of gendered participation. Architecture Australia, 103 (5), 66-66.

Australian architecture in comparative perspective: A snapshot of gendered participation


Journal Article

Equality enabling parental leave: prevalence and distribution in Australian universities

Farrelly, Brona and Whitehouse, Gillian (2013). Equality enabling parental leave: prevalence and distribution in Australian universities. Labour and Industry, 23 (3), 245-257. doi: 10.1080/10301763.2013.839083

Equality enabling parental leave: prevalence and distribution in Australian universities


Journal Article

Employer-paid maternity leave in Australia: a comparison of uptake and duration in 2005 and 2010

Whitehouse, Gillian, Hewitt, Belinda, Martin, Bill and Baird, Marian (2013). Employer-paid maternity leave in Australia: a comparison of uptake and duration in 2005 and 2010. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 16 (3), 311-327.

Employer-paid maternity leave in Australia: a comparison of uptake and duration in 2005 and 2010


Journal Article

Leave duration after childbirth: impacts on maternal mental health, parenting, and couple relationships in Australian two-parent families

Whitehouse, Gillian, Romaniuk, Helena, Lucas, Nina and Nicholson, Jan (2013). Leave duration after childbirth: impacts on maternal mental health, parenting, and couple relationships in Australian two-parent families. Journal of Family Issues, 34 (10), 1356-1378. doi: 10.1177/0192513X12459014

Leave duration after childbirth: impacts on maternal mental health, parenting, and couple relationships in Australian two-parent families


Journal Article

'No leg to Stand on': The moral economy of Australian industrial relations changes

Bailey, Janis, Macdonald, Fiona and Whitehouse, Gillian (2012). 'No leg to Stand on': The moral economy of Australian industrial relations changes. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33 (3), 441-461. doi: 10.1177/0143831X11419687

'No leg to Stand on': The moral economy of Australian industrial relations changes


Journal Article

Tracking pay equity: The impact of regulatory change on the dissemination and sustainability of equal remuneration decisions

Connolly, Julie, Rooney, Tricia and Whitehouse, Gillian (2012). Tracking pay equity: The impact of regulatory change on the dissemination and sustainability of equal remuneration decisions. Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (2), 114-130. doi: 10.1177/0022185612437841

Tracking pay equity: The impact of regulatory change on the dissemination and sustainability of equal remuneration decisions


Journal Article

A limit to reflexivity: the challenge for working women of negotiating sharing of household labor

Walters, Peter and Whitehouse, Gilllian (2012). A limit to reflexivity: the challenge for working women of negotiating sharing of household labor. Journal of Family Issues, 33 (8), 1117-1139. doi: 10.1177/0192513X11431566

A limit to reflexivity: the challenge for working women of negotiating sharing of household labor


Other Outputs

Paid parental leave evaluation: Phase 1

Martin, Bill, Hewitt, Belinda, Baird, Marian, Baxter, Janeen, Heron, Alexandra, Whitehouse, Gillian, Zadoroznyj, Maria, Xiang, Ning, Broom, Dorothy, Connelly, Luke, Jones, Andrew, Kalb, Guyonne, McVicar, Duncan, Strazdins, Lyndall, Walter, Margaret, Western, Mark and Wooden, Mark (2012). Paid parental leave evaluation: Phase 1. Occasional Papers Series; 44 Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

Paid parental leave evaluation: Phase 1


Journal Article

Paid parental leave: first birthday policy review

Baird, Marian and Whitehouse, Gillian (2012). Paid parental leave: first birthday policy review. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 38 (3), 184-198.

Paid parental leave: first birthday policy review


Book Chapter

Approaches to gender-based undervaluation in Australian industrial tribunals: lessons from recent childcare cases

Whitehouse, Gillian and Rooney, Tricia (2011). Approaches to gender-based undervaluation in Australian industrial tribunals: lessons from recent childcare cases. Work and employment relations : an era of change : essays in honour of Russell Lansbury. (pp. 109-123) edited by Marian Baird, Keith Hancock and Joe Isaac. Sydney, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press.

Approaches to gender-based undervaluation in Australian industrial tribunals: lessons from recent childcare cases


Journal Article

Duration of leave and resident fathers' involvement in infant care in Australia

Hosking, Amanda, Whitehouse, Gillian and Baxter, Janeen (2010). Duration of leave and resident fathers' involvement in infant care in Australia. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72 (4), 1301-1316. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010.00766.x

Duration of leave and resident fathers' involvement in infant care in Australia


Conference Publication

Understanding women's employment patterns within and between nations: An assessment of conceptual frameworks

Connolly, Julie and Whitehouse, Gillian (2010). Understanding women's employment patterns within and between nations: An assessment of conceptual frameworks. TASA Conference 2010, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 6-9 December 2010. Hawthorn, VIC, Australia: The Sociological Association of Australia (TASA).

Understanding women's employment patterns within and between nations: An assessment of conceptual frameworks


Book Chapter


Alexander, Michael, Whitehouse, Gillian and Brennan, Deborah (2010). Australia. International review of leave policies and related research 2010. (pp. 42-50) edited by Peter Moss. London, U.K.: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.





Alexander, Michael, Whitehouse, Gillian and Brennan, Deborah (2009). Australia. Employment relations research series No.102 United Kingdom: Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, UK.



Journal Article

Gender Divisions and Working Times in the New Economy, by Dianne Perrons, Collette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Kath Ray and Kevin Ward (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northhampton, MA, 2007.

Whitehouse, Gillian (2009). Gender Divisions and Working Times in the New Economy, by Dianne Perrons, Collette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Kath Ray and Kevin Ward (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northhampton, MA, 2007.. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (2), 459-460.

Gender Divisions and Working Times in the New Economy, by Dianne Perrons, Collette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Kath Ray and Kevin Ward (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northhampton, MA, 2007.


Book Chapter

Australia: Casual employment, part-time employment and the resilience of the male-breadwinner model

Campbell, Iain, Whitehouse, Gillian and Baxter, Janeen (2009). Australia: Casual employment, part-time employment and the resilience of the male-breadwinner model. Gender and the contours of precarious employment. (pp. 60-75) edited by Leah F. Vosko, Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203874424

Australia: Casual employment, part-time employment and the resilience of the male-breadwinner model


Conference Publication

Returning too soon? Australian mothers' satisfaction with maternity leave duration

Whitehouse, Gillian, Hosking, Amanda and Baird, Marian (2008). Returning too soon? Australian mothers' satisfaction with maternity leave duration. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Looking ahead with Curiosity - Visions of Languages in Education, Frankfurt Germany, 2007. HOBOKEN: WILEY. doi: 10.1177/1038411108095760.

Returning too soon? Australian mothers' satisfaction with maternity leave duration




Alexander, Michael, Whitehouse, Gillian M. and Brennan, Deborah (2008). Australia. Employment relations research series No. 100 United Kingdom: Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, UK.



Past funding

  • 2013 - 2016
    Enhancing Mothers' Engagement with the Workforce in the Preschool Years.
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2013
    PPL Phase 2 Parents Survey
    UniQuest Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2014
    Equity and Diversity in the Australian Architecture Profession: Women, Work, and Leadership
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2013
    Paid Parental Leave Scheme Evaluation
    Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2012
    Gender and Employment Equity: Strategies for Advancement in Australian Universities (ARC Linkage Project administered at Griffith University)
    Griffith University
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2010
    PRAGES: Practising Gender Equality in Science (Commission of the European Communities Seventh Framework Programme Grant administered by the Dipartimento per i Diritti e le Pari Opportunita, Italy)
    European Commission 7th Framework Programme (FP7)
    Open grant
  • 2006
    WERS project
    Dept of Trade and Industry, UK
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2007
    Industrial Relations, Gender Equity and Work/Family Balance: Assessing the Impact of Changing Law and Practice in Queensland
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2007
    Working Time and Superannuation Flexibility: Facilitating 'Non-Traditional' Retirement
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2007
    Parental leave: access, utilisation and efficacy in Australia
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2004
    Parental Leave: Access, Utilization and Efficacy in Australia
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2002 - 2004
    The production of pay (in)equity for women: a study of emerging occupations
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2001
    Pay equity and the changing earnings distribution in Australia, 1996-2000.
    University of Queensland Small Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 1999 - 2002
    The development of markets in community services - the impact upon system, providers and clients
    ARC Collaborative Grant (SPIRT)
    Open grant
  • 1999
    Gender equity in paid employment in the Asia Pacific region
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant
  • 1999 - 2001
    The management and industrial relations of telework: a model Australian industry
    Department Employment Training Industrial Relation
    Open grant
  • 1999 - 2001
    The management and industrial relations of Telework: A model for Australian industry
    ARC Collaborative Grant (SPIRT)
    Open grant
  • 1999 - 2001
    The management of industrial relations of telework: a model for australian industry
    Unisys Australia
    Open grant
  • 1998 - 1999
    History of the Industrial Commission in Queensland
    Department Employment Training Industrial Relation
    Open grant
  • 1998 - 2000
    Citizenship, gender contracts and industrial relations
    ARC Australian Research Council (Large grants)
    Open grant
  • 1997 - 1998
    Work and family life: case studies in the implementation of centralised and decentralised provisions
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant
  • 1996
    Women, employment and citizenship: the role of the Australian industrial relations system in the pursuit of employment
    UQ External Support Enabling Grant
    Open grant
  • 1995 - 1996
    Open learning for home based workers (Labour market analysis component)
    Open Learning Technology Corporation Ltd.
    Open grant
  • 1995
    The decline of labour: Social and economic implications in the OECD countries
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant



Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse is:
Available for supervision

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Contact Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse directly for media enquiries about:

  • Employment equity
  • Equity - employment
  • Gender and work
  • Gender division of labour
  • Maternity leave and employment
  • Parental leave
  • Pay equity

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