Sandra Capra AM joined the Faculty of Health Sciencesand then the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciencesi 2008 as professor of nutrition. Professor Capra received her BSc(Hons) and Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics from Sydney University, her MSocSc from the University of Birmingham and her PhD from the University of Queensland.
After more than 15 years in professional practice in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and New Zealand Prof Capra entered academia full time. Professor Capra has a strong commitment to allied health professions and has served three terms as President of the Dietitians Association of Australia, has been a member of the Council of Pro Vice Chancellors and Deans of Health Sciences and served on many national policy making committees including the Nutrient Reference Values Steering Committee and the Dietary Guidelines Working Party of the National Health and Medical Research Council. She served sixteen years as Chair of the Board of Directors (President) of the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations from 2004-2016. She was an Independent Director of Health Workforce Australia 2010-2014.
Professor Capra is an expert on allied health in general and nutrition and dietetics curricula and competencies in particular and reviews educational programs both in Australia and overseas. In early 2017 she was appointed Executive Director of the International Commission for Dietetics and Nutrition Education and Accreditation, implementing an international program of competency development and program accreditaion. She is regularly invited to speak on the topic of educational standards, quality and competence. Professor Capra has been recognised for her service to nutrition and dietetics education and research by being appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2003, a Fellow of the Dietitians Association of Australia (the first appointed) and elected to life membership of the DAA. She was named one of the Westpac/Financial Review "100 Women of Influence" in the global category in 2014.
Professor Capra designed and developed the Master of Dietetics Studies, an innovative and distinctive program within Australia, and sought and achieved accreditation for this novel program as well as more recently its reaccreditation. Graduates are complimented on their skill and employability.
She has acted as a consultant to governments, in the area of foodservices for hospitals, detention centres, custodial facilities as well as serving on numerous governent committees at the state and national level.
Prior to her move to the University of Queensland she was the Head of School, School of Health Sciences and Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle, NSW. Before that she was at QUT for 15 years.
She was appointed Emeritus Professor in January 2019, and retains an active interest in research and mentoring.
Research Interests
Professor Capra has positioned UQ as a leader in research in nutrition. Her personal research interests focus on nutrition and dietetics practice, food and nutrition policy and quality outcomes for food and nutrition services in a variety of settings. Much of her work focuses on the development of tools to use in practice and developing systems for quality improvements and outcomes measurements of service delivery. Studies include nutrition service delivery models, best practice, tools development, measurement in dietetics and outcomes research in dietetics, staffing and efficacy. This is not limited to clinical fields, but includes other domains of policy and public health and service delivery and alllied health more generally. Professor Capra was a principal investigator on the Department of Health and Ageing “Implementing best practice nutrition and hydration support in Residential aged care” which was part of the national “Encouraging Best Practice in Residential Aged Care” program. She has developed tools now used across Australia such as the Malnutrition Screening Tool, the Meal Assessment Tool, and the Acute Care Patient Satisfaction with Foodservice Questionnaire. many of her former students have proceeded to key leadership roles in Australia and overseas.
- Emeritus Professor Sandra Capra is:
- Not available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours), University of Sydney
- Postgraduate Diploma, University of Sydney
- Masters (Coursework), University of Birmingham
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
- Dietitians Association of Australia, Dietitians Association of Australia
Research impacts
Professor Capra is the author of, or supervised doctoral student work in the development of key outcome tools used in nutrition practice throughout Australia as well as internationally. Examples of these are the manutrition screening tool (MST) the acute care patient satisfaction survey for foodservice, another for clinical dietetics, the meal assessment tool, modified bowel assessment tool, the verification of tools used in the USA among other countries. She was named one of the Financial Review's 100 Women of Influence in 2014, in the international category, due to her impact on nutrition and dietetics education in the international arena. She has been part of the NHMRC working parties that developed national guidelines for nutrients as well as the dietary guidelines for Australia.
Search Professor Sandra Capra’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Building food composition tables: extraction methods to measure lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in select Australian foods
Fitzpatrick, Naomi Kathleen, Chachay, Veronique, Shore, Angela, Jackman, Sarah, Capra, Sandra, Bowtell, Joanna and Briskey, David (2024). Building food composition tables: extraction methods to measure lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in select Australian foods. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59 (3), 1864-1875. doi: 10.1111/ijfs.16938
Journal Article
Newly developed dietary assessment tools for lutein and zeaxanthin are correlated with 24-hour diet recalls, but are not a valid measure of intake in Australian and United Kingdom adults
Fitzpatrick, Naomi Kathleen, Capra, Sandra, Shore, Angela, Briskey, David, Jackman, Sarah, Bowtell, Joanna and Chachay, Veronique (2024). Newly developed dietary assessment tools for lutein and zeaxanthin are correlated with 24-hour diet recalls, but are not a valid measure of intake in Australian and United Kingdom adults. Nutrition Research, 122, 68-79. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2023.12.010
Journal Article
Assessing electronic device use behaviours in healthy adults: development and evaluation of a novel tool
Fitzpatrick, Naomi K., Chachay, Veronique, Capra, Sandra, Briskey, David, Jackman, Sarah, Shore, Angela and Bowtell, Joanna (2024). Assessing electronic device use behaviours in healthy adults: development and evaluation of a novel tool. BMC Public Health, 24 (1) 186, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-17637-4
Journal Article
Effect of supplements/intensive nutrition on pressure ulcer healing: a multicentre, randomised controlled study
Banks, Merrilyn D., Webster, Joan, Bauer, Judy, Dwyer, Kathleen, Pelecanos, Anita, MacDermott, Paula, Nevin, Amy, Coleman, Kerrie, Campbell, Jill, Hickling, Donna, Byrnes, Angela and Capra, Sandra (2023). Effect of supplements/intensive nutrition on pressure ulcer healing: a multicentre, randomised controlled study. Journal of Wound Care, 32 (5), 292-300. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2023.32.5.292
Other Outputs
Lutein and zeaxanthin dietary screeners validation study in healthy Australian and United Kingdom adults
Fitzpatrick, Naomi, Chachay, Veronique, Capra, Sandra, Jackman, S.R. and Briskey, David (2023). Lutein and zeaxanthin dietary screeners validation study in healthy Australian and United Kingdom adults. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/f9416b1
Journal Article
The challenges facing residential aged care homes to participate in quality food and nutrition research
Cave, Danielle, Abbey, Karen and Capra, Sandra (2023). The challenges facing residential aged care homes to participate in quality food and nutrition research. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36 (4), 1547-1555. doi: 10.1111/jhn.13154
Other Outputs
Development and validity evaluation of an electronic device use questionnaire in Australian and United Kingdom adults
Fitzpatrick, Naomi, Chachay, Veronique, Capra, Sandra, S.R.Jackman and Briskey, David (2023). Development and validity evaluation of an electronic device use questionnaire in Australian and United Kingdom adults. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/61b97b1
Journal Article
Costing foodservices in aged care is more than food alone: the development of the FCT
Wheeler, Mikaela, Abbey, Karen and Capra, Sandra (2022). Costing foodservices in aged care is more than food alone: the development of the FCT. Nutrients, 14 (14) 2910, 1-10. doi: 10.3390/nu14142910
Journal Article
Meal choice for residential aged care is not yet defined: a scoping review of policies, standards, reports and guidelines
Wheeler, Mikaela, Abbey, Karen L. and Capra, Sandra M. (2022). Meal choice for residential aged care is not yet defined: a scoping review of policies, standards, reports and guidelines. Nutrition and Dietetics, 79 (1), 169-180. doi: 10.1111/1747-0080.12700
Journal Article
Food and nutrition champions in residential aged care homes are key for sustainable systems change within foodservices; results from a qualitative study of stakeholders
Cave, Danielle, Abbey, Karen and Capra, Sandra (2021). Food and nutrition champions in residential aged care homes are key for sustainable systems change within foodservices; results from a qualitative study of stakeholders. Nutrients, 13 (10) 3566, 3566. doi: 10.3390/nu13103566
Journal Article
An appraisal of trials investigating the effects on macular pigment optical density of lutein and zeaxanthin dietary interventions: a narrative review
Fitzpatrick, Naomi, Chachay, Veronique, Bowtell, Joanna, Jackman, Sarah, Capra, Sandra, Shore, Angela and Briskey, David (2021). An appraisal of trials investigating the effects on macular pigment optical density of lutein and zeaxanthin dietary interventions: a narrative review. Nutrition Reviews, 80 (3), 513-524. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuab038
Journal Article
How well has part-time work on return from maternity leave been accepted in the workplace? Learnings from allied health professional managers in Queensland Health
Hulcombe, Julie, Capra, Sandra and Whitehouse, Gillian (2021). How well has part-time work on return from maternity leave been accepted in the workplace? Learnings from allied health professional managers in Queensland Health. Australian Health Review, 45 (5), 627-632. doi: 10.1071/ah20288
Conference Publication
Calculating the true costs of food service in long-term care: Development of a costing methodology
Wheeler, Mikaela, Abbey, Karen and Capra, Sandra (2020). Calculating the true costs of food service in long-term care: Development of a costing methodology. GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting, Philadelphia, PA United States, 4-8 November 2020. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igaa057.291
Journal Article
Systematic review of energy initiation rates and refeeding syndrome outcomes
Matthews-Rensch, Kylie, Capra, Sandra and Palmer, Michelle (2020). Systematic review of energy initiation rates and refeeding syndrome outcomes. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 36 (1) ncp.10549, 153-168. doi: 10.1002/ncp.10549
Journal Article
Specialist children's obesity management services: what makes a difference in outcomes?
Walker, Jacqueline L., Malley, Rebecca, Littlewood, Robyn and Capra, Sandra (2020). Specialist children's obesity management services: what makes a difference in outcomes?. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 12 (1), 10-20. doi: 10.3923/ajcn.2020.10.20
Journal Article
Implementation of the ‘Healthier Drinks at Healthcare Facilities’ strategy at a major tertiary children's hospital in Brisbane, Australia
Walker, Jacqueline L., Littlewood, Robyn, Rogany, Ayala and Capra, Sandra (2020). Implementation of the ‘Healthier Drinks at Healthcare Facilities’ strategy at a major tertiary children's hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44 (4) 1753-6405.13013, 295-300. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.13013
Journal Article
Can foodservices in aged care homes deliver sustainable food fortification strategies? A review
Cave, Danielle P., Abbey, Karen L. and Capra, Sandra M. (2019). Can foodservices in aged care homes deliver sustainable food fortification strategies? A review. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 71 (3), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/09637486.2019.1658722
Journal Article
Enhancing healthy eating patterns among Hong Kong young adults
Kwok, Sin Tung, Capra, Sandra and Leveritt, Michael (2019). Enhancing healthy eating patterns among Hong Kong young adults. Health Promotion International, 35 (2), 386-396. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daz018
Journal Article
Allied health professionals in Queensland Health returning to work after maternity leave: Hours of work and duration of time on part-time hours
Hulcombe, Julie, Capra, Sandra and Whitehouse, Gillian (2019). Allied health professionals in Queensland Health returning to work after maternity leave: Hours of work and duration of time on part-time hours. Australian Health Review, 44 (1), 56-61. doi: 10.1071/AH18110
Journal Article
The accuracy and consistency of nutrition care process terminology use in cases of refeeding syndrome
Matthews, Kylie L, Palmer, Michelle A and Capra, Sandra M (2018). The accuracy and consistency of nutrition care process terminology use in cases of refeeding syndrome. Nutrition and Dietetics, 75 (3), 331-336. doi: 10.1111/1747-0080.12389
- Emeritus Professor Sandra Capra is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Examining meal preparation strategies used in the aged care sector to improve choice and outcomes through foodservices
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Examining meal preparation strategies used in the aged care sector to improve choice and outcomes through foodservices
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Examining meal preparation strategies used in the aged care sector to improve choice and outcomes through foodservices
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Hungry for Change: An evolving best-practice nutrition program within high level aged care in Australia
Principal Advisor
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Making appropriate and sustainable change in residential aged care: a case study on food fortification strategies
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Increasing choice, flexibility, and personalisation in foodservices in residential aged care: design and cost
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Return to work arrangements after maternity leave of Allied Health Professionals - impact on management of staff and work
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse
Doctor Philosophy
Refeeding syndrome in acute care: Is there a dietetics role?
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Transitioning from Secondary to Tertiary Education in Hong Kong: Impact on Food and Nutrition
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Australian Residential Aged Care Foodservices Menu design, quality and standards - a time for action
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Olivia Wright
Doctor Philosophy
Evidence based guidelines for food and nutrition services in correctional centres, including assesment of diet related chronic disease risk
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding dietary lutein and zeaxanthin intake: an exploration of barriers to establishing an intake recommendation to support ocular health
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr David Briskey
Doctor Philosophy
The Muscle mass, omega-3, exercise, diet and lifestyle study (MODEL): For women after completion of breast cancer treatment
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Identifying and overcoming barriers to nutrition care in acute hip fracture inpatients
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Luke Connelly
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