Professor of Political Science
Gillian Whitehouse researches in areas of gender and employment equity, focusing in particular on the impact of regulatory frameworks and legislative change on gender equity in contemporary societies. Her research has attracted significant funding from Australian and international agencies (including the Australian Research Council, Government departments in Australia and Britain, the OECD and the European Commission). She is a member of several international networks of researchers in the areas of employment rights and equity, including the International Network on Leave Policies & Research which produces an annual report on parental leave policies in over 30 countries. Her work has been influential within and beyond academic, contributing in particular to pay equity and parental leave policy developments in Australia.
Research Interests:
- Gender Pay Equity: This research spans a considerable period, commencing with cross-nationally comparative analyses of the relationship between institutional frameworks for wage setting and gender equity outcomes and extending to occupational case studies of female-dominated occupations and the resilience of wage gains won through pay equity cases, particularly in times of legislative change. Gillian Whitehouse’s work in these areas has informed pay equity inquiries and claims before tribunals at national and state levels in Australia.
- Parental Rights in Employment: This research focuses on the work/family intersection and includes analyses of the use of parental leave in Australia and investigations into the impact of parental leave type and duration on outcomes such as career progression, gendered parenting roles and family well-being. Following on from the design and implementation of Australia’s first comprehensive survey on the use and impact of parental leave (which informed a major Productivity Commission inquiry and national policy development), Gillian Whitehouse is currently part of a consortium undertaking an evaluation of Australia’s paid parental leave policy.
- Work and Occupations: This research has focused on gender equity and work/family balance for a number of different occupational groups, including academia, professional roles in universities, architecture and - more broadly - science and technology. Aspects of this research have addressed horizontal and vertical patterns of sex segregation within computing work and emerging ‘creative’ areas such as multimedia, as well as the use of technology in changing the spatial and temporal organisation of work (e.g. via telework). Recent project work includes contribution to the European Commission project Practising Gender Equality in Science which focused on organisational strategies to attract and retain women in leadership positions in science and technology occupations in 20 countries.
- Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
- Bachelor of Arts, The University of Queensland
- Bachelor (Honours) of Arts, The University of Queensland
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Search Professor Gillian Whitehouse’s works on UQ eSpace
Book Chapter
Prosecuting pay equity in Australia: evolving strategies in the context of declining institutional advantages
Whitehouse, Gillian and Smith, Meg (2023). Prosecuting pay equity in Australia: evolving strategies in the context of declining institutional advantages. The evolution of the gender pay gap: a comparative perspective. (pp. 185-201) edited by Frances Hamilton and Elisabeth Griffiths. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003333951-15
Book Chapter
Legacies of an Antipodean model? Parenting leave policy trajectories in Australia and New Zealand
Whitehouse, Gillian, Baird, Marian and Morrissey, Suzy (2022). Legacies of an Antipodean model? Parenting leave policy trajectories in Australia and New Zealand. Research handbook on leave policy: parenting and social inequalities in a global perspective. (pp. 244-257) edited by Ivana Dobrotic, Sonja Blum and Alison Koslowski. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781800372214.00029
Journal Article
Dimensions of social equality in paid parental leave policy design: comparing Australia and Japan
Whitehouse, Gillian and Nakazato, Hideki (2021). Dimensions of social equality in paid parental leave policy design: comparing Australia and Japan. Social Inclusion, 9 (2), 288-299. doi: 10.17645/si.v9i2.3863
Journal Article
The benefits and penalties of formal and informal flexible working-time arrangements: evidence from a cohort study of Australian mothers
Xiang, Ning, Whitehouse, Gillian, Tomaszewski, Wojtek and Martin, Bill (2021). The benefits and penalties of formal and informal flexible working-time arrangements: evidence from a cohort study of Australian mothers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33 (14), 1-22. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2021.1897642
Journal Article
How well has part-time work on return from maternity leave been accepted in the workplace? Learnings from allied health professional managers in Queensland Health
Hulcombe, Julie, Capra, Sandra and Whitehouse, Gillian (2021). How well has part-time work on return from maternity leave been accepted in the workplace? Learnings from allied health professional managers in Queensland Health. Australian Health Review, 45 (5), 627-632. doi: 10.1071/ah20288
Journal Article
Equal pay for work of equal value, wage-setting and the gender pay gap
Whitehouse, Gillian and Smith, Meg (2020). Equal pay for work of equal value, wage-setting and the gender pay gap. Journal of Industrial Relations, 62 (4), 519-532. doi: 10.1177/0022185620943626
Journal Article
Wage-setting and gender pay equality in Australia: advances, retreats and future prospects
Smith, Meg and Whitehouse, Gillian (2020). Wage-setting and gender pay equality in Australia: advances, retreats and future prospects. Journal of Industrial Relations, 62 (4), 002218562092622-559. doi: 10.1177/0022185620926220
Journal Article
Addressing corruption in post-Soeharto Indonesia: the role of the Corruption Eradication Commission
Umam, Ahmad Khoirul, Whitehouse, Gillian, Head, Brian and Khan, Mohammed Adil (2020). Addressing corruption in post-Soeharto Indonesia: the role of the Corruption Eradication Commission. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 50 (1), 125-143. doi: 10.1080/00472336.2018.1552983
Journal Article
Parental leave, social inequalities and the future of work: possibilities and constraints within the Australian policy framework
Whitehouse, Gillian and Brady, Michelle (2019). Parental leave, social inequalities and the future of work: possibilities and constraints within the Australian policy framework. Labour & Industry, 29 (3), 257-272. doi: 10.1080/10301763.2019.1677203
Journal Article
Editorial: new social inequalities and the future of work
Whitehouse, Gillian and Brady, Michelle (2019). Editorial: new social inequalities and the future of work. Labour and Industry-A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work, 29 (3), 238-242. doi: 10.1080/10301763.2019.1679422
Journal Article
Allied health professionals in Queensland Health returning to work after maternity leave: Hours of work and duration of time on part-time hours
Hulcombe, Julie, Capra, Sandra and Whitehouse, Gillian (2019). Allied health professionals in Queensland Health returning to work after maternity leave: Hours of work and duration of time on part-time hours. Australian Health Review, 44 (1), 56-61. doi: 10.1071/AH18110
Other Outputs
Millennium Mums Report, waves 1-5
Hewitt, Belinda, Baird, Marian, Baxter, Janeen, Brady, Michelle, Coles, Laetitia, Dickenson, Jane, Strazdins, Lyndall, Whitehouse, Gillian, Xiang, Ning and Yerkes, Mara (2017). Millennium Mums Report, waves 1-5. Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.
Book Chapter
A cross-national comparison of gender gaps
Whitehouse, Gillian (2017). A cross-national comparison of gender gaps. Women, Labor Segmentation and Regulation: Varieties of Gender Gaps. (pp. 97-116) New York, NY, U.S.A.: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-55495-6_6
Book Chapter
Academics: How career structures and segmentation undermine pay regulation
Strachan, Glenda, Peetz, David, Broadbent, Kaye, Bailey, Janis, Whitehouse, Gillian and Troup, Carolyn (2017). Academics: How career structures and segmentation undermine pay regulation. Women, Labor Segmentation and Regulation: Varieties of Gender Gaps. (pp. 155-174) New York, NY, U.S.A.: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-55495-6_9
Journal Article
Academic pay loadings and gender in Australian universities
Bailey, Janis, Peetz, David, Strachan, Glenda, Whitehouse, Gillian and Broadbent, Kaye (2016). Academic pay loadings and gender in Australian universities. Journal of Industrial Relations, 58 (5), 647-668. doi: 10.1177/0022185616639308
Other Outputs
Women, Careers and Universities. Where to from Here?
Strachan, G., Peetz, D., Whitehouse, G., Bailey, J., Broadbent, K., Troup, C. and Nesic, M. (2016). Women, Careers and Universities. Where to from Here?. Nathan, QLD, Australia: Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing (WOW).
Other Outputs
Women, Careers and Universities: Where to from Here?
Strachan, Glenda, Peetz, David , Whitehouse, Gillian , Bailey, Janis , Broadbent, Kaye , May, Robyn , Troup, Carolyn and Nesic, Michelle (2016). Women, Careers and Universities: Where to from Here?. Nathan, QLD, Australia: Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing (WOW), Griffith University.
Book Chapter
Whitehouse, G., Baird, M., Brennan, D. and Baxter, J. (2016). Australia. 12th International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2016. (pp. 45-56) edited by A. Koslowski, S. Blum and P. Moss. Online: International Network on Leave Policies and Research.
Journal Article
Self-reported harassment and bullying in Australian universities: explaining differences between regional, metropolitan and elite institutions
Skinner, Timothy C., Peetz, David, Strachan, Glenda, Whitehouse, Gillian, Bailey, Janis and Broadbent, Kaye (2015). Self-reported harassment and bullying in Australian universities: explaining differences between regional, metropolitan and elite institutions. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37 (5), 558-571. doi: 10.1080/1360080X.2015.1079400
Journal Article
Mothers’ perceptions of support in the workplace: a sense of entitlement or resignation?
Walters, Peter and Whitehouse, Gillian (2015). Mothers’ perceptions of support in the workplace: a sense of entitlement or resignation?. Journal of Sociology, 51 (3), 769-782. doi: 10.1177/1440783314536793
- Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Women and retirement
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Percy
Doctor Philosophy
What impact does men's use of parental leave have on women's experiences in paid employment?
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Percy
Doctor Philosophy
What impact does men's use of parental leave have on women's experiences in paid employment?
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Percy
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Addressing Corruption in Post-Soeharto 'Democratic' Indonesia: An Analysis of the Capacity of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Adjunct Professor Adil Khan, Professor Brian Head
Doctor Philosophy
The role of elite-level women in the development of Australia's first national paid parental leave scheme
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Negotiating career progression and parenthood: family-adaptiveness in an Australian university
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Dignity at work? A case study of bookkeepers in diverse forms of employment
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Transforming Australia¿s Public Employment Service: The Job Network 1998-2003
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Deepening democracy? A study of democracy education programs in Thailand
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Impact of the quasi-market model on community service organizations
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The impact of telework on work-family balance in Australia
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Return to work arrangements after maternity leave of Allied Health Professionals - impact on management of staff and work
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Sandra Capra
Doctor Philosophy
Paternity, Policy (Discourse) and Practice: Understanding Discursive Resources and Barriers to Leave-Taking Amongst Australian Fathers
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Dimensions of Gender: Women's Careers in the Australian Architecture Profession
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Selling Sex, Negotiating Identity(ies): Gendered Dimensions of the Whore Stigma and Strategies of Stigma-Resistance
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The well-being of single mother families following the welfare-to-work changes of July 2006
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Greg Marston
Doctor Philosophy
Union strategy in developing countries: Lessons from Indonesian Enterprise Unions in the services sector
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The influence of children on female wages: better or worse in Australia?
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Janeen Baxter, Professor Mark Western
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Contact Emeritus Professor Gillian Whitehouse directly for media enquiries about:
- Employment equity
- Equity - employment
- Gender and work
- Gender division of labour
- Maternity leave and employment
- Parental leave
- Pay equity
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