Dr Vicente Chua Reyes, Jr. is with the School of Education, University of Queensland, Australia. He is co-editor of the Policy and Leadership Studies Working Papers Series of the National Institute of Education (Singapore). He is a Fellow of the Centre for Chinese Studies of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the National Taiwan Normal University and the University of Macau (China). He is also a Visiting Academic at the Institute of Education, University of London. Vicente has experience in educational settings spanning Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, the UK and the US. Vicente used to be a Teaching/School Principal for an elementary and high school in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. Vicente taught humanities in high school (Philippines and Singapore) and in elementary school levels (Philippines and Spain). Trained as a political scientist, his current research interests are in comparative education. Vicente also pursues inquiries into the application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education, educational leadership, research methodologies as well as investigating the phenomenon of corruption alongside governance in educational reform.
- Dr Vicente Reyes is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Arts, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Masters (Coursework) of Public Administration, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Masters (Coursework), Institution to be confirmed
- Doctor of Philosophy, National University of Singapore
Research interests
Comparative Education Reform
Educational Policy Analysis
Educational Administration and Leadership
The Impact of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in Education
Search Professor Vicente Reyes’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Identity and digital equity: Reflections on a university educational technology course
McLay, Katherine Frances and Reyes, Vicente Chua (2019). Identity and digital equity: Reflections on a university educational technology course. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (6), 15-29. doi: 10.14742/ajet.5552
Journal Article
Problematising technology and teaching reforms: Australian and Singapore perspectives
McLay, Katherine Frances and Reyes Jr, Vicente Chua (2019). Problematising technology and teaching reforms: Australian and Singapore perspectives. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 21 (4), 277-294. doi: 10.1108/IJCED-10-2018-0045
Journal Article
Test-takers’ perspectives on a global test of English: questions of fairness, justice and validity
Hamid, M. Obaidul, Hardy, Ian and Reyes, Vicente (2019). Test-takers’ perspectives on a global test of English: questions of fairness, justice and validity. Language Testing in Asia, 9 (1) 16. doi: 10.1186/s40468-019-0092-9
Journal Article
Performative practices and authentic accountabilities: targeting students, targeting learning
Hardy, Ian, Reyes, Vicente and Hamid, M. Obaid (2019). Performative practices and authentic accountabilities: targeting students, targeting learning. The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 18 (1), 20-33.
Journal Article
Developing, situating and evaluating effective online professional learning and development: a review of some theoretical and policy frameworks
Quinn, Frances, Charteris, Jennifer, Adlington, Rachael, Rizk, Nadya, Fletcher, Peter, Reyes, Vicente and Parkes, Mitchell (2019). Developing, situating and evaluating effective online professional learning and development: a review of some theoretical and policy frameworks. The Australian Educational Researcher, 46 (3), 405-424. doi: 10.1007/s13384-018-00297-w
Book Chapter
Assessment reforms in high-performing education systems: Shanghai and Singapore
Reyes, Vicente and Tan, Charlene (2019). Assessment reforms in high-performing education systems: Shanghai and Singapore. International trends in educational assessment: emerging issues and practices. (pp. 25-37) edited by Myint Swe Khine. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Sense. doi: 10.1163/9789004393455_003
Book Chapter
School leaders in the midst of reforms: Crisis and catharsis in the Philippine education system
Chua, Vicente Reyes (2019). School leaders in the midst of reforms: Crisis and catharsis in the Philippine education system. Perspectives on School Leadership in Asia Pacific Contexts. (pp. 109-131) edited by Salleh Hairon and Jonathan Wee Pin Goh. Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-32-9160-7_8
Book Chapter
PISA and self-projection in Shanghai
Reyes, Vicente Chua Jr. and Tan, Charlene (2019). PISA and self-projection in Shanghai. Understanding PISA's attractiveness: critical analyses in comparative policy studies. (pp. 161-176) edited by Florian Waldow and Gita Khamsi-Steiner. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic. doi: 10.5040/9781350057319.ch-008
Networks of (Dis)Trust: The impact of automation, corruption, and media on Philippine elections
Reyes, Vicente (2019). Networks of (Dis)Trust: The impact of automation, corruption, and media on Philippine elections. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Lexington Books.
Journal Article
Data for learning? Confirming and contesting performative practices of data governance
Hardy, Ian, Hamid, M. Obaidul and Reyes, Vicente (2018). Data for learning? Confirming and contesting performative practices of data governance. Global Studies of Childhood, 8 (4), 339-354. doi: 10.1177/2043610618814843
Journal Article
Professional Knowledge Landscapes in Online Pre-service Teacher Education: An Exploration through Metaphor
Quinn, Frances, Charteris, Jennifer, Fletcher, Peter, Parkes, Mitchell and Reyes, Vicente (2018). Professional Knowledge Landscapes in Online Pre-service Teacher Education: An Exploration through Metaphor. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43 (10), 60-80. doi: 10.14221/ajte.v43.n10.4
Journal Article
Corruption, automation reforms, patron-client networks and new media: electoral engineering and the May 2010 Philippine elections
Reyes, Vicente Chua Jr (2018). Corruption, automation reforms, patron-client networks and new media: electoral engineering and the May 2010 Philippine elections. Studia Politica, 18 (2), 241-266.
Journal Article
Student-initiated Facebook sites: nurturing personal learning environments or a place for the disenfranchised?
Charteris, Jennifer, Parkes, Mitchell, Gregory, Sue, Fletcher, Peter and Reyes, Vicente (2018). Student-initiated Facebook sites: nurturing personal learning environments or a place for the disenfranchised?. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27 (4), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/1475939x.2018.1507924
Journal Article
‘In-betweenners’: Chinese students’ experiences in China-Australia articulation programs
Dai, Kun, Lingard, Bob and Reyes, Vicente (2018). ‘In-betweenners’: Chinese students’ experiences in China-Australia articulation programs. Scottish Educational Review, 50 (1) NA, 36-55. doi: 10.1163/27730840-05001004
Book Chapter
An exploratory analysis of TPACK perceptions of pre-service science teachers: A regional Australian perspective
Reyes, Vicente, Reading, Christine, Rizk, Nadya, Gregory, Sue and Doyle, Helen (2018). An exploratory analysis of TPACK perceptions of pre-service science teachers: A regional Australian perspective. Teacher Training and Professional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. (pp. 1968-1983) IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5631-2.ch093
Journal Article
Desafíos en las escuelas rurales de China: Continuidad y cambio de la educación del siglo xxi
Reyes, Vicente and Xu, Rui (2018). Desafíos en las escuelas rurales de China: Continuidad y cambio de la educación del siglo xxi. Aula de Innovacion Educativa, 270 (Marzo 2018), 35-39.
Book Chapter
Survival politics and electoral manipulation: Singapore’s hegemonic party, political finance and the reconstitution of the city-state
Reyes Jr, Vicente Chua (2018). Survival politics and electoral manipulation: Singapore’s hegemonic party, political finance and the reconstitution of the city-state. Handbook of political party funding. (pp. 507-518) edited by Jonathan Mendilow and Eric Phélippeau. Northampton, MA, United States: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781785367977.00039
Book Chapter
Negotiating global and local encounters: 21st-century teacher education policy challenges in the Philippines
Reyes, Vicente (2018). Negotiating global and local encounters: 21st-century teacher education policy challenges in the Philippines. Navigating the common good in teacher education policy: critical and international perspectives. (pp. 41-63) edited by Nikola Hobbel and Barbara Bales. New York, NY United States: Routledge.
Educational research in the Age of the Anthropocene
Vicente Reyes, Jennifer Charteris, Adele Nye and Sofia Mavropoulou eds. (2018). Educational research in the Age of the Anthropocene. Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, Hershey, PA, United States: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5317-5
Book Chapter
Conclusion: Educational research in the age if the anthropocene: Uncertain and complex
Reyes, Vicente , Charteris, Jennifer , Nye, Adele and Mavropoulou, Sofia (2018). Conclusion: Educational research in the age if the anthropocene: Uncertain and complex. Educational Research in the Age of the Anthropocene. (pp. 285-295) edited by Vicente Reyes, Jennifer Charteris, Adele Nye and Sofia Mavropoulou. Hersley, PA, United States: IGI-Global.
Past funding
- Dr Vicente Reyes is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Truth to tell: Teachers' conceptions of NAPLAN in a `post-truth' age
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Obaid Hamid, Associate Professor Ian Hardy
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
An exploration of Chinese students' learning experiences in China-Australia '2+2' articulation programmes: In between two systems.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard, Professor Kelly Matthews
Doctor Philosophy
Reconceptualising the Unified Theory for Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2): Factors influencing academics; behavioural intention to deploy Cloud apps in Saudi Arabia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Kate McLay
Doctor Philosophy
'Re-imagining' international education development? Enacting inclusive and equitable quality education policy for ethnic minorities in Laos
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Kayoko Hashimoto, Associate Professor Ian Hardy
Doctor Philosophy
Comparison as translation: Internationalisation in the International Baccalaureate and Taiwanese schooling
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard
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