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Book Chapter

Assessment reforms in high-performing education systems: Shanghai and Singapore

Reyes, Vicente and Tan, Charlene (2019). Assessment reforms in high-performing education systems: Shanghai and Singapore. International trends in educational assessment: emerging issues and practices. (pp. 25-37) edited by Myint Swe Khine. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Sense. doi: 10.1163/9789004393455_003

Assessment reforms in high-performing education systems: Shanghai and Singapore


Book Chapter

PISA and self-projection in Shanghai

Reyes, Vicente Chua Jr. and Tan, Charlene (2019). PISA and self-projection in Shanghai. Understanding PISA's attractiveness: critical analyses in comparative policy studies. (pp. 161-176) edited by Florian Waldow and Gita Khamsi-Steiner. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic. doi: 10.5040/

PISA and self-projection in Shanghai


Book Chapter

School leaders in the midst of reforms: Crisis and catharsis in the Philippine education system

Chua, Vicente Reyes (2019). School leaders in the midst of reforms: Crisis and catharsis in the Philippine education system. Perspectives on School Leadership in Asia Pacific Contexts. (pp. 109-131) edited by Salleh Hairon and Jonathan Wee Pin Goh. Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-32-9160-7_8

School leaders in the midst of reforms: Crisis and catharsis in the Philippine education system


Book Chapter

An exploratory analysis of TPACK perceptions of pre-service science teachers: A regional Australian perspective

Reyes, Vicente, Reading, Christine, Rizk, Nadya, Gregory, Sue and Doyle, Helen (2018). An exploratory analysis of TPACK perceptions of pre-service science teachers: A regional Australian perspective. Teacher Training and Professional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. (pp. 1968-1983) IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5631-2.ch093

An exploratory analysis of TPACK perceptions of pre-service science teachers: A regional Australian perspective


Book Chapter

Negotiating global and local encounters: 21st-century teacher education policy challenges in the Philippines

Reyes, Vicente (2018). Negotiating global and local encounters: 21st-century teacher education policy challenges in the Philippines. Navigating the common good in teacher education policy: critical and international perspectives. (pp. 41-63) edited by Nikola Hobbel and Barbara Bales. New York, NY United States: Routledge.

Negotiating global and local encounters: 21st-century teacher education policy challenges in the Philippines


Book Chapter

Shanghai-China and the emergence of a global reference society

Tan, Charlene and Reyes, Vicente (2018). Shanghai-China and the emergence of a global reference society. The PISA Effect on Global Educational Governance. (pp. 61-75) edited by Louis Volante. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315440521-5

Shanghai-China and the emergence of a global reference society


Book Chapter

Conclusion: Educational research in the age if the anthropocene: Uncertain and complex

Reyes, Vicente , Charteris, Jennifer , Nye, Adele and Mavropoulou, Sofia (2018). Conclusion: Educational research in the age if the anthropocene: Uncertain and complex. Educational Research in the Age of the Anthropocene. (pp. 285-295) edited by Vicente Reyes, Jennifer Charteris, Adele Nye and Sofia Mavropoulou. Hersley, PA, United States: IGI-Global.

Conclusion: Educational research in the age if the anthropocene: Uncertain and complex


Book Chapter

Survival politics and electoral manipulation: Singapore’s hegemonic party, political finance and the reconstitution of the city-state

Reyes Jr, Vicente Chua (2018). Survival politics and electoral manipulation: Singapore’s hegemonic party, political finance and the reconstitution of the city-state. Handbook of political party funding. (pp. 507-518) edited by Jonathan Mendilow and Eric Phélippeau. Northampton, MA, United States: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781785367977.00039

Survival politics and electoral manipulation: Singapore’s hegemonic party, political finance and the reconstitution of the city-state


Book Chapter

Preface: Educational research in the age of the anthropocene: A 'wicked' epoch

Charteris, Jennifer, Nye, Adele, Mavropoulou, Sofia and Reyes, Vicente (2018). Preface: Educational research in the age of the anthropocene: A 'wicked' epoch. Educational Research in the Age of the Anthropocene. (pp. xv-xxx) edited by Vicente Reyes, Jennifer Charteris, Adele Nye and Sofia Mavropoulou. Hersley, PA, United States: IGI-Global.

Preface: Educational research in the age of the anthropocene: A 'wicked' epoch


Book Chapter

International NGO collaboration in addressing challenges in education: a case study of the Singapore and Philippine partnership

Reyes, Vicente Chua, Jr (2017). International NGO collaboration in addressing challenges in education: a case study of the Singapore and Philippine partnership. Educating marginalized communities in East and Southeast Asia: State, civil society and NGO partnerships. (pp. 126-148) edited by Khun Eng Kuah and Jason Eng Thye Tan. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315561998

International NGO collaboration in addressing challenges in education: a case study of the Singapore and Philippine partnership


Book Chapter

Dysfunctional bureaucracy, corruption and weak rule of law: a case study of policy implementation in the Philippines

Reyes, Vicente Chua, Jr. (2016). Dysfunctional bureaucracy, corruption and weak rule of law: a case study of policy implementation in the Philippines. The role of the public bureaucracy in policy implementation in five ASEAN countries. (pp. 233-296) edited by Jon S. T. Quah. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781316340653.006

Dysfunctional bureaucracy, corruption and weak rule of law: a case study of policy implementation in the Philippines


Book Chapter

Curriculum Reform and Education Policy Borrowing in China: Towards a Hybrid Model of Teaching

Tan, Charlene and Reyes, Vicente (2016). Curriculum Reform and Education Policy Borrowing in China: Towards a Hybrid Model of Teaching. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region. (pp. 37-49) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-0330-1_3

Curriculum Reform and Education Policy Borrowing in China: Towards a Hybrid Model of Teaching


Book Chapter

Curriculum reform and education policy borrowing in China: Towards a hybrid model of teaching

Charlene Tan and Vicente Reyes (2016). Curriculum reform and education policy borrowing in China: Towards a hybrid model of teaching. Chinese Education Models in a Global Age: Transforming Practice into Theory. (pp. 37-50) edited by Chuing Prudence Chou and Jonathan Spangler. Singapore: Springer.

Curriculum reform and education policy borrowing in China: Towards a hybrid model of teaching


Book Chapter

Neo-liberal education policy in China: issues and challenges in curriculum reform

Tan, Charlene and Reyes, Vicente (2016). Neo-liberal education policy in China: issues and challenges in curriculum reform. Spotlight on China: changes in education under China’s market economy. (pp. 19-33) edited by Shibao Guo and Yan Guo. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. doi: 10.1007/978-94-6209-881-7_2

Neo-liberal education policy in China: issues and challenges in curriculum reform


Book Chapter

Political values in Asia, the ASEAN Political Security Community Confucius’ Philosophy

Reyes, Vicente and Tan, Charlene (2015). Political values in Asia, the ASEAN Political Security Community Confucius’ Philosophy. Norms, interests and values: conflict and consent in the constitutional basic order. (pp. 345-368) edited by Henning Glaser. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Political values in Asia, the ASEAN Political Security Community Confucius’ Philosophy


Book Chapter

Can public funding overcome corruption? A view from the Philippines

Reyes, Vincente (2012). Can public funding overcome corruption? A view from the Philippines. Money, corruption, and political competition in established and emerging democracies. (pp. 145-168) edited by Jonathan Mendilow. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Lexington Books.

Can public funding overcome corruption? A view from the Philippines


Book Chapter

Critical Perspectives on Singapore Education Reform: Exploratory Case Study of Information Communication Technology

Reyes, Vicente (2011). Critical Perspectives on Singapore Education Reform: Exploratory Case Study of Information Communication Technology. Education Reform in Singapore: Critical Perspectives. (pp. 107-127) edited by William Choy and Charlene Tan. Singapore: Prentice-Hall.

Critical Perspectives on Singapore Education Reform: Exploratory Case Study of Information Communication Technology


Book Chapter

An Example of Qualitative Research: Insights from School Stakeholders

Reyes, Vicente (2010). An Example of Qualitative Research: Insights from School Stakeholders. Research in Education: Towards Synthesised Paradigms. (pp. 81-96) edited by Tan, Ai Girl. Singapore: Pearson Education.

An Example of Qualitative Research: Insights from School Stakeholders


Book Chapter

An Example of Mixed Methods Research: Educational Reform Impact – Case Study of Nathan Hale High School

Reyes, Vicente (2010). An Example of Mixed Methods Research: Educational Reform Impact – Case Study of Nathan Hale High School. Research in Education: Towards Synthesised Paradigms. (pp. 97-112) edited by Tan, Ai Girl. Singapore: Pearson Education.

An Example of Mixed Methods Research: Educational Reform Impact – Case Study of Nathan Hale High School


Book Chapter

Background paper

Reyes, Vicente (2006). Background paper. Democratising access to justice in transitional countries. (pp. 130-187) edited by Bertrand Fort. Singapore: The Habibie Center ASEF, Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF).

Background paper