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Dr Gunnar Kirchhof

Gunnar Kirchhof




May 2002–ongoing: Senior Lecturer Land Resources Sciences, Principla Research Fellow, School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences; The University of Queensland, Australia

As lecturer of Land Resources Sciences at the University of Queensland, Dr Kirchhof has both led and collaborated on over half a dozen projects, and supervised numerous research staff and students. His research has focussed on:

  • Soil–Water relationships;
  • Conservation Agriculture and Irrigation scheduling
  • Soil erosion
  • Water and Nutrient Balances;
  • Spatial Variability of Soil Properties from Ped to Landscape Scales;
  • Dry-land Salinity Management;
  • Water Recycling
  • Computer Modelling of Water Flow with Special Reference to Variability and assessment of deep drainage
  • Knowledge Management;

2011-15 Course leader: Australia Awards in Africa Dryland Farming/Soil and Water conservation Short Course Awards, UniQuest; Australia and Africa, Dr Kirchhof led the design and delivery of the AusAID-funded Dryland Farming Short Course Award, contracted to UniQuest/UQ-ID through GRM International, which was delivered twice a year in 2011 and 2014.

Countries of work experience: Indonesia, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Burkino Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda, Kenya, Tunisia, Australia.

Previous postions:

Oct 1997–May 2002: Senior Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation, NSW Agriculture; Australia

Mar 1996–Oct 1997: Soil Physicist, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture; Ibadan, Nigeria

Dec 1991–Mar 1996: Research Fellow, Department of Agriculture, The University of Queensland; Brisbane

Jan 1989–Dec 1991: Soil Scientist, CASSIRO Ltd, Wauchope, NSW


Dr Gunnar Kirchhof is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Soil and Water Management

    Water in the soil environment and landscapes: even though it is usually not considered a nutrient, it can in fact be seen as the most important nutrient. It drives productivity of our ago-ecosystems as well their sustainability. Water must be used efficiently, what can efficient water use achieve? What are the limits of this efficiency?

  • Conservation Agriculture

    Conservation Agriculture (CA) is considered the current best management practice for sustainable and productive ago-ecosystems. Is this correct? - May be not? We need to know more about practical suitability of CA in a range of environments, especially in Africa as wholesale promotion of CA can be detrimental to its adoption potential. The big questions are: is it a management method to satisfy world food demand? Can it be used to mitigate or manage climate change? What are its limitations?


Search Professor Gunnar Kirchhof’s works on UQ eSpace

68 works between 1994 and 2022

41 - 60 of 68 works


Book Chapter

Plastic properties

Kirchhof, Gunnar (2007). Plastic properties. Encyclopedia of soil science. edited by Rattan Lal. New York, United States: Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1081/E-ESS-120001587

Plastic properties


Journal Article

Long-term flow rates and biomat zone hydrology in soil columns receiving septic tank effluent

Beal, CD, Gardner, EA, Kirchhof, G and Menzies, NW (2006). Long-term flow rates and biomat zone hydrology in soil columns receiving septic tank effluent. Water Research, 40 (12), 2327-2338. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2006.04.018

Long-term flow rates and biomat zone hydrology in soil columns receiving septic tank effluent


Conference Publication

Impact of saturated hydraulic conductivity and rainfall on variability of predicted drainage

Bah, Abdul R., Kravchuk, Olena and Kirchhof, Gunnar (2006). Impact of saturated hydraulic conductivity and rainfall on variability of predicted drainage. ASSSI – ASPAC – ACMS National Soils Conference - Soil Science Solving Problems, Adelaide, Australia, 3-7 December 2006. Australia: ASSSI-ASPAC-ACMS.

Impact of saturated hydraulic conductivity and rainfall on variability of predicted drainage


Journal Article

Management of a previously eroded tropical Alfisol with herbaceous legumes: Soil loss and physical properties under mound tillage

Salako, F. K., Kirchhof, G. and Tian, G. (2006). Management of a previously eroded tropical Alfisol with herbaceous legumes: Soil loss and physical properties under mound tillage. Soil & Tillage Research, 89 (2), 185-195. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2005.07.010

Management of a previously eroded tropical Alfisol with herbaceous legumes: Soil loss and physical properties under mound tillage


Journal Article

Soil particles in agricultural landscapes of a derived savanna in southwestern Nigeria and implications for selectedsoil properties

Salako, K., Tian,, Kirchhof, G. and Akinbola, G.E. (2006). Soil particles in agricultural landscapes of a derived savanna in southwestern Nigeria and implications for selectedsoil properties. Geoderma, 137 (1-2), 90-99. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.06.017

Soil particles in agricultural landscapes of a derived savanna in southwestern Nigeria and implications for selectedsoil properties


Journal Article

Rice growth and post-rice mungbean in relation to two puddling intensities under glasshouse conditions

Kirchhof, G. and So, H. B. (2005). Rice growth and post-rice mungbean in relation to two puddling intensities under glasshouse conditions. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43 (5), 623-628. doi: 10.1071/SR04067

Rice growth and post-rice mungbean in relation to two puddling intensities under glasshouse conditions


Journal Article

Soil puddling for rice production under glasshouse conditions—its quantification and effect on soil physical properties

Kirchhof, G. and So, H. B. (2005). Soil puddling for rice production under glasshouse conditions—its quantification and effect on soil physical properties. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43 (5), 617-622. doi: 10.1071/SR04068

Soil puddling for rice production under glasshouse conditions—its quantification and effect on soil physical properties


Journal Article

NAIAD: sharing lessons from innovative urban water schemes

Loetscher, T., Dart, P. J., Kirchhof, G. and Gray, S. (2005). NAIAD: sharing lessons from innovative urban water schemes. Water, 32 (6), 60-62.

NAIAD: sharing lessons from innovative urban water schemes


Conference Publication

Naiad: Sharing lessons learned from innovative urban water schemes

Loetscher, T., Gray, S., Kirchhof, G. and Dart, P. (2005). Naiad: Sharing lessons learned from innovative urban water schemes. Ozwater Conference 2005, Brisbane, 8-12 May 2005. [Willoughby, N.S.W]: Australian Water Association.

Naiad: Sharing lessons learned from innovative urban water schemes


Conference Publication

Nitrogen cycling and grass sustainability in leucana-grass pastures - a research proposal

Radrizzani, A., Shelton, H. M., Kirchof, G. and Dalzell, S. A. (2005). Nitrogen cycling and grass sustainability in leucana-grass pastures - a research proposal. Australian Society of Animal Production, Central Queensland Sub-Branch Mini-conference, Rockhampton, Qld Australia, 5-6 July, 2005.

Nitrogen cycling and grass sustainability in leucana-grass pastures - a research proposal


Journal Article

Field hydraulic properties of an Alfisol under various fallow systems in southwestern Nigeria

Salako, F.K. and Kirchhof, G. (2003). Field hydraulic properties of an Alfisol under various fallow systems in southwestern Nigeria. Soil Use And Management, 19 (4), 340-346. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2003.tb00324.x

Field hydraulic properties of an Alfisol under various fallow systems in southwestern Nigeria


Conference Publication

Soil management practices in northern New South Wales

Kirchhof, G. and Daniells, I. (2003). Soil management practices in northern New South Wales. International Soil Tillage Research Organisation 16th Triennial Conference, The University of Queensland, 13-18 July, 2003. Brisbane: The University of Queensland.

Soil management practices in northern New South Wales


Edited Outputs

Leucaena as an opportunity for recharge management in northern Australia: Fitzroy Basin case study

Shelton, H. M., Kirchhof, G., Emmery, P., Sheehan, W., Rowlings, D., Poole, H. and Budisantoso, E. eds. (2003). Leucaena as an opportunity for recharge management in northern Australia: Fitzroy Basin case study. 9th National Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Lands (PUR$L), Rydges Capricorn Resort, Yeppoon, 29 September - 2 October, 2003. Yeppoon, Queensland: PUR$L.

Leucaena as an opportunity for recharge management in northern Australia: Fitzroy Basin case study


Journal Article

A technique to assess small-scale heterogeneity of chemical properties in soil aggregates

Kirchhof, G. and Daniel, H. (2003). A technique to assess small-scale heterogeneity of chemical properties in soil aggregates. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 41 (5), 919-932. doi: 10.1071/SR02125

A technique to assess small-scale heterogeneity of chemical properties in soil aggregates


Conference Publication

Structural regeneration of puddled soil

Bakti, L.A.A., So, B. H. B., Kirchhof, G. and Yatapanage, K. G. (2003). Structural regeneration of puddled soil. International Soil Tillage Research Organisation 16th Triennial Conference, The University of Queensland, 13-18 July, 2003. Brisbane: The University of Queensland.

Structural regeneration of puddled soil


Conference Publication

Variability of deep drainage: paddock leakiness hot spots

Kirchhof, G., Johnson, I. and Daniel, H. (2002). Variability of deep drainage: paddock leakiness hot spots. Australian Society of Soil Science National Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 2-6 December, 2002. Perth, Western Australia: The Australian Society of Soil Science Inc.

Variability of deep drainage: paddock leakiness hot spots


Conference Publication

The impact of long-term crop rotations and residue management on physical properties of a northern NSW Black earth (Vertosol)

Danesh, M., Daniel, H. and Kirchhof, G. (2002). The impact of long-term crop rotations and residue management on physical properties of a northern NSW Black earth (Vertosol). Australian Society of Soil Science National Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 2-6 December, 2002. Perth, Western Australia: The Australian Society of Soil Science Inc..

The impact of long-term crop rotations and residue management on physical properties of a northern NSW Black earth (Vertosol)


Conference Publication

Low input tillage/cropping systems for limited resource areas

So, H. B., Kirchhof, G., Bakker, R. and Smith, G. D. (2001). Low input tillage/cropping systems for limited resource areas. 15th Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, Texas, United States of America, 02-07 July 2000 JUL 02-07, 2000. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/S0167-1987(01)00182-9

Low input tillage/cropping systems for limited resource areas


Journal Article

The effect of soil puddling on the soil, physical properties and the growth of rice and post-rice crops

Kirchhof, G., Priyono, S., Utomo, W. H., Adisarwanto, T., Dacanay, E. and So, B. H. B. (2000). The effect of soil puddling on the soil, physical properties and the growth of rice and post-rice crops. Soil and Tillage Research, 56 (1-2), 37-50. doi: 10.1016/S0167-1987(00)00121-5

The effect of soil puddling on the soil, physical properties and the growth of rice and post-rice crops


Journal Article

Growth and yield response of grain legumes to different soil management practices after rainfed lowland rice

Kirchhof, G., So, H. B., Adisarwanto, T., Utomo, W. H., Priyono, S., Prastowo, B., Basir, M., Lando, T. M., Subandi, Dacanay, E. V., Tan-Elicano, D. and Sanidad, W. B. (2000). Growth and yield response of grain legumes to different soil management practices after rainfed lowland rice. Soil and Tillage Research, 56 (1-2), 51-66. doi: 10.1016/S0167-1987(00)00122-7

Growth and yield response of grain legumes to different soil management practices after rainfed lowland rice


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2026
    Understanding crop development and yield responses to mitigate high soil strength in Australian soils
    GRDC - PROC-9176764 - Understanding crop development and yield responses to mitigate high soil strength in Australian soils.
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Improving the drought resilience of Queensland cropping soils by removing barriers to the identification and management of soil constraints
    Future Drought Fund: Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes Grants
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2024
    Sustaining soil fertility in support of intensification of sweetpotato cropping systems
    Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2013
    Review of research needs on natural resource management and crop protection for sweet potato based cropping systems in Papua New Guinea
    Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2014
    Assessment of Soil Management Options under Power Line Easements
    Powerlink Queensland (Government Entity)
    Open grant
  • 2007 - 2013
    Soil fertility management in the PNG highlands for sweet potato based cropping systems
    Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
    Open grant
  • 2005
    Upland Farming Better Practice Workshop - Bohol Central Visayas, Philippines
    Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2006
    Analysis of biophysical and socio-economic constraints to soil fertility management in the PNG Highlands
    Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
    Open grant
  • 2004
    Atrazine residues in Australian subtropical soils
    University of Queensland Research Development Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2006
    Sustainable urban water - schemes and technologies - Phase 1 and 2A.
    CRC Water Quality Treatment
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2006
    Conservation tillage and its potential to affect catchment salt and water balances
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2002 - 2003
    Assessment of spatial variability of soil properties
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant
  • 2002 - 2004
    Land disposal as a final treatment for saline industrial effluent
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant



Dr Gunnar Kirchhof is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Runoff and erosion from very dry clay soil surfaces: does conventional infiltration theory apply?

    Accepted conventional infiltration theory states that application of water to dry soil over time follows two phases: first, the sorptive phase where capillarity rapidly fills the pore system, and the steady state phase where the pore system conducts water at the rate of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity. In most cases, this is also what we observe in the field: water enters the soil quickly and it then slows down to reach a steady rate. This infiltration theory assumes that the wetting angle of the capillaries is 0°; i.e. the capillary has a water film. If the wetting angle is larger than 0°, the capillary potential that drives water intake during the sorptive phase will also be much smaller, resulting in slow sorptivity. On hydrophobic soils, the wetting angle can approach 90° or, in extreme cases become convex.

    Applying water to very dry soil, perhaps after a long drought, or soil surfaces that were exposed to bushfires or soils with water repellent organic matter, may not have a capillary water film that allows immediate rapid water intake. Under field conditions this can occasionally be observed when water is applied to very dry soil: it initially ponds on the surface before it then quickly infiltrates. This initial ponding may be the consequence of a larger than 0° wetting angle. The length of initial ponding will affect the onset of runoff and erosion. Although the problem of hydrophobicity is a well-known problem on sandy soils, water repellence on clay soils has been observed but is not well understood.

    This project aims to verify if the sorptive phase can be preceded by a ponded phase and under what conditions it can occur. The experimental plan would assess the impact of soil type and texture, soil organic matter, and antecedent soil water content on the formation of an initial potential ponded phase. The research would initially be conducted under laboratory conditions using intact soil cores (St Lucia or Gatton Research Labs) and possibly followed up for in situ field conditions.

    The results will have implications on how to prepare and avoid runoff and erosion from very dry soils during a heavy rainfall event.

  • Quantifying the interaction between soil organic matter, nitrogen fertiliser and hydraulic conductivity on the Hermitage Long term Trials

    The Hermitage Long Term trial has been running since 1968. The trial assessed a range of agronomic and soil science responses to conservation agriculture type practices and fertilisation regimes. Much data has been collected over the years with the most recent being submitted for publication by Kuntal Hatia et al. late 2020. This paper provides excellent data for soil aggregation as a consequence of tillage methods, stubble retention, and nitrogen fertilisation. Another important dataset is the impact of these management parameters on saturated hydraulic conductivity and the van Genuchten hydraulic conductivity model. This project aims to measure in situ saturated hydraulic conductivity using rainfall simulation and nitrometers as well as collecting undisturbed cores for Ksat and pF-curve determination to parameterise the van Genuchten model. The aim is to publish a follow-up paper with Kuntal Hatia et al.

  • Can ground cover-induced concentrated flow increase soil erosion?

    Maintaining adequate ground cover is the ‘golden’ rule to reduce soil erosion. Leaf litter or similar absorbs the kinetic energy of rain drops as they hit the soil surface. This reduces soil surface disturbance and prevents aggregate breakdown that can lead to the formation of a surface seal. Under some conditions, however, in particular on steep slopes, adequate ground cover may not protect the soil from erosion even if the soil hydraulic conductivity exceeds rainfall intensity. The mechanism that can lead to runoff and then erosion may be due to the formation of concentrated flow.

    Consider a thought experiment: our soil surface has a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 30 mm/h and we have a rainfall intensity of 20 mm/h: we should not get runoff! Now 50% of the soil is covered and hence, only 50% of the soil surface can take in water. This means that the hydraulic conductivity of the uncovered soil must be at least 40 mm/h to prevent runoff (i.e. 20 mm/h from the rainfall plus 20 mm/h that enters the soil as runoff from the groundcover). Therefore we would have runoff as the hydraulic conductivity is only 30 mm/h. Of course, this thought experiment does not apply to the real world, but the principle is still valid.

    This project aims to assess the impact of groundcover on the formation of concentrated flow. The experimental plan would assess the effect of soil hydraulic conductivity, slope, and ground cover type and quantity on runoff and erosion. The project will be conducted at the Erosion Processes Laboratory at the St Lucia campus and can be supplemented in-situ using our field rainfall simulator and infiltrometer equipment.

    The results will have implications on recommended management practices of sloping soil to prevent soil erosion.

  • Reducing wind erodibility through increasing aggregate stability through mulch management

    The soil property that primarily drives susceptibility to wind erosion is aggregate size distribution. On soils that are susceptible to wind erosion, management practices to reduce wind erosion aim to increase aggregate sizes. This can be achieved by mulch application that leads to an increase in soil organic matter and re-aggregation of soil structure during wetting and drying cycles. How effective mulch application will be is likely to be dependent on the quantity and type or mulch applied. This project aims to assess aggregate size distribution as measured by dry sieving in response to wet-dry cycles and mulch type and quantity. The experiment will be carried out either at Gatton or St Lucia. It will run over two semesters to ensure sufficient breakdown of applied mulch under a number of wet-dry cycles

  • Micro-topography of soil surfaces and its effect on erosion

    Soil erodibility by water is strongly affected soil surface roughness. The description of surface roughness in relation to erosion is surface water storage capacity which is the volume of water that is can be held in the surface depressions before the overflow, and the surface roughness per se that is commonly expressed as the Manning coefficient. Three-dimensional mapping of the soil surface is an alternative, though not very well researched alternative, to assess erodibility of soil surfaces. Close-range photogrammetry can potentially be used to generate high-resolution digital elevation models to assess the flow of water and subsequent erosion from bare soil surfaces. This project will investigate if photogrammetry can be used to identify surface properties that can be used to assess surface susceptibility to soil erosion.

  • Can laser refraction be used to assess soil structural stability?

    Soil science has a myriad of methods to measure soil structural stability. Conventional methods range from, for example, wet and dry sieving, soil strength, various types of dispersion tests, and more engineering-type tests. Most of these tests apply energy to break up soil structure and then use crisp empirical data sets to assess the change in aggregation as a consequence of energy input. Sieving methods are limited by how many sieves are used and the crisp set always results in a very limited number of aggregate size fractions; the crisp data set of dispersion is almost binary data. The same applies to particle size distribution where particle distribution is simplified to a small number of size classes. In most cases only the three main classes; i.e. sand silt and clay. A relatively new method to measure a continuous particle size distribution by laser refraction. This method can potentially also be used to measure the stability of aggregate size distribution rather than a limited number of size classes by sieving to different mesh sizes. Only limited data exist where laser refraction has been used to assess soil structural stability.

    The first part of this project aims to develop a robust methodology to assess aggregate size distribution stability using laser refraction, the 2nd part of the project is to assess the method’s ability to quantify aggregate size distribution stability on Ferrosols with different organic carbon contents. The project will use the laser refraction machine Malvern Mastersizer 2000 located at the St Lucia soil laboratories.

Supervision history

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Gunnar Kirchhof directly for media enquiries about:

  • Agro-ecosystems - tropical
  • Conservation agriculture
  • Papua New Guinea - farming
  • Papua New Guinea - highland soil
  • Soil - fertility decline
  • Soil management
  • Soil science
  • Tropical and temperate regions - soil
  • Urban water recycling
  • Water management
  • Water recycling
  • Water utilities

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