2015 Journal Article Primary teachers' representational practices: From competency to fluencyNichols, Kim, Stevenson, Michael, Hedberg, John and Gillies, Robyn (2015). Primary teachers' representational practices: From competency to fluency. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46 (4), 509-531. doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2015.1068741 |
2015 Journal Article Social interactions that support students' self-regulated learning: A case study of one teacher's experiencesAlvi, Effat and Gillies, Robyn M. (2015). Social interactions that support students' self-regulated learning: A case study of one teacher's experiences. International Journal of Educational Research, 72, 14-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2015.04.008 |
2015 Book Chapter Academic talk in the collaborative classroomGillies, Robyn M. (2015). Academic talk in the collaborative classroom. Collaborative Learning: Developments in Research and Practice. (pp. 141-156) edited by Gillies, Robyn M.. New York, United States: Nova Science Publishers. |
2015 Book Chapter Inclusive practicesPagliano, Paul and Gillies, Robyn Margaret (2015). Inclusive practices. Education for Inclusion and Diversity. (pp. 131-159) edited by Adrian Ashman. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Pearson Australia. |
2015 Journal Article Argumentation-based collaborative inquiry in science through representational work: Impact on primary students' representational fluencyNichols, Kim, Gillies, Robyn and Hedberg, John (2015). Argumentation-based collaborative inquiry in science through representational work: Impact on primary students' representational fluency. Research in Science Education, 46 (3), 343-364. doi: 10.1007/s11165-014-9456-4 |
2015 Book Chapter Academic talk in the classroom: developments in researchGillies, Robyn M. (2015). Academic talk in the classroom: developments in research. The Routledge international handbook of social psychology of the classroom. (pp. 142-152) edited by Christine M. Rubie-Davies, Jason M. Stephens and Penelope Watson. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781315716923.ch13 |
2014 Journal Article The meaning of out-of-field teaching for educational leadershipDu Plessis, Anna E., Carroll, Annemaree and Gillies, Robyn M. (2014). The meaning of out-of-field teaching for educational leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 20 (1), 87-112. doi: 10.1080/13603124.2014.962618 |
2014 Journal Article Collaborative Engagement: A Key Construct for the Successful Delivery of Programmes and Services for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs INTRODUCTIONGillies, Robyn M. (2014). Collaborative Engagement: A Key Construct for the Successful Delivery of Programmes and Services for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs INTRODUCTION. International Journal of Disability Development and Education, 61 (4), 327-331. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2014.956001 |
2014 Journal Article Developments in cooperative learning: review of researchGillies, Robyn M. (2014). Developments in cooperative learning: review of research. Anales De Psicologia, 30 (3), 792-801. doi: 10.6018/analesps.30.3.201191 |
2014 Journal Article Understanding the lived experiences of novice out-of-field teachers in relation to school leadership practicesDu Plessis, Anna, Carroll, Annemaree and Gillies, Robyn M. (2014). Understanding the lived experiences of novice out-of-field teachers in relation to school leadership practices. Asia - Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 43 (1), 4-21. doi: 10.1080/1359866X.2014.937393 |
2014 Journal Article The role of assessment in informing interventions for students with special education needsGillies, Robyn M. (2014). The role of assessment in informing interventions for students with special education needs. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 61 (1), 1-5. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2014.878528 |
2014 Journal Article Out-of-field teaching and professional development: a transnational investigation across Australia and South Africadu Plessis, Anna E., Gillies, Robyn M. and Carroll, Annemaree (2014). Out-of-field teaching and professional development: a transnational investigation across Australia and South Africa. International Journal of Educational Research, 66, 90-102. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2014.03.002 |
2014 Journal Article The FRIENDS emotional health program for minority groups at riskIizuka, Cristina A., Barrett, Paula M, Gillies, Robyn, Cook, Clayton R and Miller, Debbie (2014). The FRIENDS emotional health program for minority groups at risk. Journal of School Health, 84 (2), 124-132. doi: 10.1111/josh.12127 |
2014 Journal Article Cooperative learning: developments in researchGillies, Robyn M. (2014). Cooperative learning: developments in research. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 3 (2), 125-140. doi: 10.4471/ijep.2014.08 |
2014 Journal Article How to support primary teachers’ implementation of inquiry: teachers’ reflections on teaching cooperative inquiry-based scienceGillies, Robyn M. and Nichols, Kim (2014). How to support primary teachers’ implementation of inquiry: teachers’ reflections on teaching cooperative inquiry-based science. Research in Science Education, 45 (2), 171-191. doi: 10.1007/s11165-014-9418-x |
2014 Book Chapter The teacher's role in promoting dialogic talk in the collaborative classroomGillies, Robyn M. (2014). The teacher's role in promoting dialogic talk in the collaborative classroom. Collaborative learning: theory, strategies and educational benefits. (pp. 55-67) edited by Stephen Rutherford. New York , United States: Nova Science Publishers. |
2014 Journal Article A combined intervention targeting both teachers’ and students’ social-emotional skills: preliminary evaluation of students’ outcomesIizuka, Cristina Akiko, Barrett, Paula M., Gillies, Robyn, Cook, Clayton R. and Marinovic, Welber (2014). A combined intervention targeting both teachers’ and students’ social-emotional skills: preliminary evaluation of students’ outcomes. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 24 (2), 152-166. doi: 10.1017/jgc.2014.12 |
2014 Conference Publication Pre-service primary teachers' argumentation in socioscientific issuesPezaro, Charlotte, Wright, Tony and Gillies, Robyn (2014). Pre-service primary teachers' argumentation in socioscientific issues. Frontiers in Mathematics and Science Education Research Conference, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 1-3 May 2014. Podgorica, Montenegro: Bastas Publications. doi: 10.30935/scimath/9627 |
2014 Conference Publication Cooperative learning: the behavioural and neurological markers that help to explain its successGillies, Robyn and Cunnington, Ross (2014). Cooperative learning: the behavioural and neurological markers that help to explain its success. ACER Research Conference 2014, Adelaide, Australia, 3-5 August 2014. Camberwell, VIC, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research. |
2013 Journal Article Making reasonable adjustments: what can we do for students with disabilities?Gillies, Robyn M. (2013). Making reasonable adjustments: what can we do for students with disabilities?. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 60 (4), 291-294. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2013.846018 |