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Journal Article

Early Implantation and Embryonic-Development of the Baboon - Stage-5, Stage-6 and Stage-7

Tarara, R, Enders, AC, Hendrickx, AG, Gulamhusein, N, Hodges, JK, Hearn, JP, Eley, RB and Else, JG (1987). Early Implantation and Embryonic-Development of the Baboon - Stage-5, Stage-6 and Stage-7. Anatomy and Embryology, 176 (3), 267-275. doi: 10.1007/BF00310182

Early Implantation and Embryonic-Development of the Baboon - Stage-5, Stage-6 and Stage-7


Journal Article

Failure of the Prostaglandin-F2-Alpha Analog, Cloprostenol, to Induce Functional Luteolysis in the Olive Baboon (papio-Cynocephalus-Anubis)

Eley, RM, Summers, PM and Hearn, JP (1987). Failure of the Prostaglandin-F2-Alpha Analog, Cloprostenol, to Induce Functional Luteolysis in the Olive Baboon (papio-Cynocephalus-Anubis). Journal of Medical Primatology, 16 (1), 1-11.

Failure of the Prostaglandin-F2-Alpha Analog, Cloprostenol, to Induce Functional Luteolysis in the Olive Baboon (papio-Cynocephalus-Anubis)


Journal Article

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (cercopithecus-Aethiops) - Endometrial Estrogen and Progestin Receptor Dynamics During Normal and Prolonged Menstrual Cycles

Kudolo, GB, Mbai, FN and Eley, RM (1986). Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (cercopithecus-Aethiops) - Endometrial Estrogen and Progestin Receptor Dynamics During Normal and Prolonged Menstrual Cycles. Journal of Endocrinology, 110 (3), 429-439. doi: 10.1677/joe.0.1100429

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (cercopithecus-Aethiops) - Endometrial Estrogen and Progestin Receptor Dynamics During Normal and Prolonged Menstrual Cycles


Journal Article

Control of Peripheral Free Estradiol Pool During the Menstrual-Cycle of the Olive Baboon (papio-Anubis)

Kudolo, GB, Mbai, FN and Eley, RM (1986). Control of Peripheral Free Estradiol Pool During the Menstrual-Cycle of the Olive Baboon (papio-Anubis). Ircs Medical Science-Biochemistry, 14 (4), 317-318.

Control of Peripheral Free Estradiol Pool During the Menstrual-Cycle of the Olive Baboon (papio-Anubis)


Journal Article

Enclosure Design and Reproductive Success of Baboons Used for Reproductive Research in Kenya

Else, JG, Tarara, R, Suleman, MA and Eley, RM (1986). Enclosure Design and Reproductive Success of Baboons Used for Reproductive Research in Kenya. Laboratory Animal Science, 36 (2), 168-172.

Enclosure Design and Reproductive Success of Baboons Used for Reproductive Research in Kenya


Journal Article

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus-Aethiops) .2. Annual Menstrual Patterns and Seasonality

Else, JG, Eley, RM, Wangula, C, Worthman, C and Lequin, RM (1986). Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus-Aethiops) .2. Annual Menstrual Patterns and Seasonality. American Journal of Primatology, 11 (4), 333-342.

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus-Aethiops) .2. Annual Menstrual Patterns and Seasonality


Journal Article

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (cercopithecus-Aethiops) .1. Testicular Volume, Testosterone, and Seasonality

Eley, RM, Else, JG, Gulamhusein, N and Lequin, RM (1986). Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (cercopithecus-Aethiops) .1. Testicular Volume, Testosterone, and Seasonality. American Journal of Primatology, 10 (3), 229-235. doi: 10.1002/ajp.1350100303

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (cercopithecus-Aethiops) .1. Testicular Volume, Testosterone, and Seasonality


Journal Article

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops), II: annual menstrual patterns and seasonality

Else, J. G., Eley, R. M., Wangula, C. and Worthman, C. W. (1986). Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops), II: annual menstrual patterns and seasonality. American Journal of Primatology, 11 (4), 332-342. doi: 10.1002/ajp.1350110404

Reproduction in the Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops), II: annual menstrual patterns and seasonality


Journal Article

Reproductive-Biology of Sykes and Blue Monkeys (cercopithecus-Mitis)

Else, JG, Eley, RM, Suleman, MA and Lequin, RM (1985). Reproductive-Biology of Sykes and Blue Monkeys (cercopithecus-Mitis). American Journal of Primatology, 9 (3), 189-196. doi: 10.1002/ajp.1350090304

Reproductive-Biology of Sykes and Blue Monkeys (cercopithecus-Mitis)


Conference Publication

Reproduction and Captive Management of the Brown Bushbaby (galago-Garnettii)

Njuguna, JM, Eley, RM, Suleman, MA and Else, JG (1984). Reproduction and Captive Management of the Brown Bushbaby (galago-Garnettii). PLENUM PUBL CORP.

Reproduction and Captive Management of the Brown Bushbaby (galago-Garnettii)


Conference Publication

The Prolonged Intermenstrual Interval in the Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus-Aethiops

Eley, RM and Tarara, R (1984). The Prolonged Intermenstrual Interval in the Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus-Aethiops. PLENUM PUBL CORP.

The Prolonged Intermenstrual Interval in the Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus-Aethiops


Conference Publication

Clomiphene Citrate Effects Upon Periovulatory Endometrial Development and Peripheral Hormones in the Baboon

Eley, RM, Tarara, R, Suleman, M, Eley, DS and Gould, KG (1984). Clomiphene Citrate Effects Upon Periovulatory Endometrial Development and Peripheral Hormones in the Baboon. Unknown, unknown, unknown. PLENUM PUBL CORP.

Clomiphene Citrate Effects Upon Periovulatory Endometrial Development and Peripheral Hormones in the Baboon


Journal Article

Limitations of the Nonhuman Pregnancy Kit for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Baboons

Bambra, CS, Eley, RM and Wall, H (1984). Limitations of the Nonhuman Pregnancy Kit for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Baboons. Journal of Medical Primatology, 13 (4), 219-227.

Limitations of the Nonhuman Pregnancy Kit for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Baboons


Conference Publication

The Menstrual-Cycle of the Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus-Aethiops

Tarara, R, Else, JG and Eley, RM (1984). The Menstrual-Cycle of the Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus-Aethiops. PLENUM PUBL CORP.

The Menstrual-Cycle of the Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus-Aethiops


Conference Publication

Estradiol and Progesterone-Receptor Dynamics in the East-African Primates

Kudolo, GB, Thiongo, M, Eley, RM and Else, JG (1984). Estradiol and Progesterone-Receptor Dynamics in the East-African Primates. PLENUM PUBL CORP.

Estradiol and Progesterone-Receptor Dynamics in the East-African Primates


Conference Publication

Reproductive Seasonality in Captive Vervet Monkeys, Cercopithecus-Aethiops

Eley, RM, Hutchinson, AS and Else, JG (1984). Reproductive Seasonality in Captive Vervet Monkeys, Cercopithecus-Aethiops. PLENUM PUBL CORP.

Reproductive Seasonality in Captive Vervet Monkeys, Cercopithecus-Aethiops


Journal Article

Steroid-Metabolism by the Bovine Uterine Endometrium and Conceptus

Eley, RM, Thatcher, WW, Bazer, FW and Fields, MJ (1983). Steroid-Metabolism by the Bovine Uterine Endometrium and Conceptus. Biology of Reproduction, 28 (4), 804-816. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod28.4.804

Steroid-Metabolism by the Bovine Uterine Endometrium and Conceptus


Journal Article

Shade Management in Sub-Tropical Environment for Milk-Yield and Composition in Holstein and Jersey Cows

Collier, RJ, Eley, RM, Sharma, AK, Pereira, RM and Buffington, DE (1981). Shade Management in Sub-Tropical Environment for Milk-Yield and Composition in Holstein and Jersey Cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 64 (5), 844-849. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(81)82656-2

Shade Management in Sub-Tropical Environment for Milk-Yield and Composition in Holstein and Jersey Cows


Journal Article

Hormonal and Physical Changes Associated with Bovine Conceptus Development

Eley, RM, Thatcher, WW and Bazer, FW (1979). Hormonal and Physical Changes Associated with Bovine Conceptus Development. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 55 (1), 181-190.

Hormonal and Physical Changes Associated with Bovine Conceptus Development


Journal Article

Parturition and postpartum performance

Thatcher, W. W., Wilcox, C. J., Collier, R. J., Eley, D. S. and Eley, R. M. (1979). Parturition and postpartum performance. Symposium Proceedings American Dairy Science Association

Parturition and postpartum performance