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Journal Article

Gender gaps in unpaid domestic and care work: putting the pandemic in (a life course) perspective

Baxter, Janeen, Campbell, Alice and Lee, Rennie (2023). Gender gaps in unpaid domestic and care work: putting the pandemic in (a life course) perspective. Australian Economic Review, 56 (4), 502-515. doi: 10.1111/1467-8462.12538

Gender gaps in unpaid domestic and care work: putting the pandemic in (a life course) perspective


Journal Article

Following a straight path? The social locations and sexual identity trajectories of emerging adult women

Campbell, Alice (2023). Following a straight path? The social locations and sexual identity trajectories of emerging adult women. Journal of Sociology, 59 (2), 511-529. doi: 10.1177/14407833211049596

Following a straight path? The social locations and sexual identity trajectories of emerging adult women


Journal Article

Trajectories of loneliness among older women and men: variation by sexual identity?

Lam, Jack and Campbell, Alice (2023). Trajectories of loneliness among older women and men: variation by sexual identity?. The Gerontologist, 63 (2), 328-337. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnac058

Trajectories of loneliness among older women and men: variation by sexual identity?


Journal Article

Life events and loneliness among older women of diverse sexual identities: application of the stress process model

Lam, Jack and Campbell, Alice (2023). Life events and loneliness among older women of diverse sexual identities: application of the stress process model. Research on Aging, 45 (2), 239-254. doi: 10.1177/01640275221090681

Life events and loneliness among older women of diverse sexual identities: application of the stress process model


Journal Article

Do extracurricular activities contribute to better adolescent outcomes? A fixed‐effects panel data approach

O'Flaherty, Martin, Baxter, Janeen and Campbell, Alice (2022). Do extracurricular activities contribute to better adolescent outcomes? A fixed‐effects panel data approach. Journal of Adolescence, 94 (6), 855-866. doi: 10.1002/jad.12069

Do extracurricular activities contribute to better adolescent outcomes? A fixed‐effects panel data approach


Journal Article

Sexual fluidity and psychological distress: what happens when young women's sexual identities change?

Campbell, Alice, Perales, Francisco, Hughes, Tonda L, Everett, Bethany G and Baxter, Janeen (2022). Sexual fluidity and psychological distress: what happens when young women's sexual identities change?. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 63 (4), 221465221086335-593. doi: 10.1177/00221465221086335

Sexual fluidity and psychological distress: what happens when young women's sexual identities change?


Journal Article

Teaching Science as a Process, Not a Set of Facts A Case-Study of a First-Year Science Seminar

Oberg, Gunilla, Campbell, Alice, Fox, Joanne, Graves, Marcia, Ivanochko, Tara, Matsuchi, Linda, Mouat, Isobel and Welsh, Ashley (2021). Teaching Science as a Process, Not a Set of Facts A Case-Study of a First-Year Science Seminar. Science & Education, 31 (3), 787-817. doi: 10.1007/s11191-021-00253-8

Teaching Science as a Process, Not a Set of Facts A Case-Study of a First-Year Science Seminar


Journal Article

Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of identifying as mainly heterosexual: stability and change across three cohorts of Australian women

Perales, Francisco, Campbell, Alice K., Everett, Bethany G., McNair, Ruth and Hughes, Tonda L. (2021). Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of identifying as mainly heterosexual: stability and change across three cohorts of Australian women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50 (8), 3459-3477. doi: 10.1007/s10508-021-02000-0

Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of identifying as mainly heterosexual: stability and change across three cohorts of Australian women


Journal Article

Changes in sexual identity labels in a contemporary cohort of emerging adult women: patterns, prevalence and a typology

Campbell, Alice, Perales, Francisco and Baxter, Janeen (2020). Changes in sexual identity labels in a contemporary cohort of emerging adult women: patterns, prevalence and a typology. Journal of Sex Research, 58 (5), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1814092

Changes in sexual identity labels in a contemporary cohort of emerging adult women: patterns, prevalence and a typology


Journal Article

Sexual Minority Women in Longitudinal Survey Research: Is Attrition a Problem?

Campbell, Alice, Perales, Francisco and Baxter, Janeen (2020). Sexual Minority Women in Longitudinal Survey Research: Is Attrition a Problem?. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49 (5), 1443-1461. doi: 10.1007/s10508-020-01669-z

Sexual Minority Women in Longitudinal Survey Research: Is Attrition a Problem?


Journal Article

Health Disparities Between Sexual Minority and Different-Sex-Attracted Adolescents: Quantifying the Intervening Role of Social Support and School Belonging

Perales, Francisco and Campbell, Alice (2020). Health Disparities Between Sexual Minority and Different-Sex-Attracted Adolescents: Quantifying the Intervening Role of Social Support and School Belonging. LGBT Health, 7 (3) lgbt.2019.0285, 146-154. doi: 10.1089/lgbt.2019.0285

Health Disparities Between Sexual Minority and Different-Sex-Attracted Adolescents: Quantifying the Intervening Role of Social Support and School Belonging


Journal Article

Mental-health disparities between heterosexual and sexual-minority adolescents: Examining the role of informant discrepancies

Perales, Francisco, Campbell, Alice and Johnson, Sarah (2020). Mental-health disparities between heterosexual and sexual-minority adolescents: Examining the role of informant discrepancies. Journal of Adolescence, 79 (1), 122-127. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2020.01.006

Mental-health disparities between heterosexual and sexual-minority adolescents: Examining the role of informant discrepancies


Journal Article

Early roots of sexual-orientation health disparities: associations between sexual attraction, health and well-being in a national sample of Australian adolescents

Perales, Francisco and Campbell, Alice (2019). Early roots of sexual-orientation health disparities: associations between sexual attraction, health and well-being in a national sample of Australian adolescents. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73 (10), 954-962. doi: 10.1136/jech-2018-211588

Early roots of sexual-orientation health disparities: associations between sexual attraction, health and well-being in a national sample of Australian adolescents


Journal Article

Sexual orientation and adolescent time use: how sexual minority youth spend their time

Perales, Francisco, Campbell, Alice and O'Flaherty, Martin (2019). Sexual orientation and adolescent time use: how sexual minority youth spend their time. Child Development, 91 (3) cdev.13245, 983-1000. doi: 10.1111/cdev.13245

Sexual orientation and adolescent time use: how sexual minority youth spend their time


Journal Article

Religion, support of equal rights for same-sex couples and the Australian national vote on marriage equality

Perales, Francisco, Bouma, Gary and Campbell, Alice (2019). Religion, support of equal rights for same-sex couples and the Australian national vote on marriage equality. Sociology of Religion, 80 (1), 107-129. doi: 10.1093/socrel/sry018

Religion, support of equal rights for same-sex couples and the Australian national vote on marriage equality


Journal Article

Who supports equal rights for same-sex couples? Evidence from Australia

Perales, Francisco and Campbell, Alice (2018). Who supports equal rights for same-sex couples? Evidence from Australia. Family Matters (100), 28-41.

Who supports equal rights for same-sex couples? Evidence from Australia


Journal Article

Educational inequality across three generations in Australia

Hancock, Kirsten J., Mitrou, Francis, Povey, Jenny, Campbell, Alice and Zubrick, Stephen R. (2018). Educational inequality across three generations in Australia. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 53 (1), 34-55. doi: 10.1002/ajs4.33

Educational inequality across three generations in Australia


Journal Article

Parents’ interest in their child’s education and children’s outcomes in adolescence and adulthood: does gender matter?

Campbell, Alice K., Povey, Jenny, Hancock, Kirsten J., Mitrou, Francis and Haynes, Michele (2017). Parents’ interest in their child’s education and children’s outcomes in adolescence and adulthood: does gender matter?. International Journal of Educational Research, 85, 131-147. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2017.07.010

Parents’ interest in their child’s education and children’s outcomes in adolescence and adulthood: does gender matter?


Journal Article

Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership

Povey, Jenny, Campbell, Alice Kate, Willis, Linda-Dianne, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Bennett, Sarah, Antrobus, Emma and Pedde, Charley (2016). Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership. International Journal of Educational Research, 79 (1), 128-141. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.07.005

Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership