2021 Book Chapter Introduction: conversations with teacher educators in colonialityMc Kinney, Carolyn and Christie, Pam (2021). Introduction: conversations with teacher educators in coloniality. Decoloniality, language and literacy: conversations with teacher educators. (pp. 1-20) edited by Carolyn McKinney and Pam Christie. Bristol, United Kingdom: Channel View Publications. |
2013 Book Chapter Inclusive education in South Africa: Achieving equity and majority rightsChristie, Pam (2013). Inclusive education in South Africa: Achieving equity and majority rights. Inclusive Education. (pp. 160-168) Taylor and Francis. |
2012 Book Chapter Beyond reconciliation: Reflections on South Africa’s truth and reconciliation commission and its implications for ethical pedagogyChristie, Pam (2012). Beyond reconciliation: Reflections on South Africa’s truth and reconciliation commission and its implications for ethical pedagogy. Reconciliation and Pedagogy. (pp. 29-44) Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203118986 |
2009 Book Chapter Learning in a post-conflict environment: The case of BougainvilleBoege, V. and Christie, P. (2009). Learning in a post-conflict environment: The case of Bougainville. Learning to live together: Using distance education for community peacebuilding. (pp. 97-210) edited by Rawwida Baksh and Tanyss Munro. Vancouver, Canada: Commonwealth of Learning. |
2009 Book Chapter Peace, reconciliation, and justice: Delivering the miracle in post-apartheid educationChristie, Pam (2009). Peace, reconciliation, and justice: Delivering the miracle in post-apartheid education. Peace Education in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Comparative Perspectives. (pp. 75-88) Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230620421 |
2008 Book Chapter South AfricaRobinson, M. and Christie, P. (2008). South Africa. Teacher Education in the English-Speaking World: Past, Present, and Future. (pp. 137-154) edited by O’Donoghue, T. and Whitehead, C.. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc. |
2004 Book Chapter Case studies from sub-saharan AfricaChristie, P. H., Harley, K. and Penny, A. (2004). Case studies from sub-saharan Africa. International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers. (pp. 167-190) edited by Christopher Day and Judyth Sachs. England: Open University Press. |
2003 Book Chapter The Incorporation of colleges of education into universities in the provision of teacher education: The case of the Johannesburg College of Education and the University of the WitwatersrandCarrim, N., Postma, D. and Christie, P. (2003). The Incorporation of colleges of education into universities in the provision of teacher education: The case of the Johannesburg College of Education and the University of the Witwatersrand. Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Policy, Practice and Prospects. (pp. xx-xx) edited by K. Lewin, Y. Sayed and M. Samuels. South Africa: Heinemann Publishers. |
2001 Book Chapter Changing cultures and schools in South AfricaChristie, P. H. (2001). Changing cultures and schools in South Africa. Values, Culture and Education. (pp. 268-278) edited by J. Cairns, D. Lawton and R. Gardner. London: Kogan Page. |