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Journal Article

Synthesis of Pseudellone Analogs and Characterization as Novel T-type Calcium Channel Blockers

Wang, Dan, Neupane, Pratik, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Capon, Robert J. and Lewis, Richard J. (2018). Synthesis of Pseudellone Analogs and Characterization as Novel T-type Calcium Channel Blockers. Marine Drugs, 16 (12) 475, 475. doi: 10.3390/md16120475

Synthesis of Pseudellone Analogs and Characterization as Novel T-type Calcium Channel Blockers


Journal Article

Novel analgesic ω-conotoxins from the vermivorous cone snail Conus moncuri provide new insights into the evolution of conopeptides

Sousa, Silmara R., McArthur, Jeffrey R., Brust, Andreas, Bhola, Rebecca F., Rosengren, K. Johan, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Dutertre, Sebastien, Alewood, Paul F., Christie, Macdonald J., Adams, David J., Vetter, Irina and Lewis, Richard J. (2018). Novel analgesic ω-conotoxins from the vermivorous cone snail Conus moncuri provide new insights into the evolution of conopeptides. Scientific Reports, 8 (1) 13397, 13397. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31245-4

Novel analgesic ω-conotoxins from the vermivorous cone snail Conus moncuri provide new insights into the evolution of conopeptides


Journal Article

Subtle modifications to oxytocin produce ligands that retain potency and improved selectivity across species

Muttenthaler, Markus, Andersson, Asa, Vetter, Irina, Menon, Rohit, Busnelli, Marta, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Bergmayr, Christian, Arrowsmith, Sarah, Deuis, Jennifer R., Chiu, Han Sheng, Palpant, Nathan J., O'Brien, Margaret, Smith, Terry J., Wray, Susan, Neumann, Inga D., Gruber, Christian W., Lewis, Richard J. and Alewood, Paul F. (2017). Subtle modifications to oxytocin produce ligands that retain potency and improved selectivity across species. Science Signaling, 10 (508) eaan3398, 1-13. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aan3398

Subtle modifications to oxytocin produce ligands that retain potency and improved selectivity across species


Journal Article

Discovery and mode of action of a novel analgesic β-toxin from the African spider Ceratogyrus darlingi

Sousa, Silmara R., Wingerd, Joshua S., Brust, Andreas, Bladen, Christopher, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Herzig, Volker, Deuis, Jennifer R., Dutertre, Sebastien, Vetter, Irina, Zamponi, Gerald W., King, Glenn F., Alewood, Paul F. and Lewis, Richard J. (2017). Discovery and mode of action of a novel analgesic β-toxin from the African spider Ceratogyrus darlingi. PLoS One, 12 (9) e0182848, e0182848. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182848

Discovery and mode of action of a novel analgesic β-toxin from the African spider Ceratogyrus darlingi


Journal Article

Structural mechanisms for α-conotoxin activity at the human α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

Abraham, Nikita, Healy, Michael, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Brust, Andreas, Alewood, Paul F. and Lewis, Richard J. (2017). Structural mechanisms for α-conotoxin activity at the human α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Scientific Reports, 7 (1) 45466, 45466. doi: 10.1038/srep45466

Structural mechanisms for α-conotoxin activity at the human α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor


Journal Article

Synthesis of multivalent [Lys8]-oxytocin dendrimers that inhibit visceral nociceptive responses

Wan, Jingjing, Mobli, Mehdi, Brust, Andreas, Muttenthaler, Markus, Andersson, Asa, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Castro, Joel, Vetter, Irina, Huang, Johnny X., Nilsson, Mathias, Brierley, Stuart M., Cooper, Matthew A., Lewis, Richard J. and Alewood, Paul F. (2017). Synthesis of multivalent [Lys8]-oxytocin dendrimers that inhibit visceral nociceptive responses. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 70 (2), 162-171. doi: 10.1071/CH16407

Synthesis of multivalent [Lys8]-oxytocin dendrimers that inhibit visceral nociceptive responses


Journal Article

Escherichia coli protein expression system for Acetylcholine Binding Proteins (AChBPs)

Abraham, Nikita, Paul, Blessy, Ragnarsson, Lotten and Lewis, Richard J. (2016). Escherichia coli protein expression system for Acetylcholine Binding Proteins (AChBPs). PLoS One, 11 (6) e0157363, e0157363. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157363

Escherichia coli protein expression system for Acetylcholine Binding Proteins (AChBPs)


Journal Article

Conopeptide-derived κ-opioid agonists (conorphins): potent, selective, and metabolic stable dynorphin a mimetics with antinociceptive properties

Brust, Andreas, Croker, Daniel, Colless, Barbara, Ragnarsson, Lotten K. N., Andersson, Asa, Jain, Kapil, Garcia-Caraballo, Sonia, Castro, Joel, Brierley, Stuart M., Alewood, Paul F. and Lewis, Richard J. (2016). Conopeptide-derived κ-opioid agonists (conorphins): potent, selective, and metabolic stable dynorphin a mimetics with antinociceptive properties. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59 (6), 2381-2395. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b00911

Conopeptide-derived κ-opioid agonists (conorphins): potent, selective, and metabolic stable dynorphin a mimetics with antinociceptive properties


Journal Article

Extracellular surface residues of theα1b-adrenoceptor critical for g protein -coupled receptor functions

Ragnarsson, Lotten, Andersson, Åsa, Thomas, Walter G. and Lewis, Richard J. (2015). Extracellular surface residues of theα1b-adrenoceptor critical for g protein -coupled receptor functions. Molecular Pharmacology, 87 (1), 121-129. doi: 10.1124/mol.114.094557

Extracellular surface residues of theα1b-adrenoceptor critical for g protein -coupled receptor functions


Journal Article

Expression and pharmacology of endogenous Ca-v channels in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells

Sousa, Silmara R., Vetter, Irina, Ragnarsson, Lotten and Lewis, Richard J. (2013). Expression and pharmacology of endogenous Ca-v channels in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. PloS One, 8 (3) e59293, e59293. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059293

Expression and pharmacology of endogenous Ca-v channels in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells


Journal Article

Conopeptide p-tia defines a new allosteric site on the extracellular surface of the α1b-adrenoceptor

Ragnarsson, Lotten, Wang, Ching-I Anderson, Andersson, Asa, Fajarningsih, Dewi, Monks, Thea, Brust, Andreas, Rosengren, K. Johan and Lewis, Richard J. (2013). Conopeptide p-tia defines a new allosteric site on the extracellular surface of the α1b-adrenoceptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288 (3), 1814-1827. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.430785

Conopeptide p-tia defines a new allosteric site on the extracellular surface of the α1b-adrenoceptor


Journal Article

Glycerotoxin stimulates neurotransmitter release from N-type Ca2+ channel expressing neurons

Schenning, Mitja, Proctor, Dustin T., Ragnarsson, Lotten, Barbier, Julien, Lavidis, Nickolas A., Molgo, Jordi J., Zamponi, Gerald W., Schiavo, Giampietro and Meunier, Frederic A. (2006). Glycerotoxin stimulates neurotransmitter release from N-type Ca2+ channel expressing neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry, 98 (3), 894-904. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2006.03938.x

Glycerotoxin stimulates neurotransmitter release from N-type Ca2+ channel expressing neurons


Journal Article

NMDA receptor subunit-dependent modulation by conantokin-G and Ala(7)-conantokin-G

Ragnarsson, L., Yasuda, T., Lewis, R. J., Dodd, P. R. and Adams, D. J. (2006). NMDA receptor subunit-dependent modulation by conantokin-G and Ala(7)-conantokin-G. Journal of Neurochemistry, 96 (1), 283-291. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2005.03574.x

NMDA receptor subunit-dependent modulation by conantokin-G and Ala(7)-conantokin-G


Journal Article

Multiple myeloma cells are killed by syndecan-1-directed superantigen-activated T cells

Ragnarsson, L, Stromberg, T, Wijdenes, J, Totterman, TH and Weigelt, C (2001). Multiple myeloma cells are killed by syndecan-1-directed superantigen-activated T cells. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 50 (7), 382-390. doi: 10.1007/s002620100211

Multiple myeloma cells are killed by syndecan-1-directed superantigen-activated T cells