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Dr Miriam Moeller

Miriam Moeller

+61 7 334 68175



MIRIAM MOELLER is a Senior Lecturer in International Business at the University of Queensland. Prior to joining UQ in 2011, she received her MBA (2007) and PhD (2010) in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management from the University of Mississippi, USA, and worked as an adjunct teaching fellow at Australia’s first private not-for-profit university, Bond University, located in Robina, Gold Coast, Queensland from 2009-2011.

Miriam has taught courses on international business, international human resource management, cross-cultural management, management, and organisational behaviour in the Undergraduate, MBA, Higher Degree Researcher and specialised program levels. As an advocate for domestic and international student experiences, she was program leader of UQ’s Master of Global Management program, a 2-year double-degree program and makes it possible for students to receive 2 degrees in 24 months from 2 world-class, highly ranked and accredited institutions. She lectured Global Talent Management in the Queensland in July program.

Miriam has published numerous academic articles, book chapters, and conference papers on a range of topics related to international management, global mobility, expatriate management, and global talent management. She undertakes research in three areas: The first area focuses on how global work is experienced against the backdrop of organisational settings. Her second focus is on assessing, reimagining, and improving global work experiences. Third, she explores the subtleties of the previous two research areas with empirical inquiries into a variety of context such as country of origin and destination, gender, family stakeholders, modes of operation, industry, and global work category. Miriam currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of Global Mobility.


Dr Miriam Moeller is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Mississippi

Research impacts

Miriam’s published work has been featured in U.S. military policy, as well as a number of influential media outlets, including BBC Capital, HR Magazine Hong Kong and The Conversation in Australia and Indonesia.


Search Professor Miriam Moeller’s works on UQ eSpace

96 works between 2008 and 2023

41 - 60 of 96 works


Journal Article

Examining the Philosophy of Expatriate Return on Investment

Moeller, Miriam (2014). Examining the Philosophy of Expatriate Return on Investment. Thunderbird International Business Review, 56 (6), 588-590. doi: 10.1002/tie.21656

Examining the Philosophy of Expatriate Return on Investment


Book Chapter

Career and family expectations of women in international management: a view across generations

Moeller, Miriam, Napier, Nancy and McGourty, Rebekah (2014). Career and family expectations of women in international management: a view across generations. Research Handbook on Women in International Management. (pp. 96-118) edited by Kate Hutchings and Snejina Michailova. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781781955031.00015

Career and family expectations of women in international management: a view across generations


Journal Article

The impact of country-of-origin on the acceptance of foreign subsidiaries in host countries: an examination of the ‘liability-of-foreignness’

Moeller, Miriam, Harvey, Michael, Griffith, David and Richey, Glenn (2013). The impact of country-of-origin on the acceptance of foreign subsidiaries in host countries: an examination of the ‘liability-of-foreignness’. International Business Review, 22 (1), 89-99. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2012.02.006

The impact of country-of-origin on the acceptance of foreign subsidiaries in host countries: an examination of the ‘liability-of-foreignness’


Journal Article

The "dominos" that need to fall into place for a reunification of Korea: making sense of a United Korea

Harvey, Michael, Kiessling, Timothy and Moeller, Miriam (2013). The "dominos" that need to fall into place for a reunification of Korea: making sense of a United Korea. Journal of East-West Business, 19 (3), 181-198. doi: 10.1080/10669868.2013.787957

The "dominos" that need to fall into place for a reunification of Korea: making sense of a United Korea


Conference Publication

Internationalizing emerging market organizations

Moeller, Miriam, Maley, Jane, Harvey, Michael and Kiesslling, Timothy (2013). Internationalizing emerging market organizations. 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6 July 2013. East Lansing, MI, United States: AIB Executive Secretariat.

Internationalizing emerging market organizations


Journal Article

Aligning global organizations' human capital needs and global supply-chain strategies

Harvey, Michael, Fisher, Ron, McPhail, Ruth and Moeller, Miriam (2013). Aligning global organizations' human capital needs and global supply-chain strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 51 (1), 4-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7941.2012.00054.x

Aligning global organizations' human capital needs and global supply-chain strategies


Conference Publication

Family talent management: designing an expatriate dual-career competency framework

Moeller, Miriam, McNulty, Yvonne and Harvey, Michael (2013). Family talent management: designing an expatriate dual-career competency framework. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL, United States, 9-13 August 2013.

Family talent management: designing an expatriate dual-career competency framework


Conference Publication

n-culturals, the next cross-cultural dilemma: a mentoring perspective

Pekerti, Andre A., Moeller, Miriam, Thomas, David C. and Napier, Nancy K. (2013). n-culturals, the next cross-cultural dilemma: a mentoring perspective. 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6 July 2013. East Lansing, MI, United States: AIB Executive Secretariat.

n-culturals, the next cross-cultural dilemma: a mentoring perspective


Journal Article

Aligning expatriate managers’ expectations with complex global assignments

Harvey, Michael, Buckley, M. Ronald, Richey, Glenn, Moeller, Miriam and Novicevic, Milorad (2012). Aligning expatriate managers’ expectations with complex global assignments. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42 (12), 3026-3050. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2012.00972.x

Aligning expatriate managers’ expectations with complex global assignments


Journal Article

Global performance management systems: the role of trust as perceived by country managers

Maley, Jane F. and Moeller, Miriam (2012). Global performance management systems: the role of trust as perceived by country managers. Journal of Business Research, 67 (1), 2803-2810. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2012.08.003

Global performance management systems: the role of trust as perceived by country managers


Journal Article

Staffing the global organization: "Cultural nomads"

McPhail, Ruth, Fisher, Ron, Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). Staffing the global organization: "Cultural nomads". Human Resource Development Quarterly, 23 (2), 259-276. doi: 10.1002/hrdq.21133

Staffing the global organization: "Cultural nomads"


Journal Article

The role of managerial curiosity in organizational learning: A theoretical inquiry

McIntyre, Nancy H., Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). The role of managerial curiosity in organizational learning: A theoretical inquiry. International Journal of Management, 29 (2, Part 2), 659-676.

The role of managerial curiosity in organizational learning: A theoretical inquiry


Journal Article

Managerial self-concept in a global context: an integral component of cross-cultural competencies

Harvey, Michael, McIntyre, Nancy, Moeller, Miriam and Sloan III, Hugh (2012). Managerial self-concept in a global context: an integral component of cross-cultural competencies. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 19 (1), 115-125. doi: 10.1177/1548051811431826

Managerial self-concept in a global context: an integral component of cross-cultural competencies


Book Chapter

The "whirlwind" of globalization: Implications for strategic global human resource management

Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). The "whirlwind" of globalization: Implications for strategic global human resource management. Globalization: Partnerships, Modernization and Future Perspectives. (pp. 19-29) Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

The "whirlwind" of globalization: Implications for strategic global human resource management


Book Chapter

The "whirlwind" of globalization: Implications for strategic global human resource management

Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). The "whirlwind" of globalization: Implications for strategic global human resource management. Globalization: Partnerships, modernization and future perspectives. (pp. 19-30) edited by Joseph A. Mancini. Hauppauge, NY, United States: Nova Science Publishers.

The "whirlwind" of globalization: Implications for strategic global human resource management


Book Chapter

Power in organizations: Good vs evil

Martinez, Arthur D., Ferris, Gerald R., Moeller, Miriam and Harvey, Michael (2012). Power in organizations: Good vs evil. The foundations of organizational evil. (pp. 105-123) edited by Carole L. Jurkiewicz. Armonk, NY, United States: M. E. Sharpe.

Power in organizations: Good vs evil


Book Chapter

Patriation of global cultural 'nomads': the reconceptualization of repatriation in a global context

Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). Patriation of global cultural 'nomads': the reconceptualization of repatriation in a global context. Handbook of research in international human resource management. (pp. 343-362) edited by Günter K. Stahl, Ingmar Björkman and Shad Morris. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781849809191.00023

Patriation of global cultural 'nomads': the reconceptualization of repatriation in a global context


Book Chapter

Patriation of global cultural 'nomads': the reconceptualization of repatriation in a global context

Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). Patriation of global cultural 'nomads': the reconceptualization of repatriation in a global context. Handbook of research in international human resource management. (pp. 343-363) edited by Gunter K. Stahl, Ingmar Björkman and Shad Morris. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Patriation of global cultural 'nomads': the reconceptualization of repatriation in a global context


Journal Article

Supply-chain corporate venturing through acquisition: Key management team retention

Kiessling, Timothy, Harvey, Michael and Moeller, Miriam (2012). Supply-chain corporate venturing through acquisition: Key management team retention. Journal of World Business, 47 (1), 81-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2010.10.023

Supply-chain corporate venturing through acquisition: Key management team retention


Journal Article

Inpatriate marketing managers: Issues associated with staffing global marketing positions

Moeller, Miriam and Harvey, Michael (2011). Inpatriate marketing managers: Issues associated with staffing global marketing positions. Journal of International Marketing, 19 (4), 1-16. doi: 10.1509/jim.11.0031

Inpatriate marketing managers: Issues associated with staffing global marketing positions


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    Understanding the lived experiences of Autistic jobseekers accessing disability employment service providers in Southeast Queensland: Breaking down barriers and leveraging enablers
    Endeavour Foundation
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2011 - 2012
    Global Talent Management: The Dual-Career Couple Phenomenon
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Dr Miriam Moeller is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Disasters and International Business: Explore the role of executives' early-life natural disaster experience in firms' internationalization decisions

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Tao Bai

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Miriam Moeller directly for media enquiries about:

  • Global Assignments
  • International HRM
  • Talent Management

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