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Dr Eric O Ansah

Eric O Ansah




Dr. Eric O. Ansah is a postdoctoral research fellow at the W.H. Bryan Mining Geology Research Centre, Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland. He is currently researching sustainable solution that addresses both improved metal extraction and the potential to improve mine closure outcomes. Eric has expertise in Geochemistry and Hydrometallurgy with proven track record in developing innovative heap leaching technology for sustainable metal extraction and mine waste reclamation as part of the BHP’s Think & Act Differently (TAD) Essential Minerals Cohort. The protonated brine lixiviant technology was developed as part of his PhD studies into coupled chalcopyrite dissolution with reprecipitation during copper heap leaching at the University of Melbourne.He has worked in metallurgical and geochemical research, plant operations, translation of research to industrial start-up and technology development. Some of his projects and studies involved copper, gold, silver, cobalt, uranium, and REE.


Dr Eric O Ansah is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Minerals Engineering, University of Mines & Technology Tarkwa
  • Masters (Research) of Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy, Kyushu University
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Science, University of Melbourne

Research interests

  • Geochemistry

  • Hydrometallurgy

  • Mine waste

  • Mineral carbonation

Research impacts

I am an exceptional Geometallurgical (Geochemistry plus Hydrometallurgy) engineer and applied scientist with a well-rounded skillset and a passion for innovation. My academic excellence, diverse industry experience, and dedication to data-driven solutions make me a valuable asset to the Australian critical minerals industry. I bring over ten (10) years of comprehensive experience in the resources sector, having worked as a hydrometallurgist and chemical engineer for industry leaders like Northern Star Resources, Shell, Goldfields, and AngloGold Ashanti accross Australia and Africa. Further I have a proven track record in developing innovative leaching technology for sustainable metal extraction and mine waste reclamation as part of the BHP’s Think & Act Differently (TAD) Essential Minerals Cohort. Additionally, I have worked with top artificial intelligence (AI) start-ups such as Funartech and as a patent intern in the Chemistry group at Davies Collins Cave (DCC). Overall, I am passionate about driving sustainable solutions in the critical minerals and energy industries. I possess a deep understanding of circular economy innovations for the extraction of critical green metals from mine waste and low-grade mineral ores; valorisation and transformation of mine waste into useful end-products; carbon storage in mine waste, processing and refining of critical minerals and data-driven decision-making relevant to transitioning Australia to a net zero low carbon-based economy.


Search Professor Eric O Ansah’s works on UQ eSpace

8 works between 2018 and 2024

1 - 8 of 8 works


Journal Article

Enhancement of copper mobilization using acidic AlCl3-rich lixiviant

Ansah, Eric O., Black, Jay R. and Haese, Ralf R. (2024). Enhancement of copper mobilization using acidic AlCl3-rich lixiviant. Minerals Engineering, 217 108953, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108953

Enhancement of copper mobilization using acidic AlCl3-rich lixiviant


Journal Article

The importance of reaction mechanisms and coupled dissolution with reprecipitation (CDR) reactions when modelling copper leaching in heap systems

Ansah, Eric O., Jyoti, Apoorv, Black, Jay R. and Haese, Ralf R. (2023). The importance of reaction mechanisms and coupled dissolution with reprecipitation (CDR) reactions when modelling copper leaching in heap systems. Minerals Engineering, 203 108357, 108357-203. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108357

The importance of reaction mechanisms and coupled dissolution with reprecipitation (CDR) reactions when modelling copper leaching in heap systems


Conference Publication

Copper leaching in low-grade ore: a reactive-transport modelling study revealing controls on local reactions on mineral surfaces

Jyoti, Apoorv, Ansah, Eric O., Black, Jay R. and Haese, Ralf R. (2022). Copper leaching in low-grade ore: a reactive-transport modelling study revealing controls on local reactions on mineral surfaces. 14th Annual Meeting InterPore, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 30 May - 2 June 2022.

Copper leaching in low-grade ore: a reactive-transport modelling study revealing controls on local reactions on mineral surfaces


Journal Article

Microbe-induced fluid viscosity variation: field-scale simulation, sensitivity and geological uncertainty

Ansah, Eric O., Vo Thanh, Hung, Sugai, Yuichi, Nguele, Ronald and Sasaki, Kyuro (2020). Microbe-induced fluid viscosity variation: field-scale simulation, sensitivity and geological uncertainty. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 10 (5), 1983-2003. doi: 10.1007/s13202-020-00852-1

Microbe-induced fluid viscosity variation: field-scale simulation, sensitivity and geological uncertainty


Journal Article

Predicting the antagonistic effect between albite-anorthite synergy and anhydrite on chemical enhanced oil recovery: effect of inorganic ions and scaling

Ansah, Eric O., Nguele, Ronald, Sugai, Yuchi and Sasaki, Kyuro (2020). Predicting the antagonistic effect between albite-anorthite synergy and anhydrite on chemical enhanced oil recovery: effect of inorganic ions and scaling. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 42 (1), 21-32. doi: 10.1080/01932691.2019.1659149

Predicting the antagonistic effect between albite-anorthite synergy and anhydrite on chemical enhanced oil recovery: effect of inorganic ions and scaling


Conference Publication

Mechanistic modeling of MEOR as a sustainable recovery technology: coreflooding validation, sensitivity and field application

O. Ansah, Eric (2019). Mechanistic modeling of MEOR as a sustainable recovery technology: coreflooding validation, sensitivity and field application. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgery, AB, United States, 30 September - 2 October 2019. Richardson, TX, United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/199770-stu

Mechanistic modeling of MEOR as a sustainable recovery technology: coreflooding validation, sensitivity and field application


Journal Article

Integrated microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) simulation: main influencing parameters and uncertainty assessment

Ansah, Eric O., Sugai, Yuichi, Nguele, Ronald and Sasaki, Kyuro (2018). Integrated microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) simulation: main influencing parameters and uncertainty assessment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 171, 784-793. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2018.08.005

Integrated microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) simulation: main influencing parameters and uncertainty assessment


Journal Article

Modeling microbial-induced oil viscosity reduction: effect of temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration

Ansah, Eric O., Sugai, Yuichi and Sasaki, Kyuro (2018). Modeling microbial-induced oil viscosity reduction: effect of temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration. Petroleum Science and Technology, 36 (15), 1113-1119. doi: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1463253

Modeling microbial-induced oil viscosity reduction: effect of temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration



Dr Eric O Ansah is:
Available for supervision

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