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The impact of ocean acidification on the fertilization, larval development and recruitment of key Australian marine organisms (2009-2011)


Rising atmospheric CO2 is increasing ocean acidity and lowering carbonate ion concentrations of the world s oceans. So far, attention has focused on the serious implications this has for adult carbonate accreting organisms such as reef-building corals and planktonic organisms such as coccolithophores. Evidence is mounting, however, that a wide array of other tropical and temperate organisms are also highly vulnerable, especially during their early development and larval stages. Our project brings together a multi-institutional team to explore the impact of ocean acidification on the developing stages of a wide variety of marine organisms, which are crucial for Australia s natural ecosystems and aquaculture industries.


Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg