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Does Self Management Increase The Effectiveness Of Vocational Rehabilitation For Chronic Compensated Disorders? (2009-2012)


A vocational rehabilitation intervention of chronic compensated musculoskeletal disorders will be developed and evaluated. Such disorders are common, costly and a national health research priority. The intervention adds self-management training to usual care for workers with chronic injuries. Self-management training has been effective in improving health and quality of life in chronic diseases but not in work disability prevention. Self management provides the worker with opportunities to manage the impact of pain on their life. Findings will show the acceptability, effectiveness (job readiness, health efficacy and pain) and cost-effectiveness of the intervention and will model a client-centred, prevention-focussed health service.'',


Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull

Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Gwendolen Jull
Gwendolen Jull

Emeritus Professor Jenny Strong

Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Jenny Strong
Jenny Strong