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Harnessing the genome of the Australian paralysis tick to develop effective control products (2013-2016)


The Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus- unique to Australia) causes disease and death in pets and livestock costing millions annually in treatments. This project aims to identify tick saliva constituents that cause paralysis and toxicoses. Ticks are possibly the earliest parasites to have developed blood-feeding capabilities. Together with the usual tick anti-coagulating armoury, the paralysis tick injects a toxin(s) which is fatal to dogs and cats unless treated. Our multi-disciplinary team of tick experts has identified new compounds which following further discovery, production and laboratory model screening, the outcome will be to develop new treatments to be commercialised by the linkage partner.


Professor Ala Tabor

Affiliate Professor
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Animal Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Ala Tabor
Ala Tabor