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Step Change Technologies in Ironmaking Slag Compositions for Use in the New Low Energy Blast Furnace Practice. (2005-2007)


By far the majority of the world s iron is made using the iron blast furnace process. One of the strategies proposed to substantially reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions from the process is to significantly decrease the maximum operating temperature below that used in current practice. The proposed project will assist the implementation of this step change technology by providing New experimentally determined data on chemical phase equilibria in system Al2O3-CaO-MgO-SiO2-TiO2-Ti2O3 at carbon saturation conditions relevant to modified blast furnace iron making. New chemical thermodynamic FactSage databases describing the chemical behaviour of these complex oxide systems.


Emeritus Professor Peter Hayes

Emeritus/Emerita/Emeritx Professor
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes