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Beyond discrete landscape metrics: spatial analysis tools and surface textural measures for quantifying gradients in landscape structure. (2006-2008)


The project will develop conceptual models, surface textural measures, spatial analysis techniques programmed into a computer-based package for quantifying gradients in landscape structure. It fills an important knowledge gap in applied landscape ecology resulting from the limitations of discrete landscape metrics derived from categorical maps. It brings together emerging theories and tools in remote sensing and spatial analysis, links these with the gradient concept of landscape structure, and tests their ecological relevance for fauna populations in forest and savanna landscapes of northern Australia. By filling this knowledge gap, the project outcomes will advance landscape ecological research in Australia and internationally.


Professor Stuart Phinn

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Stuart Phinn
Stuart Phinn

Dr David Pullar

Senior Lecturer
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
David Pullar
David Pullar