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NHMRC CDF (Population Health; Level 1): Public health policies and interventions to reduce tobacco-related harms among socially disadvantaged populations and 'low probability quitters' (2014-2017)


This CDF program will advance the evidence base for interventions that reduce tobacco-related harms in socially disadvantaged populations, specifically: a) tobacco harm reduction strategies, including use of e-cigarettes and their potential impact upon socially disadvantaged smokers; b) developing appropriate and effective ways to communicate information about nicotine addiction, cessation treatment, nicotine products and harm reduction options; and c) peer-support programs to assist socially disadvantaged smokers to quit. It will consist of the following projects: 1. A mixed-methods study (qualitative & quantitative) to explore how promotion of the medical model of addiction to smokers influences quitting self-efficacy, quitting motivation, feelings of stigma & chosen quit methods. 2. A pragmatic RCT of harm reduction for smokers (medicinal nicotine, & e-cigarettes). The results will determine if e-cigarettes promote more quitting than existing medicinal products & whether they encourage dual use with tobacco. 3. A mixed-methods (in depth interviews + experimental) study to identify the best format for communicating harm reduction & e-cigarette product information to the public & the impact of different message formats & content on smokers & non-smokers¿ understandings & attitudes. 4. A mixed methods study to explore disadvantaged smokers¿ knowledge, attitudes & experiences of nicotine products & measure interest in using different nicotine products as long-term substitutes for smoking & barriers to their use. This will be followed by a cross-sectional survey of this population, the results of which will inform development of an information pack & trial of nicotine products for substitution or quitting among disadvantaged smokers. 5. A community-based participatory research project to develop & trial peer-support programs to assist disadvantaged smokers to quit.


Professor Coral Gartner

Affiliate of Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame
Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Centre Director of Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame
Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Professorial Research Fellow
School of Public Health
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Coral Gartner
Coral Gartner