NHMRC CDF (Population Health; Level 1): Public health policies and interventions to reduce tobacco-related harms among socially disadvantaged populations and 'low probability quitters' (2014-2017)
This CDF program will advance the evidence base for interventions that reduce tobacco-related harms in socially disadvantaged populations, specifically: a) tobacco harm reduction strategies, including use of e-cigarettes and their potential impact upon socially disadvantaged smokers; b) developing appropriate and effective ways to communicate information about nicotine addiction, cessation treatment, nicotine products and harm reduction options; and c) peer-support programs to assist socially disadvantaged smokers to quit. It will consist of the following projects: 1. A mixed-methods study (qualitative & quantitative) to explore how promotion of the medical model of addiction to smokers influences quitting self-efficacy, quitting motivation, feelings of stigma & chosen quit methods. 2. A pragmatic RCT of harm reduction for smokers (medicinal nicotine, & e-cigarettes). The results will determine if e-cigarettes promote more quitting than existing medicinal products & whether they encourage dual use with tobacco. 3. A mixed-methods (in depth interviews + experimental) study to identify the best format for communicating harm reduction & e-cigarette product information to the public & the impact of different message formats & content on smokers & non-smokers¿ understandings & attitudes. 4. A mixed methods study to explore disadvantaged smokers¿ knowledge, attitudes & experiences of nicotine products & measure interest in using different nicotine products as long-term substitutes for smoking & barriers to their use. This will be followed by a cross-sectional survey of this population, the results of which will inform development of an information pack & trial of nicotine products for substitution or quitting among disadvantaged smokers. 5. A community-based participatory research project to develop & trial peer-support programs to assist disadvantaged smokers to quit.