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An integrated approach to iron salt use in urban water systems (2015-2017)


We will develop and demonstrate an integrated and innovative strategy, and the associated science and technologies, to achieve multiple beneficial uses of iron salts in an urban water system. We propose to use iron chloride to replace the most commonly used alum as a coagulant in water treatment. The same iron is then further used for corrosion and odor control in sewers, phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment reactors and hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas in an anaerobic digester. The strategy will thus substantially reduce the use of chemicals in the entire urban water system, delivering large economical and environmental benefits to urban water utilities. The project sets an excellent example for integrated urban water management.


Honorary Professor Zhiguo Yuan

Honorary Professor
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Zhiguo Yuan
Zhiguo Yuan

Associate Professor Ilje Pikaar

Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Ilje Pikaar
Ilje Pikaar