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Enhancing CSG well production through well bottom-hole pressure control (2017-2020)


CSG provides 90% of Queensland¿s natural gas and is a fast growing energy source and global export. CSG extraction is associated with production of a significant amount of water, which is removed to reduce the flowing bottom-hole pressure (FBHP) to enhance well production. Reducing the FBHP and therefore abandonment pressure (AP) (the point where the production of CSG wells is no longer economic) increases the CSG recovery factor (RF). Given Queensland¿s 42020 PJ 2P(proved and probable) CSG reserves, reducing the AP by 10% would lead to 3% increase of RF, resulting in additional annual royalties of $39.5 million to the State government. This project aims to develop novel mathematical models to precisely estimate the FBHP in CSG wells to replace the available models in industry simulators, which were designed for conventional wells. More accurate modelling will assist companies to enhance gas production with reduced cost and environmental impact. This project is supported by APLNG, Arrow, QGC (Shell) and Santos with Arrow as the lead company contributing to the project by providing technical advice, field data for models validation and evaluation of the project outcomes. This helps to ensure that the technology addresses the real unsolved needs of the CSG industry.


Associate Professor Mahshid Firouzi

Honorary Associate Professor
UQ Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Mahshid Firouzi
Mahshid Firouzi