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Female Reproduction Phenobank and Validation Herds (2017-2021)


Meat and Livestock Australia needs are aligned with Queensland¿s strategic positioning to supply quality beef to growing Asian markets. Proposed research will increase beef production efficiency through genomic technologies (GT). Existing datasets are the fast track for creating the large reference population needed for robust GT. A bank of DNA samples are available to genotype animals with existing phenotypic records, reducing the time to validate GT. Accurate GT can transform the rate of genetic gain and adoption of improved genetics in Queensland. We propose to create a Female Reproduction Phenobank to address the needs for improved reproduction performance in Bos indicus influenced herds, instrumental to tropical beef production. We will create an easy-to-use platform for data sharing with standardized language for reproduction traits to facilitate development and adoption of GT. Guidelines will be provided to industry about most suitable phenotypes, genotypes and analytical methods to produce GT. Validation herds from Northern Territory DPIR and two industry herds are involved in the project to increase size and value of the Phenobank and serve as seed for widespread communication and adoption of GT. Long-term project outcomes will assure increased pregnancy rates in Queensland herds, sustaining the supply chain for growing beef demand.


Associate Professor Marina Fortes

Associate Professor
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Marina Fortes
Marina Fortes