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Functional biomass carbons for low-cost sodium and potassium-ion batteries (2019-2023)


The development of hard carbon anode materials for stationary rechargeable sodium and potassium ion batteries remains a major technological challenge. This project aims to utilise two very different biomass feedstock sources,sorghum and macadamia shell agricultural waste to manufacture low-cost, high-performance carbon anodes. Current carbon anode materials such as graphite or carbonised sucrose, pitch or phenolics suffer from poor performance, high cost and/or low carbon yield and device durability issues. This project will investigate combinations of biomass precursors, tailored graphene and carbon alloys in order to significantly enhance anode performance while minimising cost.


Professor Yusuke Yamauchi

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Yusuke Yamauchi
Yusuke Yamauchi

Professor Darren Martin

Affiliate of Australian Research Co
ARC Centre of Excellence-Green Electrochemical Transformation of Carbon Dioxide
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Darren Martin
Darren Martin