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Understanding the neural basis of gaze behaviour in the human brain. (2021-2025)


Selecting where to look is a necessary step in human vision that is vital for guiding social behaviours. For example, although we inadvertently look toward faces in our environment, especially faces expressing emotion, we do not know how this is accomplished. This project aims to define the mechanisms responsible for detecting and prioritising faces in the human brain. The results are expected to advance our understanding of how vision operates in daily life, and augment theories of how the prioritisation of social cues might differ in people living with Anxiety disorders. It is anticipated that the project outcomes will also inform the development of artificial vision systems that can interpret social meaning in visual environments.n


Associate Professor Jess Taubert

Principal Research Fellow, ARC Fund
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Jess Taubert
Jess Taubert