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Membrane Distillation Development for Concentrated Solar Thermal Systems (ARC Linkage Project Led by the University of New South Wales) (2018-2020)


Fresh water and energy are inextricably linked and form the basis for all human activity. Remote locations in Australia and the Middle East and North Africa are blessed with abundant solar resources and increasing levels of development, but burdened by access to reliable water treatment and electricity generation facilities. This project will develop a new membrane distillation (MD) module optimised to work with a high efficiency solar thermal tower system. Recently developed materials and design tools will be employed to overcome technical challenges which have previously limited MD technology -- opening up an innovative method for co-production of water and electricity which can handle transient solar and water quality inputs.


Honorary Professor Vicki Chen

Honorary Professor
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Vicki Chen
Vicki Chen