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ESEG_Using group processes to predict outcomes of group cognitive behaviour therapy (2005-2006)


It is widely assumed that cohesiveness is an important factor leading to positive outcomes in group psychotherapy. However the evidence for such a link is weak and inconsistent. Furthermore no systematic empirical attention has been paid to the role that other group processes (e.g. independence expressiveness) might play in promoting therapeutic change. In this project we provide a theoretically grounded test of the relationship between group processes and outcomes in patients undergoing group cognitive behaviour therapy. This project can help inform therapists how to best manage group sessions and thus improve treatment and outcomes for patients.


Emeritus Professor Tian Po Oei

Emeritus Professor
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Tian Po Oei
Tian Po Oei

Professor Matthew Hornsey

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Affiliate of Centre for Research in Social Psychology (CRiSP)
Centre for Research in Social Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Discipline Convenor, Management of UQ Business School
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Matthew Hornsey
Matthew Hornsey