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Water resource management of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme catchment and the Murray-Darling River system - a new perspective on system reliability from drought history reconstruction. (2006-2009)


This study will provide a robust long term record of climatic and hydrological variability in the catchment of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme and headwaters of the Murray River System, Australia s most important river systems with respect to hydro-electric power generation and irrigation. Results will set in context the severity of the drought of the late 1930s on which the Scheme is designed. This will allow for better informed policy design to ensure sustainable water resource management in the catchments at a time of unprecedented uncertainty about future climate variability and the implications for the hydrological resources of the Scheme. '',


Professor Hamish McGowan

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Hamish McGowan
Hamish McGowan