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Journal Article

Volunteering for a better future: a pilot Sustainability Ambassadors Training Program

Solly, Kane, Smyer, Michael A., Nichols, Kim, Steffens, Niklas K., Kastelle, Timothy H. and Pachana, Nancy A. (2022). Volunteering for a better future: a pilot Sustainability Ambassadors Training Program. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41 (2), e13069-e209. doi: 10.1111/ajag.13069

Volunteering for a better future: a pilot Sustainability Ambassadors Training Program


Journal Article

Taking scientific inventions to market: Mapping the academic entrepreneurship ecosystem

Guindalini, Camila, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kastelle, Tim (2021). Taking scientific inventions to market: Mapping the academic entrepreneurship ecosystem. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173 121144, 121144. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121144

Taking scientific inventions to market: Mapping the academic entrepreneurship ecosystem


Journal Article

“Building the threads of connection that we already have”: The nature of connections via technology for older people

Liddle, Jacki, Stuart, Avelie, Worthy, Peter, Levine, Mark, Kastelle, Tim, Wiles, Janet, Pachana, Nancy A. and Clare, Linda (2020). “Building the threads of connection that we already have”: The nature of connections via technology for older people. Clinical Gerontologist, 44 (4), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2020.1852638

“Building the threads of connection that we already have”: The nature of connections via technology for older people


Journal Article

Pitching research for engagement and impact: a simple tool and illustrative examples

Faff, Robert, Kastelle, Tim, Axelsen, Micheal, Brosnan, Mark, Michalak, Rebecca and Walsh, Kathy (2020). Pitching research for engagement and impact: a simple tool and illustrative examples. Accounting and Finance, 61 (2) acfi.12704, 3329-3383. doi: 10.1111/acfi.12704

Pitching research for engagement and impact: a simple tool and illustrative examples


Journal Article

The search environment is not (always) benign: reassessing the risks of organizational search

MacAulay, Samuel C., Steen, John and Kastelle, Tim (2020). The search environment is not (always) benign: reassessing the risks of organizational search. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29 (1), 1-23. doi: 10.1093/icc/dtx045

The search environment is not (always) benign: reassessing the risks of organizational search


Journal Article

Experiences using a science-based Lean LaunchPad program and its impact on national innovation system evolution

Kastelle, Tim, King, Sarah, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kambouris, Peter (2018). Experiences using a science-based Lean LaunchPad program and its impact on national innovation system evolution. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 35 (3), 356-370. doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2018.095902

Experiences using a science-based Lean LaunchPad program and its impact on national innovation system evolution


Journal Article

Economics of innovation in Australian agricultural economics and policy

Potts, Jason and Kastelle, Tim (2017). Economics of innovation in Australian agricultural economics and policy. Economic Analysis and Policy, 54, 96-104. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2017.03.003

Economics of innovation in Australian agricultural economics and policy


Journal Article

Social network analysis reveals that communication gaps may prevent effective water management in the mining sector

Kunz, N. C., Kastelle, T. and Moran, C. J. (2017). Social network analysis reveals that communication gaps may prevent effective water management in the mining sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 148, 915-922. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.175

Social network analysis reveals that communication gaps may prevent effective water management in the mining sector


Journal Article

Innovation in the public sector

Stewart-Weeks, Martin and Kastelle, Tim (2015). Innovation in the public sector. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74 (1), 63-72. doi: 10.1111/1467-8500.12129

Innovation in the public sector


Journal Article

What creates advantage in the "social era"?

Kastelle, Tim, Merchant, Nilofer and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2015). What creates advantage in the "social era"?. Innovations, 10 (3-4), 81-91. doi: 10.1162/inov_a_00241

What creates advantage in the "social era"?


Journal Article

Innovation in Taiwan: what is next?

Kastelle, Tim, Hu, Mei-Chih and Dodgson, Mark (2013). Innovation in Taiwan: what is next?. Innovation-Management Policy and Practice, 15 (4), 396-404. doi: 10.5172/impp.2013.15.4.396

Innovation in Taiwan: what is next?


Journal Article

Long road from bright idea to wealth

Kastelle, Tim (2013, 11 16). Long road from bright idea to wealth The Australian

Long road from bright idea to wealth


Journal Article

Conceptualising "coupling" for sustainability implementation in the industrial sector: a review of the field and projection of future research opportunities

Kunz, N. C., Moran, C. J. and Kastelle, T. (2013). Conceptualising "coupling" for sustainability implementation in the industrial sector: a review of the field and projection of future research opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 53, 69-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.03.040

Conceptualising "coupling" for sustainability implementation in the industrial sector: a review of the field and projection of future research opportunities


Journal Article

Implementing an integrated approach to water management by matching problem complexity with management responses: a case study of a mine site water committee

Kunz, N. C., Moran, C. J. and Kastelle, T. (2013). Implementing an integrated approach to water management by matching problem complexity with management responses: a case study of a mine site water committee. Journal of Cleaner Production, 52, 362-373. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.03.018

Implementing an integrated approach to water management by matching problem complexity with management responses: a case study of a mine site water committee


Journal Article

The importance of trade in economic development: Australia in the international trade network

Kastelle, Tim and Liesch, Peter W. (2013). The importance of trade in economic development: Australia in the international trade network. International Studies of Management and Organization, 43 (2), 6-29. doi: 10.2753/IMO0020-8825430201

The importance of trade in economic development: Australia in the international trade network


Journal Article

Abstract knowledge and reified financial innovation: building wisdom and ethics into financial innovation networks

Rooney, David, Mandeville, Tom and Kastelle, Tim (2012). Abstract knowledge and reified financial innovation: building wisdom and ethics into financial innovation networks. Journal of Business Ethics, 118 (3), 447-459. doi: 10.1007/s10551-012-1595-9

Abstract knowledge and reified financial innovation: building wisdom and ethics into financial innovation networks


Journal Article

Thinking, Fast and Slow: great for practitioners but not so great for academics

Steen, John and Kastelle, Tim (2012). Thinking, Fast and Slow: great for practitioners but not so great for academics. Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, 30 (4), 465-467. doi: 10.1080/08109028.2012.741194

Thinking, Fast and Slow: great for practitioners but not so great for academics


Journal Article

Reflections on the CEEC Workshop: flotation makes for a pretty interesting innovation story

Kastelle, Tim (2012). Reflections on the CEEC Workshop: flotation makes for a pretty interesting innovation story. Newsletter for the Coalition for Eco-Efficient Comminution.

Reflections on the CEEC Workshop: flotation makes for a pretty interesting innovation story


Journal Article

The role of networks in small and medium-sized enterprise innovation and firm performance

Gronum, Sarel, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kastelle, Tim (2012). The role of networks in small and medium-sized enterprise innovation and firm performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 50 (2), 257-282. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-627X.2012.00353.x

The role of networks in small and medium-sized enterprise innovation and firm performance


Journal Article

Ten ways social media can transform education: Tim Kastelle's pick

Kastelle, Tim (2011). Ten ways social media can transform education: Tim Kastelle's pick. The Australian.

Ten ways social media can transform education: Tim Kastelle's pick