2019 Journal Article Using Common Determinants of Out-of-Home Care to Profile Parents of Children and Adolescents with a Disability: an Exploratory StudyVassos, Maria, Nankervis, Karen, Gavidia-Payne, Susana and Chan, Jeffrey (2019). Using Common Determinants of Out-of-Home Care to Profile Parents of Children and Adolescents with a Disability: an Exploratory Study. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3 (3), 267-280. doi: 10.1007/s41252-019-00108-y |
2019 Other Outputs Defining the work of a disability support worker in Australia: A review of the work roleVassos, Maria V., Nankervis, Karen L. and Chan, Jeffrey (2019). Defining the work of a disability support worker in Australia: A review of the work role. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17156.35206 |
2019 Journal Article Clinical governance climate within disability service organizations from the perspective of allied health professionals: clinical governance climateVassos, Maria, Nankervis, Karen and Chan, Jeffrey (2019). Clinical governance climate within disability service organizations from the perspective of allied health professionals: clinical governance climate. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 16 (1), 67-77. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12281 |
2019 Conference Publication The affective impact of inclusive secondary mathematics for learners with Down syndrome: "I just love it!"Faragher, Rhonda, Beswick, Kim, Cuskelly, Monica and Nankervis, Karen (2019). The affective impact of inclusive secondary mathematics for learners with Down syndrome: "I just love it!". Mathematics Education Research: Impacting Practice (Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia), Perth, WA Australia, 1-4 July 2019. Perth: MERGA. |
2018 Journal Article Severity of cognitive disability and mental health court determinations about fitness to stand trialYoung, J T, Davis, F J, Wardale, S, Vassos, M, van Dooren, K, Nankervis, K and Lennox, N G (2018). Severity of cognitive disability and mental health court determinations about fitness to stand trial. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62 (2), 126-139. doi: 10.1111/jir.12468 |
2018 Conference Publication The early response tool: development and initial psychometric evaluationVassos, M. and Nankervis, K. (2018). The early response tool: development and initial psychometric evaluation. 5th International IASSIDD Europe Congress, Athens, Greece, 17-20 July 2018. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1111/jar.12481 |
2017 Journal Article Can the job demand-control-(support) model predict disability support worker burnout and work engagement?Vassos, Maria, Nankervis, Karen, Skerry, Trevor and Lante, Kerrie (2017). Can the job demand-control-(support) model predict disability support worker burnout and work engagement?. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 44 (2), 1-11. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2017.1310818 |
2016 Journal Article The outcome of a statewide audit of the quality of positive behaviour support plansWardale, Simon, Davis, Fiona, Vassos, Maria and Nankervis, Karen (2016). The outcome of a statewide audit of the quality of positive behaviour support plans. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 43 (2), 1-11. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2016.1254736 |
2016 Conference Publication The development of the Early Response Tool: A brief historySteel, L., Brown, R., Nankervis, K. and Vassos, M. (2016). The development of the Early Response Tool: A brief history. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL. |
2016 Conference Publication Can the job demand-control-(support) model explain disability support worker burnout and work engagement?Vassos, M., Nankervis, K., Skerry, T. and Lante, K. (2016). Can the job demand-control-(support) model explain disability support worker burnout and work engagement?. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL. |
2016 Conference Publication Findings from the pilot implementation of the Early Response ToolSteel, L., Brown, R., Nankervis, K. and Vassos, M. (2016). Findings from the pilot implementation of the Early Response Tool. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL. |
2016 Conference Publication The development of an 'easy to use' version of an evaluation tool to determine the quality of positive behaviour support plansDavis, F., Wardale, S., Vassos, M. and Nankervis, K. (2016). The development of an 'easy to use' version of an evaluation tool to determine the quality of positive behaviour support plans. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL. |
2016 Conference Publication Does severity of intellectual and developmental disability predict Mental Health Court decisions about fitness to stand trial?Young, J., Davis, F., Van Dooren, K., Wardale, S., Vassos, M., Nankervis, K. and Lennox, N. (2016). Does severity of intellectual and developmental disability predict Mental Health Court decisions about fitness to stand trial?. 2016 IASSIDD World Congress, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 15-19 August 2016. Hoboken, NJ United States: Wiley-Blackwell. |
2016 Conference Publication Clinical governance: a relevant clinical practice framework to prevent the use of restrictive practicesNankervis, K., Vassos, M. and Chan, J. (2016). Clinical governance: a relevant clinical practice framework to prevent the use of restrictive practices. IASSIDD 15th World Congress, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15-19 August 2016. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.12305 |
2016 Conference Publication Training outcomes in positive behaviour supportsDavis, F. and Nankervis, K. (2016). Training outcomes in positive behaviour supports. IASSIDD 15th World Congress, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15-19 August 2016. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.12305 |
2016 Conference Publication How do Australian disability support organisations describe the disability support worker position?Vassos, M., Nankervis, K. and Chan, J. (2016). How do Australian disability support organisations describe the disability support worker position?. IASSIDD 15th World Congress, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15-19 August 2016. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.12305 |
2016 Conference Publication Profiling the psychosocial experiences of parents of children with disabilities on factors related to out-of-home careVassos, M., Nankervis, K., Gavidia-Payne, S. and Chan, J. (2016). Profiling the psychosocial experiences of parents of children with disabilities on factors related to out-of-home care. IASSIDD 15th World Congress, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15-19 August 2016. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. |
2015 Journal Article Stolen voices: Facilitated Communication is an abuse of human rightsChan, Jeffrey and Nankervis, Karen (2015). Stolen voices: Facilitated Communication is an abuse of human rights. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 8 (3), 151-156. doi: 10.1080/17489539.2014.1001549 |
2015 Journal Article Population statistics as a source of intellectual disability data and possible indicators of co-occurring challenging behaviours in Indigenous adultsCarroll, Michael, Townsend, Clare, Brown, Alinta and Nankervis, Karen (2015). Population statistics as a source of intellectual disability data and possible indicators of co-occurring challenging behaviours in Indigenous adults. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 40 (3), 304-308. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2015.1041465 |
2015 Other Outputs Profiling the experiences of parents of children and adolescents with disabilities on psychosocial factors related to out-of-home care. Report of key findings for YoorallaVassos, M., Nankervis, K., Gavidia-Payne, S. and Chan, J. (2015). Profiling the experiences of parents of children and adolescents with disabilities on psychosocial factors related to out-of-home care. Report of key findings for Yooralla. Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Yooralla. |