2010 Book Chapter Gender, health and health behaviorsLee, Christina (2010). Gender, health and health behaviors. Handbook of gender research in psychology. Volume 2. Gender research in social and applied psychology. (pp. 471-493) edited by Joan C. Chrisler and Donald R. McCreary. New York, U.S.: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1467-5_20 |
2007 Book Chapter Men's HealthLee, Christina E. and Owens, G. (2007). Men's Health. Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine. (pp. 132-136) edited by Ayers, S., Baum, A., McManus, C., Newman, S. and et al. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511543579.029 |
2004 Book Chapter Grandmothers on the move: Benefits, barriers and best practice interventions for physical activity in older womenBrown, W. J. and Lee, C. (2004). Grandmothers on the move: Benefits, barriers and best practice interventions for physical activity in older women. Optimizing Exercise and Physical Activity in Older People. (pp. 26-37) edited by M.E. Morris and A.M.M. Schoo. Edinburgh: Butterworth Heinemman. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-7506-5479-1.50005-4 |
2001 Book Chapter Psychosocial aspects of gynecological healthLee, Christina (2001). Psychosocial aspects of gynecological health. International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. (pp. 6448-6451) edited by Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes. New York: Elsevier. |
2001 Book Chapter Family caregiving: A gender-based analysis of women's experiencesLee, Christina (2001). Family caregiving: A gender-based analysis of women's experiences. Chronic and terminal illness: New perspectives on caring and carers.. (pp. 123-139) edited by Sheila Payne and Caroline Ellis-Hill. Oxford , U.K.: Oxford University Press. |
2000 Book Chapter Psychology of women's health: A critique.Lee, Christina (2000). Psychology of women's health: A critique.. Women's health: Contemporary international perspectives.. (pp. 26-39) edited by Jane Ussher. Leicester, UK: British Psychological Society. |
1997 Book Chapter Changing exercise and dietLee, Christina and Brown, Wendy J (1997). Changing exercise and diet. Medical consultation skills : Behavioural and interpersonal dimensions of health care. (pp. 153-189) edited by Mathew R. Sanders, Charles A. Mitchel and Gerard Byrne. Melbourne: Addison-Wesley. |
1986 Book Chapter Evaluating programs to reduce health risk: Creative compromiseOwen, Neville and Lee, Christina (1986). Evaluating programs to reduce health risk: Creative compromise. The skills of evaluation : Proceedings of the second National Evaluation Conference held at the University of Melbourne, 26th and 27th of July, 1984. (pp. 357-361) edited by Anona F. Armstrong. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. |
1986 Book Chapter Maintaining exercise for healthLee, Christina and Owen, Neville (1986). Maintaining exercise for health. Health care : A behavioural approach. (pp. 175-184) edited by Neville King and Andrew Remenyi. Sydney: Grune and Stratton. |
1986 Book Chapter Learning theories in health careLee, Christina (1986). Learning theories in health care. Health care : A behavioural approach. (pp. 27-32) edited by Neville King and Andrew Remenyi. Sydney: Grune and Stratton. |
1985 Book Chapter Uses of theories of behaviour change in health promotion.Owen, Neville and Lee, Christina (1985). Uses of theories of behaviour change in health promotion.. Promoting health: Current issues in health promotion. (pp. 16-34) edited by J Hall. Sydney: Westmead Centre. |
1980 Book Chapter Duralibility of risk factor changeLee, Christina, Owen, Neville and Innes, J. M. (1980). Duralibility of risk factor change. Behavioural Medicine. (pp. 221-230) edited by J.W.G. Tiller and P.R. Martin.. Sydney: Ciba-Geigy. |