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Journal Article

Symbiodinium genomes reveal adaptive evolution of functions related to coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis

Liu, Huanle, Stephens, Timothy G., González-Pech, Raúl A., Beltran, Victor H., Lapeyre, Bruno, Bongaerts, Pim, Cooke, Ira, Aranda, Manuel, Bourne, David G., Forêt, Sylvain, Miller, David J., van Oppen, Madeleine J. H., Voolstra, Christian R., Ragan, Mark A. and Chan, Cheong Xin (2018). Symbiodinium genomes reveal adaptive evolution of functions related to coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Communications Biology, 1 (1) 95, 95. doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0098-3

Symbiodinium genomes reveal adaptive evolution of functions related to coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis


Journal Article

Selection of reference genes for transcript profiling of Sargassum polycystum by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction

Sim, Mei-Chea, Chan, Cheong Xin, Ho, Chai-Ling and Phang, Siew-Moi (2018). Selection of reference genes for transcript profiling of Sargassum polycystum by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction. Phycological Research, 66 (4), 247-252. doi: 10.1111/pre.12328

Selection of reference genes for transcript profiling of Sargassum polycystum by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction


Journal Article

Analysis of the draft genome of the red seaweed Gracilariopsis chorda provides insights into genome size evolution in Rhodophyta

Lee, JunMo, Yang, Eun Chan, Graf, Louis, Yang, Ji Hyun, Qiu, Huan, Zel Zion, Udi, Chan, Cheong Xin, Stephens, Timothy G., Weber, Andreas P. M., Boo, Ga Hun, Boo, Sung Min, Kim, Kyeong Mi, Shin, Younhee, Jung, Myunghee, Lee, Seung Jae, Yim, Hyung-Soon, Lee, Jung-Hyun, Bhattacharya, Debashish and Yoon, Hwan Su (2018). Analysis of the draft genome of the red seaweed Gracilariopsis chorda provides insights into genome size evolution in Rhodophyta. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (8), 1869-1886. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy081

Analysis of the draft genome of the red seaweed Gracilariopsis chorda provides insights into genome size evolution in Rhodophyta


Journal Article

Active host response to algal symbionts in the sea slug Elysia chlorotica

Chan, Cheong Xin, Vaysberg, Pavel, Price, Dana C, Pelletreau, Karen N, Rumpho, Mary E and Bhattacharya, Debashish (2018). Active host response to algal symbionts in the sea slug Elysia chlorotica. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (7), 1706-1711. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy061

Active host response to algal symbionts in the sea slug Elysia chlorotica


Journal Article

Plastid phylogenomics with broad taxon sampling further elucidates the distinct evolutionary origins and timing of secondary green plastids

Jackson, Christopher, Knoll, Andrew H, Chan, Cheong Xin and Verbruggen, Heroen (2018). Plastid phylogenomics with broad taxon sampling further elucidates the distinct evolutionary origins and timing of secondary green plastids. Scientific reports, 8 (1) 1523, 1523. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18805-w

Plastid phylogenomics with broad taxon sampling further elucidates the distinct evolutionary origins and timing of secondary green plastids


Journal Article

Deciphering the nature of the coral-Chromera association

Mohamed, Amin R., Cumbo, Vivian R., Harii, Saki, Shinzato, Chuya, Chan, Cheong Xin, Ragan, Mark A., Satoh, Nori, Ball, Eldon E. and Miller, David J. (2018). Deciphering the nature of the coral-Chromera association. The ISME Journal, 12 (3), 776-790. doi: 10.1038/s41396-017-0005-9

Deciphering the nature of the coral-Chromera association


Journal Article

Signatures of adaptation and symbiosis in genomes and transcriptomes of Symbiodinium

González-Pech, Raúl A., Ragan, Mark A. and Chan, Cheong Xin (2017). Signatures of adaptation and symbiosis in genomes and transcriptomes of Symbiodinium. Scientific Reports, 7 (15021) 15021, 15021. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15029-w

Signatures of adaptation and symbiosis in genomes and transcriptomes of Symbiodinium


Journal Article

Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution

Brodie, Juliet, Ball, Steven G., Bouget, François-Yves, Chan, Cheong Xin, De Clerck, Olivier, Cock, J. Mark, Gachon, Claire, Grossman, Arthur R., Mock, Thomas, Raven, John A., Saha, Mahasweta, Smith, Alison G., Vardi, Assaf, Yoon, Hwan Su and Bhattacharya, Debashish (2017). Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution. New Phytologist, 216 (3), 670-681. doi: 10.1111/nph.14760

Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution


Journal Article

The algal revolution

Brodie, Juliet, Chan, Cheong Xin, De Clerck, Olivier, Cock, J. Mark, Coelho, Susana M., Gachon, Claire, Grossman, Arthur R., Mock, Thomas, Raven, John A., Smith, Alison S., Yoon, Hwan Su and Bhattacharya, Debashish (2017). The algal revolution. Trends in Plant Science, 22 (8), 726-738. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2017.05.005

The algal revolution


Journal Article

Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)

Brawley, Susan H., Blouin, Nicolas A., Ficko-Blean, Elizabeth, Wheeler, Glen L., Lohr, Martin, Goodson, Holly V., Jenkins, Jerry W., Blaby-Haas, Crysten E., Helliwell, Katherine E., Chan, Cheong Xin, Marriage, Tara N., Bhattacharya, Debashish, Klein, Anita S., Badis, Yacine, Brodie, Juliet, Cao, Yuanyu, Collén, Jonas, Dittami, Simon M., Gachon, Claire M. M., Green, Beverley R., Karpowicz, Steven J., Kim, Jay W., Kudahl, Ulrich Johan, Lin, Senjie, Michel, Gurvan, Mittag, Maria, Olson, Bradley J. S. C., Pangilinan, Jasmyn L., Peng, Yi ... Prochnik, Simon E. (2017). Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (31), E6361-E6370. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1703088114

Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)


Journal Article

Recapitulating phylogenies using k-mers: from trees to networks [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

Bernard, Guillaume, Ragan, Mark A. and Chan, Cheong Xin (2016). Recapitulating phylogenies using k-mers: from trees to networks [version 2; referees: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 5 (2789) 2789, 2789. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.10225.2

Recapitulating phylogenies using k-mers: from trees to networks [version 2; referees: 2 approved]


Journal Article

The transcriptomic response of the coral Acropora digitifera to a competent Symbiodinium strain: the symbiosome as an arrested early phagosome

Mohamed, A. R., Cumbo, V., Harii, S., Shinzato,C., Chan, C. X., Ragan, M. A., Bourne, D. G., Willis, B. L., Ball, E. E., Satoh, N. and Miller, D. J. (2016). The transcriptomic response of the coral Acropora digitifera to a competent Symbiodinium strain: the symbiosome as an arrested early phagosome. Molecular Ecology, 25 (13), 3127-3141. doi: 10.1111/mec.13659

The transcriptomic response of the coral Acropora digitifera to a competent Symbiodinium strain: the symbiosome as an arrested early phagosome


Journal Article

Alignment-free microbial phylogenomics under scenarios of sequence divergence, genome rearrangement and lateral genetic transfer

Bernard, Guillaume, Chan, Cheong Xin and Ragan, Mark A. (2016). Alignment-free microbial phylogenomics under scenarios of sequence divergence, genome rearrangement and lateral genetic transfer. Scientific Reports, 6 (1) 28970, 28970.1-28970.12. doi: 10.1038/srep28970

Alignment-free microbial phylogenomics under scenarios of sequence divergence, genome rearrangement and lateral genetic transfer


Journal Article

PhySortR: a fast, flexible tool for sorting phylogenetic trees in R

Stephens, Timothy, Bhattacharya, Debashish, Ragan, Mark A. and Chan, Cheong Xin (2016). PhySortR: a fast, flexible tool for sorting phylogenetic trees in R. PeerJ, 4 (5) e2038, e2038.1-e2038.13. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2038

PhySortR: a fast, flexible tool for sorting phylogenetic trees in R


Journal Article

The ReFuGe 2020 Consortium—using “omics” approaches to explore the adaptability and resilience of coral holobionts to environmental change

ReFuGe 2020 Consortium, Voolstra, Christian R, Miller, David J., Ragan, Mark A., Hoffmann, Ary A., Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Bourne, David G., Ball, Eldon E., Ying, Hua, Forêt, Sylvain, Takahashi, Shunichi, Weynberg, Karen D., van Oppen, Madeleine J. H., Morrow, Kathleen, Chan, Cheong Xin, Rosic, Nedeljka, Leggat, William, Sprungala, Susanne, Imelfort, Michael, Tyson, Gene W., Kassahn, Karin S., Lundgren, Petra B., Beeden, Roger J., Ravasi, Timothy, Berumen, Michael L., Abal, Eva and Fyffe, Theresa (2015). The ReFuGe 2020 Consortium—using “omics” approaches to explore the adaptability and resilience of coral holobionts to environmental change. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2 (Art No.: 68) 68. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00068

The ReFuGe 2020 Consortium—using “omics” approaches to explore the adaptability and resilience of coral holobionts to environmental change


Journal Article

Inferring phylogenies of evolving sequences without multiple sequence alignment

Chan, Cheong Xin, Bernard, Guillaume, Poirion, Olivier, Hogan, James M. and Ragan, Mark A. (2014). Inferring phylogenies of evolving sequences without multiple sequence alignment. Scientific Reports, 4 (3) 6504, e6504.1-e6504.9. doi: 10.1038/srep06504

Inferring phylogenies of evolving sequences without multiple sequence alignment


Journal Article

Molecular phylogenetics before sequences : oligonucleotide catalogs as k-mer spectra

Ragan, Mark A., Bernard, Guillaume and Chan, Cheong Xin (2014). Molecular phylogenetics before sequences : oligonucleotide catalogs as k-mer spectra. RNA Biology, 11 (3), 176-185. doi: 10.4161/rna.27505

Molecular phylogenetics before sequences : oligonucleotide catalogs as k-mer spectra


Journal Article

A new species of Burkholderia isolated from sugarcane roots promotes plant growth

Paungfoo-Lonhienne, Chanyarat, Lonhienne, Thierry G. A., Yeoh, Yun Kit, Webb, Richard I., Lakshmanan, Prakash, Chan, Cheong Xin, Lim, Phaik-Eem, Ragan, Mark A., Schmidt, Susanne and Hugenholtz, Philip (2014). A new species of Burkholderia isolated from sugarcane roots promotes plant growth. Microbial Biotechnology, 7 (2), 142-154. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.12105

A new species of Burkholderia isolated from sugarcane roots promotes plant growth


Journal Article

Analysis of horizontal genetic transfer in red algae in the post-genomics age

Chan, Cheong Xin and Bhattacharya, Debashish (2013). Analysis of horizontal genetic transfer in red algae in the post-genomics age. Mobile Genetic Elements, 3 (6), e27669.1-e27669.5. doi: 10.4161/mge.27669

Analysis of horizontal genetic transfer in red algae in the post-genomics age


Journal Article

Foreign gene recruitment to the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in diatoms

Chan, Cheong Xin, Baglivi, Francesca L., Jenkins, Christina E. and Bhattacharya, Debashish (2013). Foreign gene recruitment to the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in diatoms. Mobile Genetic Elements, 3 (5), e27313.1-e27313.7. doi: 10.4161/mge.27313

Foreign gene recruitment to the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in diatoms