2024 Journal Article Putting ethics of care into public relations: Toward a multi-level agency modelHou, Jenny Zhengye and Johnston, Jane (2024). Putting ethics of care into public relations: Toward a multi-level agency model. Public Relations Review, 50 (5) 102495, 102495. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2024.102495 |
2022 Journal Article Materialising new forms of journalism: a process modelDoherty, Skye, Johnston, Jane and Matthews, Ben (2022). Materialising new forms of journalism: a process model. Digital Journalism, 11 (3), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2022.2087097 |
2022 Journal Article The publics of design: challenges for design research and practiceMatthews, Ben, Doherty, Skye, Johnston, Jane and Foth, Marcus (2022). The publics of design: challenges for design research and practice. Design Studies, 80 101106, 101106. doi: 10.1016/j.destud.2022.101106 |
2020 Journal Article Where public interest, virtue ethics and pragmatic sociology meet: modelling a socially progressive approach for communicationJohnston, Jane (2020). Where public interest, virtue ethics and pragmatic sociology meet: modelling a socially progressive approach for communication. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 15 (2), 79-94. doi: 10.16997/wpcc.355 |
2018 Journal Article Three phases of courts' publicity: reconfiguring Bentham's open justice in the twenty-first centuryJohnston, Jane (2018). Three phases of courts' publicity: reconfiguring Bentham's open justice in the twenty-first century. International Journal of Law in Context, 14 (4), 525-538. doi: 10.1017/S1744552318000228 |
2017 Journal Article The public interest: a new way of thinking for public relations?Johnston, Jane (2017). The public interest: a new way of thinking for public relations?. Public Relations Inquiry, 6 (1), 5-22. doi: 10.1177/2046147X16644006 |
2017 Journal Article Courts' use of social media: a community of practice modelJohnston, Jane (2017). Courts' use of social media: a community of practice model. International Journal of Communication, 11, 669-683. |
2017 Journal Article Churnalism: revised and revisited: introductionJohnston, Jane and Forde, Susan (2017). Churnalism: revised and revisited: introduction. Digital Journalism, 5 (8), 943-946. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2017.1355026 |
2017 Journal Article Mediatising politics and Australian Indigenous recognition: a critical analysis of two landmark speechesJohnston, Jane and Forde, Susan (2017). Mediatising politics and Australian Indigenous recognition: a critical analysis of two landmark speeches. Communication Research and Practice, 3 (3), 248-264. doi: 10.1080/22041451.2017.1283481 |
2016 Journal Article Who is a journalist?: changing legal definitions in a de-territorialised media spaceJohnston, Jane and Wallace, Anne (2016). Who is a journalist?: changing legal definitions in a de-territorialised media space. Digital Journalism, 5 (7), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2016.1196592 |
2016 Journal Article Moral rights: exploring the myths, meanings and misunderstandings in Australian Copyright LawCantatore, Francina and Johnston, Jane (2016). Moral rights: exploring the myths, meanings and misunderstandings in Australian Copyright Law. Deakin Law Review, 21 (1), 71-90. |
2015 Journal Article 'Loose tweets sink fleets' and other sage advice: Social media governance, policies and guidelinesJohnston, Jane (2015). 'Loose tweets sink fleets' and other sage advice: Social media governance, policies and guidelines. Journal of Public Affairs, 15 (2), 175-187. doi: 10.1002/pa.1538 |
2015 Journal Article Tweeting from court: new guidelines for modern mediaWallace, Anne and Johnston, Jane (2015). Tweeting from court: new guidelines for modern media. Media Arts Law Review, 20 (1), 15-32. |
2015 Journal Article Wikipedia as medium and model of public diplomacy collaborationByrne, Caitlin and Johnston, Jane (2015). Wikipedia as medium and model of public diplomacy collaboration. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 10 (4), 397-419. doi: 10.1163/1871191X-12341312 |
2013 Journal Article Shifting patterns in Australian newspaper writing styles: Results of a longitudinal studyJohnston, Jane and Graham, Caroline (2013). Shifting patterns in Australian newspaper writing styles: Results of a longitudinal study. Australian Journalism Review, 35 (2), 117-132. |
2013 Journal Article Breaking from tradition: developing localised discourses in an emerging global disciplineJohnston, Jane (2013). Breaking from tradition: developing localised discourses in an emerging global discipline. TEXT: journal of writing and writing courses (23), 1-11. |
2013 Journal Article Public relations literature and scholarship in Australia: a brief history of change and diversificationJohnston, Jane (2013). Public relations literature and scholarship in Australia: a brief history of change and diversification. PRism, 10 (1), 1-16. |
2013 Journal Article The news triumvirateJohnston, Jane (2013). The news triumvirate. Journalism Studies, 14 (1), 113-129. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2012.679859 |
2013 Journal Article Communicating justice: a comparison of courts and police use of contemporary mediaJohnston, Jane (2013). Communicating justice: a comparison of courts and police use of contemporary media. International Journal of Communication, 7 (1), 1667-1687. |
2013 Journal Article Shifting patterns in Australian newspaper writing styles: Results of a longitudinal studyJohnston, Jane and Graham, Caroline (2013). Shifting patterns in Australian newspaper writing styles: Results of a longitudinal study. Australian Journalism Review, 35 (2), 117-131. |