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Journal Article

COVID-19 and the failure of the neoliberal regulatory state

Jones, Lee and Hameiri, Shahar (2021). COVID-19 and the failure of the neoliberal regulatory state. Review of International Political Economy, 29 (4), 1-25. doi: 10.1080/09692290.2021.1892798

COVID-19 and the failure of the neoliberal regulatory state


Journal Article

Institutionalism beyond methodological nationalism? The new interdependence approach and the limits of historical institutionalism

Hameiri, Shahar (2019). Institutionalism beyond methodological nationalism? The new interdependence approach and the limits of historical institutionalism. Review of International Political Economy, 27 (3), 1-21. doi: 10.1080/09692290.2019.1675742

Institutionalism beyond methodological nationalism? The new interdependence approach and the limits of historical institutionalism


Journal Article

China, international competition and the stalemate in sovereign debt restructuring: beyond geopolitics

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2024). China, international competition and the stalemate in sovereign debt restructuring: beyond geopolitics. International Affairs, 100 (2), 691-710. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiae017

China, international competition and the stalemate in sovereign debt restructuring: beyond geopolitics


Journal Article

Why the West’s alternative to China’s international infrastructure financing is failing

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2023). Why the West’s alternative to China’s international infrastructure financing is failing. European Journal of International Relations, 30 (3), 697-724. doi: 10.1177/13540661231218573

Why the West’s alternative to China’s international infrastructure financing is failing


Journal Article

Explaining the failure of global health governance during COVID-19

Jones, Lee and Hameiri, Shahar (2022). Explaining the failure of global health governance during COVID-19. International Affairs, 98 (6), 2057-2076. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiac231

Explaining the failure of global health governance during COVID-19


Journal Article

COVID-19 and the pathologies of Australia’s regulatory state

Chodor, Tom and Hameiri, Shahar (2022). COVID-19 and the pathologies of Australia’s regulatory state. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 53 (1), 1-25. doi: 10.1080/00472336.2022.2106883

COVID-19 and the pathologies of Australia’s regulatory state


Journal Article

For a progressive realism: Australian foreign policy in the 21st century

Bisley, Nick, Eckersley, Robyn, Hameiri, Shahar, Kirk, Jessica, Lawson, George and Zala, Benjamin (2022). For a progressive realism: Australian foreign policy in the 21st century. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 76 (2), 1-23. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2022.2051428

For a progressive realism: Australian foreign policy in the 21st century


Journal Article

COVID-19: is this the end of globalization?

Hameiri, Shahar (2021). COVID-19: is this the end of globalization?. International Journal, 76 (1), 30-41. doi: 10.1177/0020702020985325

COVID-19: is this the end of globalization?


Journal Article

Reframing the rising powers debate: state transformation and foreign policy

Hameiri, Shahar, Jones, Lee and Heathershaw, John (2019). Reframing the rising powers debate: state transformation and foreign policy. Third World Quarterly, 40 (8), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/01436597.2019.1594182

Reframing the rising powers debate: state transformation and foreign policy


Journal Article

State transformation and China's engagement in global governance: the case of nuclear technologies

Hameiri, Shahar and Zeng, Jinghan (2019). State transformation and China's engagement in global governance: the case of nuclear technologies. Pacific Review, 33 (6), 900-930. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2019.1613441

State transformation and China's engagement in global governance: the case of nuclear technologies


Journal Article

Security governance and the politics of state transformation: moving from description to explanation

Hameiri, Shahar, Jones, Lee and Sandor, Adam (2018). Security governance and the politics of state transformation: moving from description to explanation. Journal of Global Security Studies, 3 (4), 463-482. doi: 10.1093/jogss/ogy024

Security governance and the politics of state transformation: moving from description to explanation


Journal Article

China challenges global governance? Chinese international development finance and the AIIB

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2018). China challenges global governance? Chinese international development finance and the AIIB. International Affairs, 94 (3), 573-593. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiy026

China challenges global governance? Chinese international development finance and the AIIB


Journal Article

The Development-Insecurity Nexus in China’s Near-Abroad: Rethinking Cross-Border Economic Integration in an Era of State Transformation

Hameiri, Shahar, Jones, Lee and Yizheng, Zou (2018). The Development-Insecurity Nexus in China’s Near-Abroad: Rethinking Cross-Border Economic Integration in an Era of State Transformation. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 49 (3), 1-27. doi: 10.1080/00472336.2018.1502802

The Development-Insecurity Nexus in China’s Near-Abroad: Rethinking Cross-Border Economic Integration in an Era of State Transformation


Journal Article

International development aid and the politics of scale

Hameiri, Shahar and Scarpello, Fabio (2018). International development aid and the politics of scale. Review of International Political Economy, 25 (2), 145-168. doi: 10.1080/09692290.2018.1431560

International development aid and the politics of scale


Journal Article

Beyond hybridity to the politics of scale: international intervention and ‘local’ politics

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2017). Beyond hybridity to the politics of scale: international intervention and ‘local’ politics. Development and Change, 48 (1), 54-77. doi: 10.1111/dech.12287

Beyond hybridity to the politics of scale: international intervention and ‘local’ politics


Journal Article

Global governance as state transformation

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2016). Global governance as state transformation. Political Studies, 64 (4), 793-810. doi: 10.1111/1467-9248.12225

Global governance as state transformation


Journal Article

Rising powers and state transformation: the case of China

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2016). Rising powers and state transformation: the case of China. European Journal of International Relations, 22 (1), 72-98. doi: 10.1177/1354066115578952

Rising powers and state transformation: the case of China


Journal Article

Probing the links between political economy and non-traditional security: themes, approaches and instruments

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2015). Probing the links between political economy and non-traditional security: themes, approaches and instruments. International Politics, 52 (4), 371-388. doi: 10.1057/ip.2015.1

Probing the links between political economy and non-traditional security: themes, approaches and instruments


Journal Article

Non-traditional security, political economy and state transformation: the case of avian influenza in Indonesia

Hameiri, Shahar and Jones, Lee (2015). Non-traditional security, political economy and state transformation: the case of avian influenza in Indonesia. International Politics, 52 (4), 445-465. doi: 10.1057/ip.2015.6

Non-traditional security, political economy and state transformation: the case of avian influenza in Indonesia


Journal Article

China’s “Charm Offensive” in the Pacific and Australia’s Regional Order

Hameiri, Shahar (2015). China’s “Charm Offensive” in the Pacific and Australia’s Regional Order. The Pacific Review, 28 (5), 631-654. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2015.1012542

China’s “Charm Offensive” in the Pacific and Australia’s Regional Order