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Journal Article

Lots of loss with little scrutiny: the attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia

Ward, Michelle S., Simmonds, Jeremy S., Reside, April E., Watson, James E. M., Rhodes, Jonathan R., Possingham, Hugh P., Trezise, James, Fletcher, Rachel, File, Lindsey and Taylor, Martin (2019). Lots of loss with little scrutiny: the attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia. Conservation Science and Practice, 1 (11) e117. doi: 10.1111/csp2.117

Lots of loss with little scrutiny: the attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia


Journal Article

Conserving the endangered Black-throated Finch southern subspecies: what do we need to know?

Mula Laguna, Juan, Reside, April E., Kutt, Alex, Grice, Anthony C., Buosi, Peter, Vanderduys, Eric P., Taylor, Martin and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2019). Conserving the endangered Black-throated Finch southern subspecies: what do we need to know?. Emu, 119 (4), 331-345. doi: 10.1080/01584197.2019.1605830

Conserving the endangered Black-throated Finch southern subspecies: what do we need to know?


Other Outputs

Why Adani’s finch plan was rejected, and what comes next

Hepburn, Samantha and Reside, April (2019, 05 07). Why Adani’s finch plan was rejected, and what comes next The Conversation

Why Adani’s finch plan was rejected, and what comes next


Journal Article

Climate change and biodiversity in Australia: a systematic modelling approach to nationwide species distributions

Graham, Erin M., Reside, April E., Atkinson, Ian, Baird, Daniel, Hodgson, Lauren, James, Cassandra S. and VanDerWal, Jeremy J. (2019). Climate change and biodiversity in Australia: a systematic modelling approach to nationwide species distributions. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 26 (2), 112-123. doi: 10.1080/14486563.2019.1599742

Climate change and biodiversity in Australia: a systematic modelling approach to nationwide species distributions


Journal Article

Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape

Maxwell, Sean L., Reside, April, Trezise, James, McAlpine, Clive A. and Watson, James EM. (2019). Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation, 18 e00649, e00649. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00649

Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape


Journal Article

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress

Garnett, S. T., Butchart, S. H. M., Baker, G. B., Bayraktarov, E., Buchanan, K. L., Burbidge, A. A., Chauvenet, A. L. M., Christidis, L., Ehmke, G., Grace, M., Hoccom, D. G., Legge, S. M., Leiper, I., Lindenmayer, D. B., Loyn, R. H., Maron, M., McDonald, P., Menkhorst, P., Possingham, H. P., Radford, J., Reside, A. E., Watson, D. M., Watson, J. E. M., Wintle, B., Woinarski, J. C. Z. and Geyle, H. M. (2019). Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress. Conservation Biology, 33 (2), 456-468. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13220

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress


Journal Article

How to send a finch extinct

Reside, April E., Cosgrove, Anita J., Pointon, Revel, Trezise, James, Watson, James E.M. and Maron, Martine (2019). How to send a finch extinct. Environmental Science and Policy, 94, 163-173. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.01.005

How to send a finch extinct


Journal Article

Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation

Reside, April E., Briscoe, Natalie J., Dickman, Chris R., Greenville, Aaron C., Hradsky, Bronwyn A., Kark, Salit, Kearney, Michael R., Kutt, Alex S., Nimmo, Dale G., Pavey, Chris R., Read, John L., Ritchie, Euan G., Roshier, David, Skroblin, Anja, Stone, Zoe, West, Matt and Fisher, Diana O. (2019). Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28 (6), 1303-1330. doi: 10.1007/s10531-019-01734-7

Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation


Other Outputs

To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws

Maron, Martine, Griffin, Andrea, Reside, April, Laurance, Bill, Driscoll, Don, Ritchie, Euan and Turton, Steve (2019, 03 11). To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws The Conversation

To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws


Other Outputs

Death by 775 cuts: how conservation law is failing the black-throated finch

Reside, April and Watson, James (2019, 01 30). Death by 775 cuts: how conservation law is failing the black-throated finch The Conversation

Death by 775 cuts: how conservation law is failing the black-throated finch


Conference Publication

A climate-smart blueprint for securing Australia’s biodiversity

Reside, April , Trezise, James and Watson, James (2019). A climate-smart blueprint for securing Australia’s biodiversity. Species on the Move conference, Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 22-26 July 2019.

A climate-smart blueprint for securing Australia’s biodiversity


Journal Article

Adaptation pathways for conservation law and policy

McDonald, Jan, McCormack, Phillipa C., Dunlop, Michael, Farrier, David, Feehely, Jess, Gilfedder, Louise, Hobday, Alistair J. and Reside, April E. (2019). Adaptation pathways for conservation law and policy. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10 (1) e555, e555. doi: 10.1002/wcc.555

Adaptation pathways for conservation law and policy


Journal Article

Beyond the model: expert knowledge improves predictions of species’ fates under climate change

Reside, April E., Critchell, Kay, Crayn, Darren M., Goosem, Miriam, Goosem, Stephen, Hoskin, Conrad J., Sydes, Travis, Vanderduys, Eric P. and Pressey, Robert L. (2019). Beyond the model: expert knowledge improves predictions of species’ fates under climate change. Ecological Applications, 29 (1) e01824, e01824. doi: 10.1002/eap.1824

Beyond the model: expert knowledge improves predictions of species’ fates under climate change


Other Outputs

For the first time we’ve looked at every threatened bird in Australia side-by-side

Garnett, Stephen, Chauvenet, Alienor, Reside, April, Wintle, Brendan, Lindenmayer, David, Watson, David M., Bayrakarov, Elisa, Geyle, Hayley, Possingham, Hugh, Watson, James, Maron, Martine and Legge, Sarah (2018, 11 27). For the first time we’ve looked at every threatened bird in Australia side-by-side The Conversation

For the first time we’ve looked at every threatened bird in Australia side-by-side


Journal Article

Stable isotopes reveal opportunistic foraging in a spatiotemporally heterogeneous environment: Bird assemblages in mangrove forests

Buelow, Christina A., Reside, April E., Baker, Ronald and Sheaves, Marcus (2018). Stable isotopes reveal opportunistic foraging in a spatiotemporally heterogeneous environment: Bird assemblages in mangrove forests. PLoS ONE, 13 (11) e0206145, e0206145. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206145

Stable isotopes reveal opportunistic foraging in a spatiotemporally heterogeneous environment: Bird assemblages in mangrove forests


Conference Publication

Death by 800 cuts: regulation fails to prevent habitat loss of the endangered black-throated finch

Reside, April (2018). Death by 800 cuts: regulation fails to prevent habitat loss of the endangered black-throated finch. Queensland Ornithological Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 23 - 24 June 2018.

Death by 800 cuts: regulation fails to prevent habitat loss of the endangered black-throated finch


Journal Article

Nutrient subsidy indicators predict the presence of an avian mobile-link species

Buelow, Christina A., Baker, Ronald, Reside, April E. and Sheaves, Marcus (2018). Nutrient subsidy indicators predict the presence of an avian mobile-link species. Ecological Indicators, 89, 507-515. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.02.029

Nutrient subsidy indicators predict the presence of an avian mobile-link species


Journal Article

Quantifying extinction risk and forecasting the number of impending Australian bird and mammal extinctions

Geyle, Hayley M., Woinarski, John C.Z., Baker, G. Barry, Dickman, Chris R., Dutson, Guy, Fisher, Diana O., Ford, Hugh, Holdsworth, Mark, Jones, Menna E., Kutt, Alex, Legge, Sarah, Leiper, Ian, Loyn, Richard, Murphy, Brett P., Menkhorst, Peter, Reside, April E., Ritchie, Euan G., Roberts, Finley E., Tingley, Reid and Garnett, Stephen T. (2018). Quantifying extinction risk and forecasting the number of impending Australian bird and mammal extinctions. Pacific Conservation Biology, 24 (2), 157-167. doi: 10.1071/PC18006

Quantifying extinction risk and forecasting the number of impending Australian bird and mammal extinctions


Journal Article

Queensland’s new land clearing bill will help turn the tide, despite its flaws

Cosgrove, Anita , Reside, April , Watson, James Edward and Maron, Martine (2018, 03 16). Queensland’s new land clearing bill will help turn the tide, despite its flaws

Queensland’s new land clearing bill will help turn the tide, despite its flaws


Journal Article

Using temporally explicit habitat suitability models to assess threats to mobile species and evaluate the effectiveness of marine protected areas

Welch, H., Pressey, R. L. and Reside, A. E. (2018). Using temporally explicit habitat suitability models to assess threats to mobile species and evaluate the effectiveness of marine protected areas. Journal for Nature Conservation, 41, 106-115. doi: 10.1016/j.jnc.2017.12.003

Using temporally explicit habitat suitability models to assess threats to mobile species and evaluate the effectiveness of marine protected areas