2012 Journal Article Reflections on 'The Concept of Law'Allan, James (2012). Reflections on 'The Concept of Law'. King's Law Journal, 23 (3), 331-343. doi: 10.5235/KLJ.23.3.329 |
2012 Journal Article The view from down under: freedom of the press in CanadaAllan, James (2012). The view from down under: freedom of the press in Canada. Supreme Court Law Review, 58 (Constitutional Cases 2011), 147-162. |
2012 Journal Article Time and chance and the prevailing orthodoxy in legal academia happeneth to them all: a study of the top law journals of Australia and New ZealandAllan, James and Senanayake, Anthony (2012). Time and chance and the prevailing orthodoxy in legal academia happeneth to them all: a study of the top law journals of Australia and New Zealand. Adelaide Law Review, 33 (2), 519-558. |
2012 Journal Article The three 'RS' of recent Australian judicial activism: 'Roach, Rowe' and (no)'riginalismAllan, James (2012). The three 'RS' of recent Australian judicial activism: 'Roach, Rowe' and (no)'riginalism. Melbourne University Law Review, 36 (2), 743-782. |
2012 Journal Article Why Australia does not have, and does not need, a national Bill of RightsAllan, James (2012). Why Australia does not have, and does not need, a national Bill of Rights. Giornale Di Storia Constituzionale, 24, 35-45. doi: 10.1400/201152 |
2010 Journal Article You don't always get what you pay for: No Bill of Rights for AustraliaAllan, James (2010). You don't always get what you pay for: No Bill of Rights for Australia. New Zealand Universities Law Review, 24 (2), 179-196. |
2010 Journal Article Not in for a pound-in for a penny? Must a majoritarian democrat treat all constitutional judicial review as equally egregious?Allan, James (2010). Not in for a pound-in for a penny? Must a majoritarian democrat treat all constitutional judicial review as equally egregious?. King's Law Journal, 21 (2), 233-256. doi: 10.5235/096157610792240704 |
2010 Journal Article Down Under ExceptionalismAllan, James (2010). Down Under Exceptionalism. University of Queensland Law Journal, 29 (1), 143-153. |
2009 Journal Article Tom Campbell and Democratic Legal PositivismAllan, James F.P. (2009). Tom Campbell and Democratic Legal Positivism. Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 34 (2009), 283-293. |
2009 Journal Article A public conversation on constitutionalism and the judiciary between Professor James Allan and The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMGAllan, James and Kirby, Michael (2009). A public conversation on constitutionalism and the judiciary between Professor James Allan and The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG. Melbourne University Law Review, 33 (3), 1032-1057. |
2009 Journal Article Implied Rights and Federalism: Inventing Intentions While Ignoring ThemAllan, James F.P. (2009). Implied Rights and Federalism: Inventing Intentions While Ignoring Them. University of Western Australia Law Review, 34 (2), 228-237. |
2009 Journal Article Of newspapers and law reviewsJames Allan (2009). Of newspapers and law reviews. Public Law Review, 20 (4), 251-256. |
2009 Journal Article Meagher's mischaracterisations of majoritarianism: A replyAllan, James (2009). Meagher's mischaracterisations of majoritarianism: A reply. King's Law Journal, 20 (1), 115-128. doi: 10.1080/09615768.2009.11427723 |
2008 Journal Article Jeremy Waldron and the Philosopher's StoneJ Allan (2008). Jeremy Waldron and the Philosopher's Stone. San Diego Law Review, 45 (1), 133-162. |
2008 Journal Article An Uncommon Court: How the High Court of Australia Has Undermined Australian FederalismAllan, James and Aroney, Nicholas (2008). An Uncommon Court: How the High Court of Australia Has Undermined Australian Federalism. Sydney Law Review, 30 (2), 245-294. |
2007 Journal Article Is you or is you ain't Hart's baby? Epstein's minimum content of Natural LawAllan, J. F. P. (2007). Is you or is you ain't Hart's baby? Epstein's minimum content of Natural Law. Ratio Juris, 20 (2), 213-229. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9337.2007.00356.x |
2007 Journal Article The citation of overseas authority in rights litigation in New Zealand: How much bark? How much bite?Allan, J. F. P., Huscroft, G. and Lynch, N. (2007). The citation of overseas authority in rights litigation in New Zealand: How much bark? How much bite?. Otago Law Review, 11 (3), 433-467. |
2007 Journal Article Bills of rights as centralising instrumentsAllan, J. F. P. (2007). Bills of rights as centralising instruments. Adelaide Law Review, 27 (1), 183-198. |
2007 Journal Article The paradox of sovereignity: Jackson and the hunt for a new rule of recognitionAllan, J. F. P. (2007). The paradox of sovereignity: Jackson and the hunt for a new rule of recognition. King's Law Journal, 18 (1), 1-22. doi: 10.1080/09615768.2007.11427662 |
2006 Journal Article Thin beats fat yet again: Conceptions of democracyAllan, James (2006). Thin beats fat yet again: Conceptions of democracy. Law and Philosophy, 25 (5), 533-559. doi: 10.1007/s10982-006-0004-x |