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Journal Article

Transfection and imaging of diamond nanocrystals as scattering optical labels

Smith, B. R., Niebert, M., Plakhotnik, T. and Zvyagin, A. V. (2007). Transfection and imaging of diamond nanocrystals as scattering optical labels. Journal of Luminescence, 127 (1), 260-263. doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.044

Transfection and imaging of diamond nanocrystals as scattering optical labels


Journal Article

Seeing small

Plakhotnik, T. (2007). Seeing small. Journal of Luminescence, 127 (1), 204-208. doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.024

Seeing small


Journal Article

Statistics of single-electron signals in electron-multiplying charge-coupled devices

Plakhotnik, T, Chennu, A and Zvyagin, AV (2006). Statistics of single-electron signals in electron-multiplying charge-coupled devices. Ieee Transactions On Electron Devices, 53 (4), 618-622. doi: 10.1109/TED.2006.870572

Statistics of single-electron signals in electron-multiplying charge-coupled devices


Journal Article

Optical Bloch equations and enhanced decay of Rabi oscillations in strong driving fields

Plakhotnik, T. (2006). Optical Bloch equations and enhanced decay of Rabi oscillations in strong driving fields. Chemical Physics, 321 (3), 337-340. doi: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2005.08.027

Optical Bloch equations and enhanced decay of Rabi oscillations in strong driving fields


Journal Article

Single-molecule dynamic triangulation

Plakhotnik, T. (2006). Single-molecule dynamic triangulation. Chemphyschem, 7 (8), 1699-1704. doi: 10.1002/cphc.200600028

Single-molecule dynamic triangulation


Journal Article

Imaging and sizing of diamond nanoparticles

Colpin, Y., Swan, A., Zvyagin, A. V. and Plakhotnik, T. (2006). Imaging and sizing of diamond nanoparticles. Optics Letters, 31 (5), 625-627. doi: 10.1364/OL.31.000625

Imaging and sizing of diamond nanoparticles


Journal Article

Explicit derivation of the relativistic mass-energy relation for internal kinetic and potential energies of a composite system

Plakhotnik, T. (2006). Explicit derivation of the relativistic mass-energy relation for internal kinetic and potential energies of a composite system. European Journal of Physics, 27 (1), 103-107. doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/27/1/011

Explicit derivation of the relativistic mass-energy relation for internal kinetic and potential energies of a composite system


Journal Article

Synthesis and spectroscopic observation of dendrimer-encapsulated gold nanoclusters

Linh Tran, M. L., Zvyagin, A. V. and Plakhotnik, T. (2006). Synthesis and spectroscopic observation of dendrimer-encapsulated gold nanoclusters. Chemical Communications (22), 2400-2401. doi: 10.1039/b602079h

Synthesis and spectroscopic observation of dendrimer-encapsulated gold nanoclusters


Journal Article

Simple microcavity for single-photon generation

Plakhotnik, T (2005). Simple microcavity for single-photon generation. Optics Express, 13 (8), 3049-3054. doi: 10.1364/OPEX.13.003049

Simple microcavity for single-photon generation


Journal Article

Line “narrowing” in strong optical fields

Plakhotnik, Taras (2004). Line “narrowing” in strong optical fields. Journal of Luminescence, 107 (1-4), 304-309. doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.036

Line “narrowing” in strong optical fields


Journal Article

Fluctuations and single molecules

Plakhotnik, T (2004). Fluctuations and single molecules. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 44 (4), 373-384. doi: 10.1560/M671-XH1N-7PF7-TTGF

Fluctuations and single molecules


Journal Article

Saturation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules

Plakhotnik, T, Nonn, T and Palm, V (2002). Saturation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules. Chemical Physics Letters, 357 (5-6), 397-402. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2614(02)00497-9

Saturation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules


Journal Article

Interferometric signatures of single molecules

Plakhotnik, T and Palm, V (2001). Interferometric signatures of single molecules. Physical Review Letters, 87 (18) 183602, 1836021-1836024. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.183602

Interferometric signatures of single molecules


Journal Article

Electronic energy relaxation and transition frequency jumps of single molecules at 30 mK

Plakhotnik, T, Donley, EA and Kharlamov, BM (2001). Electronic energy relaxation and transition frequency jumps of single molecules at 30 mK. Physical Review Letters, 87 (1) 015504, 015504/1-015504/4. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.015504

Electronic energy relaxation and transition frequency jumps of single molecules at 30 mK


Journal Article

Luminescence lifetimes of single molecules in disordered media

Donley, Elizabeth A. and Plakhotnik, Taras (2001). Luminescence lifetimes of single molecules in disordered media. Journal of Chemical Physics, 114 (22), 9993-9997. doi: 10.1063/1.1372509

Luminescence lifetimes of single molecules in disordered media


Journal Article

Spectral line shapes of single molecules beyond the sudden jump model

Plakhotnik, T (2001). Spectral line shapes of single molecules beyond the sudden jump model. Journal of Chemical Physics, 114 (13), 5631-5636. doi: 10.1063/1.1345721

Spectral line shapes of single molecules beyond the sudden jump model


Journal Article

Line broadening and line shifts in one- and two-photon single-molecule spectra

Walser, D, Zumofen, G, Renn, A and Plakhotnik, T (2001). Line broadening and line shifts in one- and two-photon single-molecule spectra. Journal of Physical Chemistry a, 105 (13), 3022-3028. doi: 10.1021/jp003278m

Line broadening and line shifts in one- and two-photon single-molecule spectra


Journal Article

Fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules

Nonn, T and Plakhotnik, T (2001). Fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules. Chemical Physics Letters, 336 (1-2), 97-104. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2614(01)00084-7

Fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules


Journal Article

Statistics for single molecule spectroscopy data

Donley, EA and Plakhotnik, T (2001). Statistics for single molecule spectroscopy data. Single Molecules, 2 (1), 23-30. doi: 10.1002/1438-5171(200103)2:13.0.CO;2-Z

Statistics for single molecule spectroscopy data


Journal Article

Spectral diffusion in polyethylene: single-molecule studies performed between 30 mK and 1.8 K

Donley, Elizabeth A. and Plakhotnik, Taras (2000). Spectral diffusion in polyethylene: single-molecule studies performed between 30 mK and 1.8 K. Journal of Chemical Physics, 113 (20), 9294-9299. doi: 10.1063/1.1319381

Spectral diffusion in polyethylene: single-molecule studies performed between 30 mK and 1.8 K