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Other Outputs

Mungbean phenology and yield data

Hickey, Lee, Van Haeften, Shanice and Smith, Millicent (2023). Mungbean phenology and yield data. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/0fd1ff2

Mungbean phenology and yield data


Other Outputs

Whole-genome marker profiles for durum wheat intro-selection lines

Hickey, Lee, Kang, Yichen and Alahmad, Samir (2023). Whole-genome marker profiles for durum wheat intro-selection lines. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/8b3af41

Whole-genome marker profiles for durum wheat intro-selection lines


Other Outputs

Field-based root phenotype data for bread wheat intro-selection lines - raw and pre-processed data

Hickey, Lee, Kang, Yichen and Alahmad, Samir (2023). Field-based root phenotype data for bread wheat intro-selection lines - raw and pre-processed data. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/9c3b35d

Field-based root phenotype data for bread wheat intro-selection lines - raw and pre-processed data


Other Outputs

UAV imagery for bread and durum wheat intro-selection lines selected for root traits

Hickey, Lee and Alahmad, Samir (2023). UAV imagery for bread and durum wheat intro-selection lines selected for root traits. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/24ee7f8

UAV imagery for bread and durum wheat intro-selection lines selected for root traits


Other Outputs

Mungbean UAV imagery

Hickey, Lee, Van Haeften, Shanice and Smith, Millicent (2023). Mungbean UAV imagery. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/62fc842

Mungbean UAV imagery


Other Outputs

Field-based root phenotype data for durum wheat intro-selection lines - raw and pre-processed data

Hickey, Lee, Kang, Yichen and Alahmad, Samir (2023). Field-based root phenotype data for durum wheat intro-selection lines - raw and pre-processed data. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/92c3c86

Field-based root phenotype data for durum wheat intro-selection lines - raw and pre-processed data


Other Outputs

Whole-genome marker profiles for bread wheat intro-selection lines

Hickey, Lee and Alahmad, Samir (2023). Whole-genome marker profiles for bread wheat intro-selection lines. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/3c1bbae

Whole-genome marker profiles for bread wheat intro-selection lines


Other Outputs

Can we improve the roots of durum wheat to maximise yield?

Hickey, Lee , Wasson, Anton , Kang, Yichen and Alahmad, Samir (2022). Can we improve the roots of durum wheat to maximise yield? . Center for Crop Science - Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Can we improve the roots of durum wheat to maximise yield?


Other Outputs

Genomic regions controlling the expression of adult plant resistance to leaf rust, partial resistance to powdery mildew and grain dormancy in a barley population

Lee Hickey (2012). Genomic regions controlling the expression of adult plant resistance to leaf rust, partial resistance to powdery mildew and grain dormancy in a barley population. PhD Thesis, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland.

Genomic regions controlling the expression of adult plant resistance to leaf rust, partial resistance to powdery mildew and grain dormancy in a barley population