2007 Conference Publication Nitrogen removal in microbial fuel cellsRabaey, K., Virdis, B., Clauwaert, P. and Keller, J. (2007). Nitrogen removal in microbial fuel cells. 4th IWA Leading-Edge Conference & Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 3-6 June 2007. Singapore, Republic of Singapore: IWA-International Water Association. |
2007 Conference Publication Microbial Fuel Cells: from energy generation to nutrient removalRabaey, K., Virdis, B., Clauwaert, P., Dutta, P. and Keller, J. (2007). Microbial Fuel Cells: from energy generation to nutrient removal. Ozwater Conference, Sydney, 4-8 March, 2007. Sydney: Australian Water Association (AWA). |
2007 Conference Publication Communities Driving Electricity Support Communities Thriving on ElectricityRabaey, K., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, J., Clauwaert, P., Virdis, B., The Pham, H., Aelterman, P., Blackall, L., Verstraete, W. and Keller, J. (2007). Communities Driving Electricity Support Communities Thriving on Electricity. Biofilms 2007, Quebec City, Canada, 25 - 29 March, 2007. Washingto, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology. |
2007 Conference Publication Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in a microbial fuel cell-based systemVirdis, B., Rabaey, K. and Keller, J. (2007). Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in a microbial fuel cell-based system. Bio-Energy for our Future, Brisbane, 23-27 September, 2007. Brisbane: IWA-International Water Association. |
2006 Journal Article Obtaining highly enriched cultures of candidatus accumulibacter phosphates through alternating carbon sourcesLu, Huabing, Oehmen, Adrian M., Virdis, Bernardino, Keller, Jürg and Yuan, Zhiguo (2006). Obtaining highly enriched cultures of candidatus accumulibacter phosphates through alternating carbon sources. Water Research, 40 (20), 3838-3848. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2006.09.004 |
2006 Conference Publication Obtaining highly enriched cultures of Candidatus accumulibacter phosphatis through alternating carbon sourcesLu, H., Oehmen, A., Virdis, B., Keller, J. and Yuan, Z. (2006). Obtaining highly enriched cultures of Candidatus accumulibacter phosphatis through alternating carbon sources. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, China, 10-14 September, 2006. |
2004 Conference Publication Use of stone wool by-products in the construction of sanitary landfills and tailing damsGrosso, B, Muntoni, A, Carucci, A, Cigagna, M and Virdis, B (2004). Use of stone wool by-products in the construction of sanitary landfills and tailing dams. World Environmental Congress on Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries, Istanbul Turkey, Jul, 2002. NEW YORK: MARCEL DEKKER INC. doi: 10.1081/ESE-120028397 |