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Journal Article

Fusion of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope time-series data into daily 3 m surface reflectance and wheat LAI monitoring

Sadeh, Yuval, Zhu, Xuan, Dunkerley, David, Walker, Jeffrey P., Zhang, Yuxi, Rozenstein, Offer, Manivasagam, V. S. and Chenu, Karine (2021). Fusion of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope time-series data into daily 3 m surface reflectance and wheat LAI monitoring. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 96 102260, 102260. doi: 10.1016/j.jag.2020.102260

Fusion of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope time-series data into daily 3 m surface reflectance and wheat LAI monitoring


Conference Publication

Increasing heat tolerance in wheat in West Australia

Chenu, Karine, Collins, Brian, Ullah, Najeeb, Frederiks, Troy and Christopher, Jack (2021). Increasing heat tolerance in wheat in West Australia. GRDC Updates, Perth, WA Australia, 23-23 February 2021. Barton, ACT Australia: Grains Research and Development Corporation.

Increasing heat tolerance in wheat in West Australia


Journal Article

Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity

Collins, Brian, Chapman, Scott, Hammer, Graeme and Chenu, Karine (2021). Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity. in silico Plants, 3 (1) diab006, 1-16. doi: 10.1093/insilicoplants/diab006

Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity


Book Chapter


Miralles, Daniel J., Abeledo, L. Gabriela, Prado, Santiago Alvarez, Chenu, Karine, Serrago, Román A. and Savin, Roxana (2021). Barley. Crop Physiology Case Histories for Major Crops. (pp. 164-195) edited by Victor O. Sadras and Daniel F. Calderini. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819194-1.00004-9



Journal Article

Improving productivity of Australian wheat by adapting sowing date and genotype phenology to future climate

Collins, Brian and Chenu, Karine (2021). Improving productivity of Australian wheat by adapting sowing date and genotype phenology to future climate. Climate Risk Management, 32 100300, 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2021.100300

Improving productivity of Australian wheat by adapting sowing date and genotype phenology to future climate


Conference Publication

Wheat yield prediction using fused CubeSat and Sentinel-2 imagery

Sadeh, Y., Zhu, X., Dunkerley, D., Walker, J. P. and Chenu, K. (2021). Wheat yield prediction using fused CubeSat and Sentinel-2 imagery. European Conference on Precision Agriculture , Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 July 2021. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-916-9_69

Wheat yield prediction using fused CubeSat and Sentinel-2 imagery


Conference Publication

Sentinel-2 and Planetscope Data Fusion into Daily 3 M Images for Leaf Area Index Monitoring

Sadeh, Yuval, Zhu, Xuan, Dunkerley, David, Walker, Jeffrey P., Zhang, Yuxi, Rozenstein, Offer, Manivasagam, V. S. and Chenu, Karine (2020). Sentinel-2 and Planetscope Data Fusion into Daily 3 M Images for Leaf Area Index Monitoring. IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Waikoloa, HI United States, 26 September - 2 October 2020. Piscataway, NJ United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324336

Sentinel-2 and Planetscope Data Fusion into Daily 3 M Images for Leaf Area Index Monitoring


Journal Article

Variation in Australian durum wheat germplasm for productivity traits under irrigated and rainfed conditions: genotype performance for agronomic traits and benchmarking

Kadkol, Gururaj, Smith, Alison, Cullis, Brian and Chenu, Karine (2020). Variation in Australian durum wheat germplasm for productivity traits under irrigated and rainfed conditions: genotype performance for agronomic traits and benchmarking. Journal of Agricultural Science, 158 (6), 479-495. doi: 10.1017/S0021859620000817

Variation in Australian durum wheat germplasm for productivity traits under irrigated and rainfed conditions: genotype performance for agronomic traits and benchmarking


Journal Article

Early vigour in wheat: could it lead to more severe terminal drought stress under elevated atmospheric [CO2] and semi‐arid conditions?

Bourgault, Maryse, Webber, Heidi A., Chenu, Karine, O’Leary, Garry J., Gaiser, Thomas, Siebert, Stefan, Dreccer, Fernanda, Huth, Neil, Fitzgerald, Glenn J., Tausz, Michael and Ewert, Frank (2020). Early vigour in wheat: could it lead to more severe terminal drought stress under elevated atmospheric [CO2] and semi‐arid conditions?. Global Change Biology, 26 (7) gcb.15128, 4079-4093. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15128

Early vigour in wheat: could it lead to more severe terminal drought stress under elevated atmospheric [CO2] and semi‐arid conditions?


Journal Article

Heat shocks increasingly impede grain filling but have little effect on grain setting across the Australian wheatbelt

Ababaei, Behnam and Chenu, Karine (2020). Heat shocks increasingly impede grain filling but have little effect on grain setting across the Australian wheatbelt. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 284 107889, 107889. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107889

Heat shocks increasingly impede grain filling but have little effect on grain setting across the Australian wheatbelt


Conference Publication

Integrating crop modelling, physiology and genetics to aid crop improvement in changing environments

Chenu, K., Harris, C. and Ababaei, B. (2020). Integrating crop modelling, physiology and genetics to aid crop improvement in changing environments. iCROPM, Montpellier, France, 3-7 October 2020.

Integrating crop modelling, physiology and genetics to aid crop improvement in changing environments


Conference Publication

Estimating daily leaf area index with a 3m resolution using CubeSats satellites

Sadeh, Y., Zhu, X., Dunkerley, D., Walker, J.P., Zhange, Y., Rozenstein, O., Manivasagam, V.S. and Chenu, K. (2020). Estimating daily leaf area index with a 3m resolution using CubeSats satellites. 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture , Minneapolis, MN United States, 29 June - 1 July 2020.

Estimating daily leaf area index with a 3m resolution using CubeSats satellites


Conference Publication

Recent trends in drought, heat and frost-induced yield losses across the Australian wheatbelt

Ababaei, Behnam and Chenu, Karine (2019). Recent trends in drought, heat and frost-induced yield losses across the Australian wheatbelt. The Third International Tropical Agriculture Conference TropAg 2019 , Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036005

Recent trends in drought, heat and frost-induced yield losses across the Australian wheatbelt


Journal Article

From QTLs to adaptation landscapes: using genotype-to-phenotype models to characterize G×E over time

Bustos-Korts, Daniela, Malosetti, Marcos, Chenu, Karine, Chapman, Scott, Boer, Martin P., Zheng, Bangyou and van Eeuwijk, Fred A. (2019). From QTLs to adaptation landscapes: using genotype-to-phenotype models to characterize G×E over time. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10 1540, 1540. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01540

From QTLs to adaptation landscapes: using genotype-to-phenotype models to characterize G×E over time


Journal Article

Combining crop growth modeling and statistical genetic modeling to evaluate phenotyping strategies

Bustos-Korts, Daniela, Boer, Martin P., Malosetti, Marcos, Chapman, Scott, Chenu, Karine, Zheng, Bangyou and van Eeuwijk, Fred (2019). Combining crop growth modeling and statistical genetic modeling to evaluate phenotyping strategies. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10 1491, 1491. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01491

Combining crop growth modeling and statistical genetic modeling to evaluate phenotyping strategies


Conference Publication

Using high-throughput phenotyping and genome wide association study (GWAS) techniques to identify molecular markers for transpiration efficiency in wheat

Fletcher, Andrew, Kelly, Alison, Christopher, Jack, Paccapela, Valeria and Chenu, Karine (2019). Using high-throughput phenotyping and genome wide association study (GWAS) techniques to identify molecular markers for transpiration efficiency in wheat. Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia, 25-29 August 2019. Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia: Australian Society of Agronomy.

Using high-throughput phenotyping and genome wide association study (GWAS) techniques to identify molecular markers for transpiration efficiency in wheat


Journal Article

Sowing date detection at the field scale using CubeSats remote sensing

Sadeh, Yuval, Zhu, Xuan, Chenu, Karine and Dunkerley, David (2019). Sowing date detection at the field scale using CubeSats remote sensing. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157, 568-580. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.01.042

Sowing date detection at the field scale using CubeSats remote sensing


Conference Publication

Impact of genotypic variations in transpiration rate on Australian wheat productivity

Ababaei, Behnam and Chenu, Karine (2019). Impact of genotypic variations in transpiration rate on Australian wheat productivity. Wheat Breeding Assembly 2019, Adelaide, Australia, August 2019.

Impact of genotypic variations in transpiration rate on Australian wheat productivity


Conference Publication

Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments in the Australian wheatbelt

Chenu, Karine, Fletcher, Andrew, Ababaei, Behnam, Christopher, Jack, Kelly, Alison, Hickey, Lee, Van Oosterom, Erik and Hammer, Graeme (2019). Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments in the Australian wheatbelt. International Tropical Agriculture Conference (TROPAG 2019), Brisbane, Australia, 11–13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036004

Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments in the Australian wheatbelt


Book Chapter

The use of hyperspectral proximal sensing for phenotyping of plant breeding trials

Potgieter, Andries B., Watson, James, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, McLean, Gregory, Eldridge, Mark, Chapman, Scott C., Laws, Kenneth, Christopher, Jack, Chenu, Karine, Borrell, Andrew, Hammer, Graeme and Jordan, David R. (2019). The use of hyperspectral proximal sensing for phenotyping of plant breeding trials. Fundamentals, sensor systems, spectral libraries, and data mining for vegetation. (pp. 127-148) edited by Prasad S. Thenkabail, John G. Lyon and Alfredo Huete. Boca Raton, FL United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781315164151-5

The use of hyperspectral proximal sensing for phenotyping of plant breeding trials