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Journal Article

Charge transport in highly efficient iridium cored electrophosphorescent dendrimers

Markham, J. P. J., Samuel, I. D. W., Lo, S. C., Burn, P. L., Weiter, M. and Bassler, H. (2004). Charge transport in highly efficient iridium cored electrophosphorescent dendrimers. Journal of Applied Physics, 95 (2), 438-445. doi: 10.1063/1.1633336

Charge transport in highly efficient iridium cored electrophosphorescent dendrimers


Journal Article

Fast, long-range electron-transfer reactions of a 'blue' copper protein coupled non-covalently to an electrode through a stilbenyl thiolate monolayer

Armstrong, Fraser A., Barlow, Nicola L., Burn, Paul L., Hoke, Kevin R., Jeuken, Lar J.C., Shenton, Catherine and Webster, Graham R (2004). Fast, long-range electron-transfer reactions of a 'blue' copper protein coupled non-covalently to an electrode through a stilbenyl thiolate monolayer. Chemical Communications (3), 316-317. doi: 10.1039/b312936e

Fast, long-range electron-transfer reactions of a 'blue' copper protein coupled non-covalently to an electrode through a stilbenyl thiolate monolayer


Journal Article

The synthesis and properties of solution processable red-emitting phosphorescent dendrimers

Frampton, Michael J., Namdas, Ebinazar B., Lo, Shih-Chun, Burn, Paul L. and Samuel, Ifor D. W. (2004). The synthesis and properties of solution processable red-emitting phosphorescent dendrimers. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (19), 2881-2888. doi: 10.1039/b400160e

The synthesis and properties of solution processable red-emitting phosphorescent dendrimers


Journal Article

Optical amplification in a first-generation dendritic organic semiconductor

Lawrence, J. R., Turnbull, G. A., Samuel, I. D. W., Richards, G. J. and Burn, P. L. (2004). Optical amplification in a first-generation dendritic organic semiconductor. Optics Letters, 29 (8), 869-871. doi: 10.1364/OL.29.000869

Optical amplification in a first-generation dendritic organic semiconductor


Journal Article

Synthesis and properties of highly efficient electroluminescent green phosphorescent iridium cored dendrimers

Lo, S. C., Namdas, E. B., Burn, P. L. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2003). Synthesis and properties of highly efficient electroluminescent green phosphorescent iridium cored dendrimers. Macromolecules, 36 (26), 9721-9730. doi: 10.1021/ma030383w

Synthesis and properties of highly efficient electroluminescent green phosphorescent iridium cored dendrimers


Journal Article

Influence of molecular structure on the properties of dendrimer light-emitting diodes

Anthopoulos, Thomas D., Markham, Jonathan P. J., Namdas, Ebinazar B., Lawrence, Justin R., Samuel, Ifor D. W., Lo, Shih-Chun and Burn, Paul L. (2003). Influence of molecular structure on the properties of dendrimer light-emitting diodes. Organic Electronics, 4 (2-3), 71-76. doi: 10.1016/j.orgel.2003.08.015

Influence of molecular structure on the properties of dendrimer light-emitting diodes


Journal Article

Highly efficient single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes with balanced charge transport

Anthopoulos, Thomas D., Markham, Jonathan P. J., Namdas, Ebinazar B., Samuel, Ifor D. W., Lo, Shih-Chun and Burn, Paul L. (2003). Highly efficient single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes with balanced charge transport. Applied Physics Letters, 82 (26), 4824-4826. doi: 10.1063/1.1586999

Highly efficient single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes with balanced charge transport


Journal Article

Probing the polymer-electrode interface using neutron reflection

Mitchell, W. J., Burn, P. L., Thomas, R. K. and Fragneto, G. (2003). Probing the polymer-electrode interface using neutron reflection. Applied Physics Letters, 82 (16), 2724-2726. doi: 10.1063/1.1567825

Probing the polymer-electrode interface using neutron reflection


Journal Article

Polarized organic electroluminescence: Ordering from the top

Godbert, N., Burn, P. L., Gilmour, S., Markham, J. P. J. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2003). Polarized organic electroluminescence: Ordering from the top. Applied Physics Letters, 83 (26), 5347-5349. doi: 10.1063/1.1632025

Polarized organic electroluminescence: Ordering from the top


Journal Article

The effect of core delocalization on intermolecular interactions in conjugated dendrimers

Beavington, R., Frampton, M. J., Lupton, J. M., Burn, P. L. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2003). The effect of core delocalization on intermolecular interactions in conjugated dendrimers. Advanced Functional Materials, 13 (3), 211-218. doi: 10.1002/adfm.200390032

The effect of core delocalization on intermolecular interactions in conjugated dendrimers


Journal Article

Conformational disorder and energy migration in MEH-PPV with partially broken conjugation

Grage, M. M. L., Wood, P. W., Ruseckas, A., Pullerits, T., Mitchell, W., Burn, P. L., Samuel, I. D. W. and Sundstrom, V. (2003). Conformational disorder and energy migration in MEH-PPV with partially broken conjugation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (16), 7644-7650. doi: 10.1063/1.1562190

Conformational disorder and energy migration in MEH-PPV with partially broken conjugation


Journal Article

The effect of intermolecular interactions on the electro-optical properties of porphyrin dendrimers with conjugated dendrons

Frampton, M. J., Magennis, S. W., Pillow, J. N. G., Burn, P. L. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2003). The effect of intermolecular interactions on the electro-optical properties of porphyrin dendrimers with conjugated dendrons. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (2), 235-242. doi: 10.1039/b209910c

The effect of intermolecular interactions on the electro-optical properties of porphyrin dendrimers with conjugated dendrons


Journal Article

Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer (vol 81, pg 2285, 2002)

Ma, DG, Lo, SC, Burn, PL, Lupton, JM and Samuel, IDW (2002). Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer (vol 81, pg 2285, 2002). APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 81 (23), 4476-4476. doi: 10.1063/1.1524029

Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer (vol 81, pg 2285, 2002)


Journal Article

Neutron reflection study on soluble and insoluble poly[2-(2 '-ethylhexyloxy)-5-methoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene) films

Webster, G. R., Mitchell, W. J., Burn, P. L., Thomas, R. K., Fragneto, G., Markham, J. P. J. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2002). Neutron reflection study on soluble and insoluble poly[2-(2 '-ethylhexyloxy)-5-methoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene) films. Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (11), 9066-9071. doi: 10.1063/1.1468902

Neutron reflection study on soluble and insoluble poly[2-(2 '-ethylhexyloxy)-5-methoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene) films


Journal Article

High-efficiency green phosphorescence from spin-coated single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes

Markham, J. P. J., Lo, S. C., Magennis, S. W., Burn, P. L. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2002). High-efficiency green phosphorescence from spin-coated single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 80 (15), 2645-2647. doi: 10.1063/1.1469218

High-efficiency green phosphorescence from spin-coated single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes


Journal Article

Green phosphorescent dendrimer for light-emitting diodes

Lo, S. C., Male, N. A. H., Markham, J. P. J., Magennis, S. W., Burn, P. L., Salata, O V. and Samuel, I. D. W. (2002). Green phosphorescent dendrimer for light-emitting diodes. Advanced Materials, 14 (13-14), 975-979. doi: 10.1002/1521-4095(20020705)14:13/143.0.CO;2-D

Green phosphorescent dendrimer for light-emitting diodes


Journal Article

Exciton confinement in organic dendrimer quantum wells for opto-electronic applications

Lupton, J. M., Samuel, I. D. W., Burn, P. L. and Mukamel, S. (2002). Exciton confinement in organic dendrimer quantum wells for opto-electronic applications. Journal of Chemical Physics, 116 (2), 455-459. doi: 10.1063/1.1431542

Exciton confinement in organic dendrimer quantum wells for opto-electronic applications


Journal Article

Thermal routes to low HOMO-LUMO energy gap poly(arylenevinylene)s

Mitchell, William J., Pena, Christophe and Burn, Paul L. (2002). Thermal routes to low HOMO-LUMO energy gap poly(arylenevinylene)s. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12 (2), 200-205. doi: 10.1039/b107044b

Thermal routes to low HOMO-LUMO energy gap poly(arylenevinylene)s


Journal Article

Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer

Ma, Dongge Ma, Lupton, J. M., Samuel, I. D. W., Lo, Shi-Chun and Burn, P. L. (2002). Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer. Applied Physics Letters, 81 (12), 2285-2287. doi: 10.1063/1.1507826

Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer


Journal Article

Investigations of excitation energy transfer and intramolecular interactions in a nitrogen corded distrylbenzene dendrimer system

Varnavski, O., Samuel, I. D. W., Palsson, L. O., Beavington, R., Burn, P. L. and Goodson, T. (2002). Investigations of excitation energy transfer and intramolecular interactions in a nitrogen corded distrylbenzene dendrimer system. Journal of Chemical Physics, 116 (20), 8893-8903. doi: 10.1063/1.1471241

Investigations of excitation energy transfer and intramolecular interactions in a nitrogen corded distrylbenzene dendrimer system