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Journal Article

Indigenous foreign policy: the challenges of survivalism before and after the era of Western dominance

Phillips, Andrew (2023). Indigenous foreign policy: the challenges of survivalism before and after the era of Western dominance. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 77 (6), 1-7. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2023.2268029

Indigenous foreign policy: the challenges of survivalism before and after the era of Western dominance


Journal Article

International orders before and after the West, the Francesco Guicciardini prize forum

Phillips, Andrew (2023). International orders before and after the West, the Francesco Guicciardini prize forum. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 36 (6), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/09557571.2023.2274731

International orders before and after the West, the Francesco Guicciardini prize forum


Journal Article

Culture, collective imaginaries and the contested constitution of international societies

Phillips, Andrew (2021). Culture, collective imaginaries and the contested constitution of international societies. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 50 (1), 233-244. doi: 10.1177/03058298211050676

Culture, collective imaginaries and the contested constitution of international societies


Journal Article

Company-states and the creation of the global international system

Phillips, Andrew and Sharman, J. C. (2020). Company-states and the creation of the global international system. European Journal of International Relations, 26 (4), 135406612092812-1272. doi: 10.1177/1354066120928127

Company-states and the creation of the global international system


Journal Article

Global security hierarchies after 1919

Phillips, Andrew (2019). Global security hierarchies after 1919. International Relations, 33 (2), 195-212. doi: 10.1177/0047117819840807

Global security hierarchies after 1919


Journal Article

Contesting the Confucian peace: civilization, barbarism and international hierarchy in East Asia

Phillips, Andrew (2017). Contesting the Confucian peace: civilization, barbarism and international hierarchy in East Asia. European Journal of International Relations, 24 (4), 740-764. doi: 10.1177/1354066117716265

Contesting the Confucian peace: civilization, barbarism and international hierarchy in East Asia


Journal Article

The global transformation, multiple early modernities, and international systems change

Phillips, Andrew (2016). The global transformation, multiple early modernities, and international systems change. International Theory, 8 (3), 481-491. doi: 10.1017/S1752971916000166

The global transformation, multiple early modernities, and international systems change


Journal Article

Beyond the Bandung Divide: The 1955 Asian-African Conference and its Legacies for International Order

Phillips, Andrew (2016). Beyond the Bandung Divide: The 1955 Asian-African Conference and its Legacies for International Order. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70 (4), 329-341. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2016.1153600

Beyond the Bandung Divide: The 1955 Asian-African Conference and its Legacies for International Order


Journal Article

Global IR Meets Global History: Sovereignty, Modernity, and the International System’s Expansion in the Indian Ocean Region

Phillips, Andrew (2016). Global IR Meets Global History: Sovereignty, Modernity, and the International System’s Expansion in the Indian Ocean Region. International Studies Review, 18 (1), 62-77. doi: 10.1093/isr/viv029

Global IR Meets Global History: Sovereignty, Modernity, and the International System’s Expansion in the Indian Ocean Region


Journal Article

Beyond the ‘Bandung divide’? Assessing the scope and limits of Australia–Indonesia security cooperation

Phillips, Andrew and Hiariej, Eric (2016). Beyond the ‘Bandung divide’? Assessing the scope and limits of Australia–Indonesia security cooperation. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70 (4), 422-440. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2016.1153601

Beyond the ‘Bandung divide’? Assessing the scope and limits of Australia–Indonesia security cooperation


Journal Article

Issues in Australian foreign policy July to December 2014

Phillips, Andrew (2015). Issues in Australian foreign policy July to December 2014. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 61 (2), 263-277. doi: 10.1111/ajph.12098

Issues in Australian foreign policy July to December 2014


Journal Article

Explaining Durable Diversity in International Systems: State, Company, and Empire in the Indian Ocean

Phillips, Andrew and Sharman, J.C (2015). Explaining Durable Diversity in International Systems: State, Company, and Empire in the Indian Ocean. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (3), 436-448. doi: 10.1111/isqu.12197

Explaining Durable Diversity in International Systems: State, Company, and Empire in the Indian Ocean


Journal Article

Civilising missions and the rise of international hierarchies in early modern Asia

Phillips, Andrew (2014). Civilising missions and the rise of international hierarchies in early modern Asia. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 42 (3), 697-717. doi: 10.1177/0305829814535281

Civilising missions and the rise of international hierarchies in early modern Asia


Journal Article

The Islamic State's challenge to international order

Phillips, Andrew (2014). The Islamic State's challenge to international order. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 68 (5), 495-498. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2014.947355

The Islamic State's challenge to international order


Journal Article

From global transformation to big bang — A response to Buzan and Lawson

Phillips, Andrew (2013). From global transformation to big bang — A response to Buzan and Lawson. International Studies Quarterly, 57 (3), 640-642. doi: 10.1111/isqu.12089

From global transformation to big bang — A response to Buzan and Lawson


Journal Article

Australia and the challenges of order-building in the Indian Ocean region

Phillips, Andrew (2013). Australia and the challenges of order-building in the Indian Ocean region. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 67 (2), 125-140. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2012.751965

Australia and the challenges of order-building in the Indian Ocean region


Journal Article

A dangerous synergy: energy securitization, great power rivalry and strategic stability in the Asian century

Phillips, Andrew (2013). A dangerous synergy: energy securitization, great power rivalry and strategic stability in the Asian century. Pacific Review, 26 (1), 17-38. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2013.755362

A dangerous synergy: energy securitization, great power rivalry and strategic stability in the Asian century


Journal Article

The wars on terror, duelling internationalisms and the clash of purposes in a post-unipolar world

Phillips, Andrew (2013). The wars on terror, duelling internationalisms and the clash of purposes in a post-unipolar world. International Politics, 50 (1), 77-96. doi: 10.1057/ip.2012.29

The wars on terror, duelling internationalisms and the clash of purposes in a post-unipolar world


Journal Article

A rebalance to where?: US strategic geography in Asia

Bisley, Nick and Phillips, Andrew (2013). A rebalance to where?: US strategic geography in Asia. Survival, 55 (5), 95-114. doi: 10.1080/00396338.2013.841811

A rebalance to where?: US strategic geography in Asia


Journal Article

Horsemen of the apocalypse? Jihadist strategy and nuclear instability in South Asia

Phillips, Andrew (2012). Horsemen of the apocalypse? Jihadist strategy and nuclear instability in South Asia. International Politics, 49 (3), 297-317. doi: 10.1057/ip.2012.1

Horsemen of the apocalypse? Jihadist strategy and nuclear instability in South Asia